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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. HAHA nice. Have fun with that! just do Chz a favor, and stay away from the ducks. :bag:
  2. Nothing? ummm...it IS Friday...that's fantastic all in itself. In other news, I just sent in my receipts from prescriptions and allergy meds for the last 9 months for my flex spending, and I will be receiving a $250 check in the next week. I love getting money back :D
  3. There's a very dramatic difference between that team and this team. This team is a very blue-collar hardworking team. They don't take anything for granted. The coach is much smarter and knows how to play situational football. The team has a different swagger, and a different feel altogether. These guys have a connection with the fans. It feels much more promising. I remember in 2008, squeaking out some of those first few wins, I knew there was no way we could beat NE. This year, I'm pretty sure a lot of fans were very confident going into the NE game after the previous 2. I am not trying to get ahead of myself, but I think this team is on the verge of breaking through. Maybe this is the 88-89 season of this team, the almost break through year. who knows. I know that I have been on the Bills wagon for 23 years, and I'm not jumpin off anytime soon.
  4. I am at work today, fighting the cold that everyone else had last week :censored: On another work note: there is almost no one doing work currently (including myself at the moment while I type here). There are like 7 people attending a webinar thing in our conference room,my sales manager among like 2 other people are on vacation for the week, and the president and owner of the company is literally on an African safari for the week. This is a small company (talking 27 people, including the machine shop and assembly). I need assistance on a few things, including an HR question, and I have no one to get said help from, nor have I had the opportunity since I arrived at 7:50 this morning. :doh: There's not a while lot that I can/could do without said answers. such a waste of 3+ hours. :death:
  5. HAHA nice! :clapping:
  6. Since playing sports myself, I've always had superstitions. Same with skiing. I wore a certain article of underarmor one day, and I completely yard saled. haven't worn that under armor since, haven't yard saled since (I've still had my fair share of falls). Now is that saying that because of the underarmor shirt, I crashed and burned? probably not, but when it comes to doing something different, and seeing something different happen than your used to...it freaks you out. It's the same reason that when I go to Sabres games, I go to Primo's before hand, and I go to Mighty afterwards. When I don't, it seems as if bad things happen. Have they lost before when doing this? yes, but they were "blown out" the two times I didn't (Carolina loss a few years back 3-0, and a loss to Washington 4-2 [score was closer than it seemed]). I am a superstitious person by nature. I know that praying or wearing a certain jersey, or even continuing to grow my beard doesn't help the team on their playing surface. but as a FAN it makes me feel better about my team. That's just my nature and opinion.
  7. I currently have a plethora of Jersey's that were given to me as gifts: Doug Flutie, Marshawn Lynch, Pauly P, and TO. I wore the Pauly P one to most games I went to, and they actually won all but one of those. I wore the Lynch one once...never again. I only get the jersey of a player I figure will be with the team for a while. For the Sabres, I got a Goose jersey right after he signed an extension, and this past spring, I got myself a Myers jersey (needed a new non-slug jersey). I just know I'm going to a couple of Bills games this year, and I cannot go with the jerseys I have lol.
  8. My sister wants a Stevie jersey, I was leaning towards Florence (Ioriginally wanted a stevie jersey, but sinec she's getting one...SJ, Flo and Fitz have been my fave players since last year so I can settle I guess). I think I'm going to wait until next week to order them.
  9. LOL at around the third page someone brought up Nazi Germany and I quickly posted the Godwin link that was posted on the one thread here.
  10. I didn't listen to it at first, and then Isaw your response...that is catchy lol
  11. I like how Bickel just threw his gloves and just started POUNDING away at him...awesome IMO The hit was just ridiculous and uncalled for.
  12. I wanted to go get a Fitz or Stevie J jersey, but have waited... :doh: bad choice lol I think I'm gonna get one this week or next (maybe wait for another paycheck?) Either way, I am really excited about this team. Side note: I almost murdered my mother during the last minute of the game. She came into the living room, watched the last drive, and after the Personal Foul on whoever says, "when they go for the field goal, I really hope Lindell doesn't Norwood it!" I almost flipped $h1t!!! :wallbash: she's lucky Lindell made that... :ph34r:
  13. Looks like Bill has picked up the Miller WTF wave: With a little more emphasis on the wtf
  14. good question...Ralph "ain't dead yet..." :D Still in shock over the win yesterday. I wish my Boston loving boss was here today so I could harass him like he does me... :rolleyes:
  15. I'm still in shock...
  16. 1) AWESOME car choice! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: 2) All I can say is have a F'N Fantastic weekend! :clapping: :thumbsup: For me...only 3 more hours here at work! oh yeah!
  17. When I was at RIT I worked for Tech Crew (student run production company) and they were the opener for 3oh3! and Cobra starship (a few years back). I thought it was pretty nifty, something you don't see a whole lot of with many other bands. I talked to them when one of the other bands were playing and they were/are pretty chill.
  18. That's the thing. Our company is extremely generous in regards to sick time. and being a small company, everyone interacts frequently...I do not want to be sick right now...in a few weeks I could care less but with the stuff I'm doing, I need to be healthy a little longer...
  19. Hey congrats to your mom! good to hear something F'N Fantastic on a Thursday :thumbsup: For me, I went on a business trip for the beginning of the week, driving from Elmira, to Erie, PA, to Akron and Warren OH, to Pittsburgh, and then home. All of that in two days. We (my boss and I) were supposed to meet with 7 companies (6 customers, 1 Material Source). 1 of our customers cancelled as we walked into their office, another cancelled en route to their office, and many others never responded, so we ended up visiting 3 companies, and cutting our trip to just Monday and Tuesday (was supposed to go into Wed). Now today, I'm still sore from sitting in the car so much (after getting back to Elmira, it's still an hour drive back to my house), and I think I'm getting sick. I was hoping to avoid the office as much as possible because there are 3 people that are sick that are in today and were yesterday too <_<
  20. We've been close twice in the last two seasons: Last year in NE in a shoot out (NE 38-30) Year before: THE fumble...NE wins. both games extremely close. We CAN win...
  21. Not only did it not give me goosebumps, I am not fired up. Had to go back and watch the 2011-2012 videos that Chz posted to make me feel better
  22. I was just talking to a customer up in Canada, and he asked me if I was excited that football started, being American. And I said yes, but only because it's a stopgap between the summer months and Hockey to start. He laughed and agreed. *SIGH* only 21 more days... :beer:
  23. Now that's F'N fantastic :thumbsup: LOL I'm heading out to Buffalo to see my sister's soccer games this weekend, I got my Sabres tickets, and I get to leave work early.
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