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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace
Oh, I took pride in it then. Now I'm just frustrated that I'm still dealing with the issue. Nothing with this project has gone right, honestly. SInce day 1, back at the end of January, this project has been the root cause to 85% of the stress in my life.
customer's who try to change requirements after something is already built. :censored: :death: Our customer is trying to get us to change a feature on a test unit that has to be tested for conformity (yay aviation rules), but to change that feature means sending a part back to a vendor, having extra work done, and ends up costing us $$. My boss is livid at the moment. Customer is blaming us for the requirement falling thru the crack, then I forwarded the emails from January showing them that I made them aware of the issue back then, and now they are extremely livid (mild terms) at the fact that it fell thru the crack on their end, and they have to bring that fact to the program manager. and now I have another hour of dealing with this... Help us 5pm, your our only hope.
your comment. I thought his was very condescending. No matter though, everyone has their opinions. I believe you are quoting some Voltaire there (I may disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it?) lol.
not gonna lie...I laughed. :angel:
we can only accumulate 14 sick days. I've never accumulated more than 3 before (1/qtr) I use them with vacation.
earwigs and the people at work are my complaint today too. I was given the task of reviewing test procedures because (I was told) "You worked at a test lab for a year when you were on co-op in college, so you understand the jargon better." What it really sounded like to me was "we don't want to do this, and you don't seem busy enough even though you have stacks upon stacks of projects and follow ups in front of you, so here." :wallbash: I feel like I'm in Office Space: It's not that I'm lazy, I just don't care anymore. Very well said, and my opinion as well
My girlfriend has never seen Breakfast At Tiffany's, so I will be introducing her to it this week/weekend. classic Hepburn.
They are remaking The magnificent seven if I'm not mistaken , but the original will always be a classic!
Casablanca, It's a Wonderful Life, any Clint Eastwood movie, any Hitchcock movie, and most importantly, any movie featuring John Wayne.
I was just there over the weekend with my girlfriend. it is truly breathtaking, and I recommend to everyone that they visit the memorial. I got choked up when we saw it. Other awesome things: Row 6 Sect 129 at Yankee Stadium. Took the girlfriend to her first MLB game, and it was just amazing. second time I've sat in those seats, and the view is great, the fans around us were great, and we were SOOOO close to catching a few foul balls. Also, it was Military Appreciation day, so the Army Golden Knights did a parachute drop right onto the field pre game, and it was spectacular.
WOAH! I'm excited now!
either way. congrats... :thumbsup: :beer: another complaint: the sun is now shining, and I'm about to relocate to a conference room for the next hour and a half :( I wanna go outside.
people who don't use headlights in the fog. I know I've complained about this before, but I almost witnessed a serious head on collision this morning on my commute. Elmira and it's surrounding area tends to be quite foggy at 7 in the morning. There was a pickup doing 45 in a 55, and the car in front of me had enough. We hit a passing zone, and honestly, it looked clear to me. He went, so I didn't, and then out of nowhere and silver honda civic just appears. I hadn't closed the gap, so the car in front of me was able to get back in, but I doubt the guy would've tried to pass had he seen HEADLIGHTS! Some people's ignorance is so frustrating :wallbash:
Wow man, those were pretty awesome! While i was on the site, I took a look at some of your other pictures, and in all honesty, you've got a great knack of photographing everything! Very impressive sir! :beer: :thumbsup:
I like all 3 of the videos posted. That entire game was epic, and made Foligno a hero in my book. Legen - Dary.
my car is absolutely gross between the dead bugs and pollen right now. Girlfriend offered to clean it tomorrow in exchange for me bringing my rototiller to her parents house and rototilling a small segment of their yard into a garden-able parcel. I'll have to wait until she's done washing in order to till, or do it before hand...otherwise I might lose a limb from being distracted :angel:
best of luck! I hope everything works out. You know, I asked too, but I was told I would get too distracted.
haha nice and subtle :P my complaint is that it's only noon. I'm stuck on a project here at work, and need help. The only two people that can help me are traveling and don't have access to a phone due to the rules of the customer they are visiting (no phones/cameras/camera phones in building). It makes the day very slow going, and I just want to get out of here to go play softball this evening!
servers went down for updates and what not at 3...just chillin at my desk and walking out the door at 4! F'N Fantastic... :D
Congrats!! Going to Buffalo this weekend with the girlfriend so she can run the half marathon downtown! I'm definitely on auto pilot right now...just waiting for 4pm!! :flirt:
It's Friday, and I'm leaving work in a half hour. I've worked enough hours over the course of the week that I'm only using 1 hour of PTO rather than 5...I like being able to save half a day's worth of PTO. B-)
I totally understand what you're talking about, because my girlfriend has the same issue. I tried to tell her once that she needs thicker skin...just once...
the popularity will grow if there's a LA NY cup finals too I think. And no, a lockout does nothing good for any party involved.
Oh hey there complaint thread! Last night, my girlfriend went out with some of her friends to a bar down in Wilkes, PA for her senior week. Some girl stole her phone and gave it to her boyfriend. My g/f got the bouncer and he searched the kid, but the phone didn't turn up. Then some other guys sat there and intimidated this kid until he "went outside for a smoke". The bouncer watched this kid drop my g/f's phone on the way out, so she got it back. All of this goes down, and I'm 3 hours away. She called me crying afterwards about how this is why she doesn't drink. I hate not being able to do anything in situations like this. I feel so helpless :( and on top of that, I'm supposed to drive down there tomorrow for her graduation, but I've been VERY sick to my stomach since about 4AM this morning :sick: ...I need to get over this ASAP!
I learned that the hard way :(