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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. :lol: :lol: I think him going to IR isn't going to hurt the Bills as much as Kyle Williams still being out. Moats will be able to step in just fine I think.
  2. This just in: JP Losman just signed with the Dolphins as their #2 behind Matt Moore...per ESPN. EDIT: LINKY LINKY
  3. That was pretty bad...
  4. hahaha! niiice. It actually hasn't been played here in quite some time, which is refreshing LOL. Anyways, Today is F'N Fantastic because I am heading to Rochester after work. Heading up to go to the RIT vs Union game on Saturday and to meet up with some friends. It'll be the first full weekend I've spent up there with my friends in a while (usually I split my time between Buffalo and Rochester).
  5. Hey man stay tough. I can't give you advice about the whole girl situation, but I can tell you that when it comes to family members being sick like that, and the unknown "what's going to happen?" factor is very hard to deal with. When my Great Grandmother had a heart attack, and was very immobile and sick before she passed, it was one of the toughest times for me, and especially my sister. trying to help my sister was one of the hardest things I've done. just stay strong for your family members. And it's not sad or dumb. Everyone needs an outlet for their emotions. Mine is a mixture of sports (Sabres and Bills) and Skeet shooting. I'm not very good at shooting skeet, but it's still a nice positive release.
  6. haha thanks for that :blush:
  7. haha...just not bumped...my bad :bag:
  8. Guy here at work ran one a few weeks back, and he was hurting for a good week afterwards. I have no desire to ever run one. Good for you though.
  9. My complaint...it took this long for the thread to open. I'm a mechanical engineer by trade, went to RIT for 6 years to get my bachelors and masters in engineering. I currently work as a Sales Engineer (first sales gig ever in my life...) at a company, and it's been quite the experience so far. my biggest complaint is the disconnect between sales and engineering. Sales requests something (drawing change, layout drawing to give to a customer, installation instructions, whatever), and it takes a bunch of himing and hawing just to get them to do it. I have tried to do several of these things on multiple occasions, only to be told I'm doing it wrong, and then left to figure it out on my own. Well this time, instead of telling me I did something wrong (which I didn't come to find out), everybody basically ignored my request for a drawing change...1 week after I sent it out one of the engineers let me know that he hasn't acted on the DC request because nobody responded. 1 week...1 WHOLE WEEK! I didn't know that once I send out a request that I need to hold everyone's hand to get it done. Once it leaves my desk, it's SUPPOSED to be the engineers problem...not mine, even if I put the request in.
  10. yes, he is already on the wall.
  11. I agree, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the plot. I'm anxious to see where it's going! I don't have many other shows that i am into as much as this one.
  12. just out of curiosity, have you read the graphic novels? I haven't yet (buying a couple of the volumes tonight on my way home) but from what I've heard, people should avoid falling in love with any one specific character.
  13. I'd have to agree. I found Rick's expressions to be amusing the whole time Daryl was cutting away. Overall I liked the premiere. I was on the edge of my seat when the herd was going through, as I thought that was a really cool scene. I also like the character development and evolution that's been taking place. I can't wait for next weeks show!
  14. HAHA! Good to hear that it all worked out for you! Keep on relaxing, and enjoy the next few days! :thumbsup:
  15. Congrats! Have one for me! I'm leavin work in an hour to head to Buffalo...I think we're gonna hit up Benchwarmers next to the arena instead of Duffs...
  16. 1) Leaving work early to go to Duff 2) Leaving Duffs to go to the F'N Center (was going to go straight to F'N center, but haven't been in Buffalo in a month or so, and I need some quality wings! 3) More hockey tomorrow! :thumbsup:
  17. ahhh gotcha. I'd approve. It's a swap of Evans for Wayne straight up...Wayne >> Evans...no brainer!
  18. There was an entire thread about this at TBD too...it was established that Schefter was just talking about a few trades that he thought SHOULD happen, not saying whether they could or would. Schefter was saying that this trade was a trade that would make sense (Reggie to the Bills for fourth)...he never said this was a fact, unless you have news?
  19. or learn to eat Fiber by the pound?
  20. Amen! I cannot wait. I'm going to the Sabres game tomorrow, then the RIT game Saturday. It's what's getting me thru today HAHA! :clapping:
  21. Usually i do, you could ask a lot of my friends...I can put up with a great deal of crap most of the time. It's just that since it's been the same crap every time my boss has gone out of town for the last 10 months, the schtick has worn me down. I tend to leave work AT work, and then my home life at home. It makes everything better. Congrats on the newborn, and good luck with the house buying!
  22. I just snapped at 2 of them. I just asked them, "what the F*** do you want me to do about it? I didn't make the decision, I didn't make the drawings, if you had a problem with it then, you should've said something...THEN!" Everyone has avoided walking in the vicinity of my cubicle now...oops :rolleyes:
  23. This day cannot end soon enough. If it wasn't bad enough that my boss has been hounding me about not finishing my projects (by the way, he was doing so from the road), since he's gone, if anyone has an issue with a decision that he has made in the last 10 months (that's as long as I've been with the company), they come take it out on me, as if I'm supposed to know the reasoning behind every decision my boss (a man who has been with the company for 10-15 years) makes. I am so sick of people cornering me today trying to get me to sign off on changes to things that i have not been a part of, and then yelling at me as if it's my fault that it is that way to begin with! JEEZ PEOPLE! LAY OFF! I'm still learning!
  24. I agree. the article said they suspect the brakes were left on as they were taking off, causing the nose of the plane to dip...I highly doubt that that can be attributed to pilot error and not malfunction...
  25. I don't blame you man.
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