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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Finally back in NY. Got to see my girlfriend for the first time last night in a little over two weeks. Surprised her at her house! Now to adjust back to East Coast time.
  2. I can agree with that train of thought. What are the chances that, IF we sign Mario Williams, we look at Receiver in the first round? I am just starting to get into the draft stuff, so I haven't looked at many of the prospects, etc., so I don't know what the draft class looks like, and the depths at positions.
  3. Nobody is reporting the Mario Williams story correctly at this point. THe major news outlets said he left earlier, when in fact he really went to the airport to pick up the future Mrs Williams, and then they said that he is scheduled to leave tonight...well yeah, he's been saying all along that he has a scheduled visit with another team on Thursday from the beginning. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not reading too much into any of these rumors, and will just wait for the press releases from OBD. In other news, I wouldn't mind having manningham here! I think he could be our #2 without a problem, with Nelson #3 and either Roosevelt or Easley as the # 4, that's a decent up-and-coming receiving corp. Pile that on with our running game, and if Fitz can avoid the dumb throws, we might have ourselves a good offense...
  4. Been skiing all week up here at Killington...and couldn't ski much today. Aside from the rocks sticking out from the mountain side, gouging my skis, it's been raining and 60 all day! GAH!
  5. when I clock out at 5, I'm leaving for a 1 week ski trip to Killington... :) And to make today even more fantastic, I am finally over my cold!
  6. Time to nut up or shut up.

  7. HAHA! thanks for that one! :lol:
  8. Not what I'm eating currently, but: Just walked by one of our conference rooms and watched our guest pick his nose and eat it...yeah...yumm... :sick: I know a hand I won't be shaking...
  9. Today's complaint: people at work who complain about the amount of work they perceive someone else to be doing. I have someone here that goes around saying that I do nothing all day, and that they wish they could do what I do. news flash! you have no idea how much work I do or don't do in a day...lay off! I do plenty of work in a day thank you very much.
  10. I'd have to second that.
  11. Absolutely true! See: Torres, Raffi; and Bernier, Steve...
  12. Thanks for the input guys.
  13. Any chance Armia comes to the US to play next year, and if so, will it likely be Roc instead of Buf?
  14. this better come to fruition here soon...I have a meeting in 20 mins! I'm not going to have any fingernails left!
  15. I thought last night's episode was one of the better episodes so far in the entire series! I also have started skipping the next week's scenes. I like being completely surprised by what is coming next.
  16. working in Ft Lauderdale this week. Going to the Panthers/Wild game tonight, and gonna go to the Cheesecake Factory across the street before hand! :thumbsup:
  17. girlfriend lent me A Conspiracy of Paper by David Liss. It's a good mystery novel, kind of an easy read. Takes place in early 1700s in Britain. I got over 100 pages in just on my flights from Elmira to Ft Lauderdale. Didn't want to put it down. I'm bouncing between that and Point of Impact
  18. Bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast with a glass of Tropicana Orange juice! I haven't had cereal for breakfast in ages!
  19. are you saying there is trade activity? please explain more...
  20. Point of impact. I may look for others in the series if I like it...
  21. Just went and picked it up. GOing to be reading it on my business trip this week :thumbsup: yay for plane rides...
  22. I have not. The book I read prior was Shooter, and it was about a marine sniper. Both of those authors are very high on themselves, but to be in the profession they are in, confidence is a part of what keeps you alive, so it's to be expected.
  23. I feel as if we just had a nerd moment...please excuse me while I step to the breasts thread for a few. :D In all seriousness though, painting those was always one of my favorite hobbies...too bad school and moving got in the way. the LOTR books? I did, well I was kind of forced to. My parents used to make me read most books before their movies came out. I was actually disappointed with what was left out of some of the movies, and it just affirmed that the book is always better (IMO of course).
  24. . I used to collect the Lord of the Rings Warhammer figures, paint them, and jsut set them up (A lot of orcs and elves and what not, a few heroes, a few big pieces (trolls and what not)) and just leave scenes on homemade landscapes. Sadly, when we moved, I lost the space necessary to keep scenes set up, and haven't touched them in 4 years :/ that is a hobby I miss. Painting those was such a stress reliever. It took such concentration to paint them, that you forget what is around you, or what you were doing beforehand. Might have to start back up now that you brough that up.
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