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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. It's not F'N Friday.... :unsure:
  2. 2 and 3 are in fact amazing...I'm personally not in a flooded area, but some friends and their families are. on another note, it's F'N Fantastic that I am leaving work in an hour! :thumbsup:
  3. That's really sad and my condolences to the family and to the neighborhood. It's a difficult thing to deal with. My close friends father committed suicide my senior year of HS (her sophomore year). He was a police officer, and showed no signs. I actually had conversation with him two days before hand and he was talking about how excited he was to go to my friends sporting event and what not. caught A LOT of people of guard. It's tough when it's someone you know, and tougher if it's someone close. Good luck with everything.
  4. The Susquehanna River flooding in Owego in '06 crested at 35.9' They're saying that this time around, it could crest soon at 40+' I guess. I didn't read it, but my buddy sent me the Press and Sun Article He's from Endicott
  5. Yeah, it's kind of crazy. Broome and Tioga Counties got the worst of it, but Tompkins still got a good amount of rain. call me selfish, but I'm super happy I'm on a hill.
  6. It took me an hour and a half for a regularly 50 minute commute today because EVERY car is being routed AROUND Ithaca. I am not looking forward to my drive home tonight, as the one street was bumper to bumper from one end to the next, and it's a pretty long road in the grand scheme of things (Route 13A). Also, me not trying to drive through the flooded streets and what not in Dryden/Freeville/Ithaca to get to work angered my boss, so he is giving me the silent treatment, after explaining to me that the girl and her boyfriend (who live on the far side of Ithaca (as in the heading to Elmira side) got to work just fine this morning. I tried explaining that I talked to her and it took her a long time just to get out of Ithaca, and that she doesn't drive across the county to get to work...he just doesn't feel like listening. UGH@! 5pm please hurry.
  7. I cannot wait for this to come back. I may go pick up the comics (graphic novels) to start reading.
  8. the last one you'll celebrate for 10 years? better make it a fun day/night :thumbsup: There's one thing that drives me nuts and it's people whistling. I don't know why, I just hate it. Add that on top of crickets chirping all day, and I'm pretty sure I would tweak. props to you for not...
  9. Here's hoping September passes by quick so the puck will drop already!
  10. Sorry...I honestly forgot that I said something in my first post...re-read it and was like wow! I look like I'm trying to get birthday wishes (not my intention). can I go home from work now?
  11. Wow that sucks man! In all honesty, I just got placed in the friend zone yesterday as well (the day before my birthday Thursday :thumbsup: ...awesome sauce). I was told that she doesn't see us being more than friends because her life is an emotional roller coaster right now, and she "doesn't want another thing to worry about." What can you do...back to fishing in the sea.
  12. It's my birthday...I really really do not wanna be here today. I have a customer trying to tell me how I should my job. :wallbash: Oh well, I plan on being hungover all day tomorrow :beer:
  13. (1) Salary Cap article from Buffalo Rumblings (2) You don't need to be spending big to win. It's an age old lame excuse for poor play. I back the Bills, I believe (not to be confused with Billieve or however people spell that) that the coaches are on the right track, locking up their players. I am starting to see the plan take shape: The defensive line is better, the linbacking corps is better, they are slowly moving piece by piece, fixing the weakest ones first. Do I think the Bills are going to become instant contenders because of this? I wish...but no. down the road will they be much better? I think so. I think I've gotten so used to watching them lose, that any progress is great progress at this point. The offense is still fun to watch, and the defense looks like it took a huge step... Either way, since I found my belief in Pegula...Football is just a holdover until the hockey regular season starts (Until the Bills start winning again, no matter if it's with or without Ralph)
  14. That would be a preferable situation. Mind you, I root for the Bills, but I am not so delusional when it comes to them. I save that for the Sabres...
  15. LMAO That was a great laugh for this afternoon. Bills fans have become like the wanderer in the desert, SO delusional!!
  16. Very true. I try to avoid my computer on the weekends, especially since I'm in front of one 85% of the day at work. <_<
  17. HAHA thanks for that...now it's stuck in my head (there's a thread for that). One more good thing: only 41.5 more days until the Regular Season! :thumbsup: (24 til preseason...)
  18. WOAH WOAH WOAH!...Woah! anyways...nobody played that Rebecca Black song today at work...which means this is one of the only few Fridays that it hasn't been played since it came out...then again, it is only 1pm. :unsure: C'MON WEEKEND!
  19. I'm dealing with the same thing today. makes for a great day...doesn't it? <_<
  20. This would bring my world crashing down. As awful as the Bills have the past 11 years, I still root for them religiously.
  21. Those were just amazing! HAHA! :lol: :lol:
  22. Same here! Felt it for a good 20 seconds here at work. Had no idea what was going on at first. pretty cool
  23. :clapping: :thumbsup: nice...
  24. How reliable is that story? That really sucks because I was really excited about that. I am excited for how Marcell looks!
  25. Woke up with borderline migraine...waited two hours and drove to work...bad choice. Missed like 3 shifts (yay manual transmissions when you're sick), and now I'm ready to leave already. Will probably call it a day sooner rather than later... :(
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