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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Old time barbers! I went to get a haircut on my lunch break, and decided I'd try out this barber down here in Elmira near where I work. The guy was awesome, best haircut I've had in a long time, and he even trimmed my goatee, and used the single edge razor to shave the back of my neck and around my ears. Awesome! The attention to detail that he paid. It was the best $15 (12+tip) I've ever spent. I found myself a new barber, plain and simple. No more of that supercuts/mastercuts crap. Not to mention the company that's in an old time barber shop. The old timers shooting the breeze: great time, great stories. I felt like I needed a cooler of beer to just sit and listen to their stories. anyways. I digress.
  2. exactly! I don't know all of the facts, and I'm not going to pretend I do. From I what I do know, there a few options for courses of action for either party that would not have ended the same way, so from what's been presented, I can't really assign fault from my desk chair.
  3. You NEVER let them touch! ;) HAHA fantastic. I too am getting fed up with the ignorance of a lot of people, especially the more famous people that are stepping in as if they know all of the facts (i.e. Rev Sharpton...). INCONCEIVABLE! :rolleyes:
  4. In regards to your string of posts here: couldn't have said it better myself. hey, best wishes to whomever is affected by the above :(
  5. My complaint is people who who have to stick their hand into EVERY aspect of a business. Here where I work, Our head of HR is also our finances manager, as well as the Project Manager. Can you say conflicts of interest?!?! :wallbash: :wallbash: anyways. this person is late to almost EVERY meeting, and then sits and asks questions on the stuff that was already covered, and then wastes time by getting WAAYYYY off topic on a daily basis. I have submitted a complaint to my boss, and he has noted it, but also told me that there is nothing he can do as this person has more clout in the company :censored: I am getting so ##### sick of listening to this person ask stupid questions, show up late, and then try to tell me how to do my job, on top of asking trying to butt into my jobs. GAH! keep your filthy hands in your own damn cookie jar!
  6. I think Goose bringing in a first rounder was more of a situational achievement on Darcy's part than anything else. Needs/availabilities. Nashville had a need (as did a few other teams), and they were willing to pay for him. I think some of the guys on your list could garner 2nd round choices depending on the team they go to. Miller is a whole 'nother story.
  7. It may just be my opinion, but you are overvaluing some of those players.
  8. HAHA you're probably right. I remember having that discussion though when Hodgson first got here. His linemates weren't used to the passes (whether it be timing accuracy or whatever combination). Either way, I like the potential...
  9. Roy has great hands, yes, but he holds the puck too long a lot of times, and then ends up giving the puck away to an opposing player in the zone. Go back and rewatch the Toronto Games, Pittsburgh game, and definitely the Philly game. Roy seemed to have almost a giveaway per shift it'd seem during those games. He held the puck to the point where the D made him pass where there wasn't an opening and then Roy bit. Hodgson has the canny ability to make something out of nothing, and i haven't seen any quit in his game yet. He has great hands, great control, and when he passes, most of his passes were just as good if not better than Roy's. He may not be the speediest guy out there, but he makes up for it with his vision and control IMO.
  10. Crap. I need to learn how to golf...

  11. I disagree with this. A lot. Stafford needs his hand held throughout the season, we leanred that this year. As soon as Ennis and Foligno were put on his line, they in effect were holding his hand. He didn't do anything all year until placed with those two, and the amount of points those 3 racked up in such a short time was ridiculous. I don't wanna see that line broken up. Do whatever you want with Roy, but unless you have a GOOD stafford replacement that will have the same chemistry, don't get rid of him.
  12. Customers that take the "I'm always right" mantra way over the top. They make me want to drive off a cliff. I'm a fairly patient person, and can deal with stupid requests, however, consistently changing specs at the last possible second requiring us to change our drawings, procedures, and vendors more than once is such a pain the a$s! On top of that, requesting an additional process and component after a proposal is already submitted... :death: The end of the day cannot get here fast enough. For those of you working half days today...I envy you :(
  13. Our company chose to reuse old fiber, instead laying new fiber...to put it mildly, there are somedays where I drop calls left and right, and on top of that the network goes down, and it pisses me off to no end!
  14. Marcus Foligno...'nuff said
  15. I tend to forget about that. :(
  16. This is very interesting. In building a team, you do not want to build your team the way that the previous stanley cup winner was built. I.e. we don't want to build to be like Boston, just because the way they were built won them a cup. It comes down to more than the types of players. Chicago was a speed team, offensive juggernaut, same with Pittsburgh. Detroit was a defensively sound team, playing fundamental hockey extremely well. Carolina was given a gift, and Anaheim was tough. They all had different traits and strengths, and it exploited the opposition. My point is, if you're trying to build like the previous winner, you're going to rebuilding every year, never getting closer to your goal. The Sabres need to find an identity with a core (not the current one...), and build out from there.
  17. Just about done with my required work for today/this week. Aside from a quick design/manufacturing readiness review meeting a little after lunch, I'm all set to leave work F'N Fantastic. On top of that, I'm going to see Larry the Cable Guy tonight. Should be fun (altho, I need my mom's boyfriend to set up the game to tape! Yay DVR).
  18. I may have to switch to that razor. I have issues with shaving my beard, and the lady friend doesn't really like the full beard, so I shave often. I have been struggling to find a good razor over the years. Before I started dating this girl, I'd gotten to the point where I was only shaving my face for important business meetings or for holidays with the family (Grandma said I looked like a terrorist once). I never put much stock in those powered ones, but from what I was reading, it sounds pretty good.
  19. Swim class was required for us in Dryden as well, but you only took it in middle school, not HS. I too was one of those nerdy wusses, and I absolutely loved dodgeball. We had intermurals in high school, at a time where I was becoming less nerdy, and it was a ton of fun, even some of the teachers would play with us. (this was early 2000's, I graduated in '05).
  20. wow...yeah...that kind of ruins lunch.
  21. This is so sad :( :( UGH I know! That's part of the reason I stopped going in the afternoons, because that was when *they* (^) would be there.
  22. I do hate that as well, but yeah...at least they are not naked. :flirt: :sick:
  23. I hate going to the gym somedays. Not because of the waking up at 4/430 AM and whatnot, and not because of the soreness later. No, I actually like both of those. No, instead, I hate the part that comes after the workout: the awkward locker room moments. Take today for example. I walk in there to take a shower so I can get ready to come in to work. There are 4 other men in the entire gym. One of the guys came into the locker room about 30 seconds after me. He had all of his stuff in a bag that he had locked (like a little luggage lock you see at airports). This guy decided he needed a locker while he goes to shower. There are 100 lockers in the room, all of them open, minus the other 3 guys that had lockers...so 97...ok fine. He HAD to pick the locker DIRECTLY next to mine, and then completely strip. Ok fine, I get it, some guys are comfortable enough that they can walk arounda locker room naked. Great for you. What i don't get, is why he felt compelled to turn to me, and start talking to me. Just a casual conversation. I have boundaries. Being that close to me, naked, and trying to be casual...and reaching out to pat me on the shoulder? WOAH MAN! not cool! There are things you can't unsee...
  24. I'd have to agree with you. Middle of the season they looked unstoppable...now they look like a rollercoaster, you can't tell if they are on an up or a down!
  25. I hope you're right. Drury was very clutch as our captain when he was here. If Pom can live up to that standard that would be awesome.
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