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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. I spent one too many days over there arguing about that. I brought physics and engineering into the argument, I believe here as well, and it just drives me up a wall.
  2. Some women. that is my complaint. A girl I know is dating a friend of mine, and they have been together for a little over 3 years now. He is one of the nicest "nice guys" you will ever meet, and goes out of his way to help anybody and everybody. If you asked him for the shirt off his back, he would probably give it to you without hesitation. This girl that he is dating is abusing that, and treating him like ######. I hate it so much because he deserves better than that. They are both still in college, but in different parts of the state. She loves attention from guys, and has been hanging out with a ton of guys lately to fill the gap that comes with a distance relationship. She still calls Mark all the time, and asks him to do stuff for her all the time, and of course he obliges. I had to yell at him last night for being too nice. I even had my girlfriend try to give him advice. I really hope this is just a phase, because when they are home together from school, they are one of those "cute" couples and are great together. I just don't like the way she is abusing his personality. In other news, the sun is actually shining. <- not a complaint
  3. This is the most important part. If you're not far enough away from the screen, it does actually detract from the experience. Either way, it was an awesome movie.
  4. Saw Avenger's in 3D... It was probably one of the most awesome things I've seen in a long time.
  5. I too am loving what they're doing on paper...but i really hope they don't build up all of these expectations and then crash to earth in a burning heap of fail. I hope they can deal with the raised expectations this year, and overcome any adversity, and not let it get to their heads.
  6. definitely the Blue Collar mentality of the team and it fits the bill for blue collar city. These guys aren't #1 draft pick superstars, they're guys that had to work their ###### off to get to where they are, and as a team, you respect them that much more for it! They weren't handed ######.
  7. I always liked him more than Marshawn. I'm glad he's finally getting paid. He is/has been a VERY underrated player. Him and Stevie are by far my favorite players to watch since I was real young.
  8. I love this signing. The guy is a class act, on and off the field. I think he's got 3 more good years to give, especially with a late start to the career.
  9. thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry to hear that :(
  10. we had already been flagged once for blocking Tom on another of his interceptions...why take another penalty? The refs called roughing the passer or something stupid when Brady became a defender.
  11. 1) it's Friday 2) it's going to be a gorgeous weekend 3) I can leave work a little early today F'N Fantastic
  12. Being reported that the Bills have Released Drayton Florence. Interesting move. I figured they would keep him until at least training camp or try to trade him.
  13. Luke Bryan with Lee Brice and Justin Moore on June 17th at TAGS in Big Flats with the girlfriend otherwise...not looking at much.
  14. Oh man, that irks me too! I hate it when that happens :censored:
  15. Lazy people. Bugs the hell out of me when someone is more than capable of doing a job or two that they had assigned to them, but they are too lazy to complete the tasks. Instead they procrastinate, hand it off, try to delegate, or do whatever they can to get it off their plate. Instead of wasting all that time trying to get rid of said task, JUST COMPLETE THE DAMN THING! GAH ! :wallbash: I do not want to do your work for you...I have enough of my own!! :death:
  16. :w00t: :w00t: Sekera is a lot better than most people give him credit for. He's not nearly as inconsistent as you say either. TrueBlue's stats are hard to argue with...facts>>opinions everyday.
  17. I care lol...and I agree haha :thumbsup:
  18. That's an understatement! although, Smith is only a wildcat QB. I really don't think he can really count as a third qb otherwise. So if we were to sign Young, who goes? We [would] have Aaron Corp, Thigpen, Young, Smith, and The Amish Rifle. We wouldn't keep all 5, and like i said, Smith is really just the 'slash' or wildcat qb.
  19. Well this seems out of nowhere: Vince Young Working out for Bills
  20. 1) I agree. it would take A LOT more than just Vanek straight up I think 2) Hammer -> Nail Head 3) I agree here. I would be absolutely shocked to see him moved now.
  21. Nice job guys! I stepped on a scale this morning myself, and since the week before I started dating my girlfriend (now 1 week shy of 4 months), I have dropped 18 LBS. I know I feel better. I'm sure you guys do as well! I needed to buy a new belt to avoid the constant hiking of my pants. Soon: new pants!!
  22. Beers Ago by Toby Keith has been stuck in my head for 2 days now.
  23. LMAO! That's awesome! :w00t:
  24. Congrats! I'm trying to stay low key here at work today until 5pm. Cannot wait to just relax this weekend.
  25. I completely agree with this.
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