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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. that's always a problem
  2. oohh good idea!! I agree, I hate them too. I have stuck by my teams, thick and realllllyyy thin (thank you Bills).
  3. lucky! haha. My boss enjoys watching hockey, but he doesn't follow it like he follows the other two Boston teams. it's just so annoying, and I get to travel with him tomorrow :doh:
  4. My boss is a Boston Red Sox and NE Patriots fan all around, but a fairweather Bruins fan...GIVE IT A REST ALREADY, YOU'RE A FAIRWEATHER FAN! if I have to listen to "how bad the Sabres and Bills are compared to Boston teams" anymore...I might just snap...
  5. oh, and I do have 1 complaint. to the @$$hole that passed me as I pulled off to the side of the road this morning for emergency vehicles to pass, a big FUUUUUUU. 1) it's a dick move 2) it's illegal in some sense and 3) you didn't even drive the speed limit after you passed me! (43 in a 55 is unacceptable!!!!!!!!!)
  6. 1) In some good news and as a follow up to last week's complaints, the doctors found that my little sister has/had a potassium deficiency, which caused her body to some crazy things (black out, heart palpitations, etc.), but the reason why is still unknown...at least she is doing better (two heart monitors and 3 DR trips later...) 2) to KTN: that's a tough situation. One of my good friends went through this a couple years back. He ended up choosing her over his parents, and hasn't regretted it. I don't know your situation, but honestly, I think he made the right choice. His parents finally started talking to him again, and have even tried making amends with his now wife (I have no idea if his parents went to the wedding, I assume they did).
  7. Definitely good people here. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Hopefully we'll be able to get a good diagnosis (positive too) on my sister as to why her heart is doing what it's doing. she got into the cardiologist up in Syracuse, so we're headin up tomorrow morning.
  8. She's 17. Every medical professional says she needs to see a pediatric cardiologist until she is 21. Just looked the place up, that's only 10 minutes from where I work. Thanks!
  9. Corp, my condolences. I do still have a complaint though. My little sister had a "cardiac episode" at school on Tuesday, collapsed and blacked out, is having heart palpitations, with a sinus arrhythmia. We've taken her to 2 doctors, and an ER, and they don't have any idea what's wrong with her, just that she has an irregular heartbeat right now, and had low potassium levels. She's not getting better either. It is so nerve racking not knowing what's wrong. We are trying to see a special cardiologist in Syracuse, and if we can't get in soon enough, we're driving out to Buffalo's Children's (we're in Dryden, NY). :unsure:
  10. WOAH! Logic?! NO!!! :nana:
  11. At that point for me, it was my last quarter at RIT, and i was ready to GTFO! I just rolled over and took it...Not sure about your circumstances completely, but if it takes a lawyer to get what you feel you deserve, then do it. I just felt that my potential employers were *not* really gonna care about the GPA so much as the having of the degrees (to an extent of course!) Now if he had given me an incomplete and wouldn't even consider raising my grade, then we'd have a problem. or if he had given me something worse than a C... EDIT: forgot the not**
  12. I would take the incomplete and discuss it civilly with him over me getting B's on the Final Exam and our last project, and then him giving me a C becasue he didn't think I understood the underlying theories...I just finished my masters and that is what happened to me. Damn control systems... :sick: I understand the frustration, believe me!
  13. wow man... In other news: I am so sick of emailing distributors at work. I have a bachelors and masters in mechanical engineering, and just passed my fundamentals of engineering exam, and they have me doing marketing and sales stuff...so freaking bored :death: ! upside: I have a job <_<
  14. I have my FE (fundamentals of engineering) exam (1st part of the PE licensing exam) on Saturday, I just caught a cold, and my grandfather is one step away from congestive heart failure... Thank God I get paid today
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