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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. I did. I finally got that review, and I was supposed to see a raise of 6% to 10% based on performance (only raise for a long while). I ended up getting an offer for a raise of 2% (and little feedback on my performance). I'm currently in the process of asking for more money in the most professional way, or an explanation of why I wasn't even considered for 6% - 10%...I just want to be able to pay my student loans, car loan, and still be able to take the girl out to a nice dinner... Going without cable and internet for a week at home is rough...I can deal with going camping for a week without it, but when you're home, it sucks. Seinfeld is a good choice.
  2. welcome back my friends to the show that never ends... is it Friday yet? I've already spent almost 40 hours at work this week...and i'm salary so there is no compensation for the ridiculous amount of extra time I put in :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  3. true story! My only complaint today? My iTunes wasn't working for the first hour i was at work. i hate working in silence! :thumbdown: otherwise, nothing to really complain about yet today!
  4. well...congrats on finally getting that raise...I'm still waiting on mine...the one that we talked about a month ago. It seems like I'm heading for a 3 month wait like you <_< I hate student loans btw
  5. Just got out of a meeting at work. worst part is the fact that even with sticking to the agenda, I have more action items coming out of the meeting than I had going in...I'm supposed to be taking an order for this product this week or beginning of next, and it's not looking great :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: I wish the design engineers would stop playing with themselves and do their jobs...UGH!
  6. same and I agree I'm actually on the far side of Dryden
  7. I had honestly never heard of the place. Then again I just moved back home 7 months ago from school in Rochester...so now that I'm old enough to legally drink, I am looking for places out this way
  8. Yeah, definitely report back!
  9. If there is...I need a name and address lol
  10. NHL Gamecenter LIVE is still charging me, even though I was told at the end of the playoffs, they would stop. yeah it's only $20, but it's the principle... I signed up for the wrong package, they wouldn't change it, and most of the playoff games were blacked out on my laptop when I was on business trips anyways, so I no longer wanted to pay for it...and now it's the end of JULY...UGH! :cry: :censored: :wallbash:
  11. Holy balls it's gonna be hot and humid. I'm stuck in a warm office all day...and can't go enjoy my pool :(
  12. 1) people really call it twatting?!?! :doh: 2) I have seen no such news...and I think you are going to make Shrader's head explode.
  13. I love them. My favorite song is Paper Wings
  14. Yeah and that is what I don't want to happen. Thanks for the advice!
  15. :lol: :lol: Amen...amen. :beer: :wub:
  16. That's not a bad idea. I'm pretty sure I'm going to.
  17. Yeah that's rough! If you have the time and know all to do it yourself, I would highly recommend it. This way you know there are no shortcuts being taken etc. After having worked with a contractor for 3 years, I don't trust too many of them. Good luck with that!
  18. I'd have to agree. If my mom had done that, we wouldn't have had to spend the $2000+ that we've spent re doing our downstairs because of water damage. All of the exterior insulation was molded and rotten, and the drywall was molded, and the foundation was'nt finished properly, so it sweats through the floor. A lot of things that could've been found and would've saved time and money.
  19. I was due a performance review and raise after 3 - 6 months of employment at this company. The raise was anywhere from 6% - 10%, promised to be dealt out within that timeframe. well, this is month 7, and after reminding my boss a half dozen times, I got my review at the beginning of last week, and got excellent marks (this isn't the complaint part). (the complaint part): My boss isn't authorized to give me a raise, it has to come from the President of the company. President of the company has to sit down and go through everything with me. one problem: he's been out of town since last week, and planned another trip for this week and another for next week. He won't be back until Thursday of next week, when I HAVE to leave to go to a wedding up in Maine. The earliest I can meet with him is at the 7.5/7.75 month timeframe IF he doesn't go out of town again, which it is a good possibility that he may! :censored: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: My loans don't pay for themselves!!! :censored:
  20. Way to stay politically correct there buddy :lol:
  21. :doh: :doh: Depends, if you've been reading up on what TP's been doing, no...
  22. Happy Birthday...Belated...but it;s the thought that counts :thumbsup:
  23. Seriously!! I hate that! On a side note: my performance review was moved to tomorrow...The outcome of my weekend has now been left to a coin toss at work. It can either go really well and I get a large raise, or it could go really poor, and I'll be looking for another job because i don't get a raise... :bag:
  24. I have no complaints today...I went on a date last night, only to come home and find that we traded Monty's rights and for Ehrhoffs...it's a good night/day...woo On second thought...I do have a performance review at work in a few hours...hmmm
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