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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. this! When a bunch of us are saying that Ott and Doan are just what this team needs, it's not their point production, but their other intangibles.
  2. My day was in the crapper, then my girlfriend showed up and surprised me with homemade lunch. It's a 45 minute drive to where I work from her house :wub: . It's not Friday, but i needed to share that, so the Awesome thread it is
  3. :w00t: :w00t: Well done :beer:
  4. Something tells me I'll have plenty else to post on Thursday, but your generosity is much appreciated :beer:
  5. I for one like the idea of getting Doan and Ott. They are the types of players that this team needs.
  6. According to ESPN, CBA talks will start tomorrow. by tomorrow, I meant Friday. :blush:
  7. This is how I see him as well. He is a good PK'er and he is well suited for a shut down line, and performed well at the end of the season in that roll. I would rather have Pommers in that roll, with a #1 RW brought in.
  8. My boss took me out to lunch. He paid. F'N Fantastic! :angel:
  9. HAHA! I totally see it! :lol:
  10. oh I know. all in fun B-) and eleven...after looking it up...crap, you're right...so it even further helps my point. AND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD IT'S ADAM!!!!!!!! Adams is the assistant coach :doh: :doh: :doh:
  11. I knew that too, just trying to make a point :blush: :oops:
  12. DISCLAIMER: <NOT DIRECTED SOLELY AT YOU> Please, for the love of God, Allah, Buddha, or whatever you believe in: no more experimenting with players at center who are not natural centers. we have had 1 semi-success (Ennis) in I don't even know how many tries. The last thing I want to see is Leino or any of those other guys "experimenting" with the center position. We NEED a natural center like none other. that is all.
  13. That's awesome!! haha I'm leaving work at 3 (yeah, I have to use 2 hours of PTO even though I've worked 3 extra hours already this week, as I posted in yesterday's thread :censored: ). I'm heading out to Buffalo for the weekend to see friends and family with the girlfriend. I have a rather large family (especially compared to hers), so she is still meeting family members on every trip out there. I give her credit for dealing with all of them :wub:
  14. you take this round sir :beer:
  15. :lol: Another complaint of today: I have been working on getting ready for qualification testing on one of our products, and I have been having a hard time getting straight answers out of my customer, so we did everything we could with the little info that we had. This is the first time we've ever qualified our unit on an individual basis rather than at the actuator/system level, so we also have no idea what to use for loads etc. Well, I just got off the phone with the boss of the contact I've been talking to for 5 months...and he just undid most of the work by correcting what was wrong. I could've saved endless days of headaches by calling him months ago :wallbash: :cry: :death:
  16. Seriously: This is F'N Awesome. The first one was Brilliant, this one looks just as good if not better!
  17. yeah, and now I have ZERO motivation to put any extra time into my work. There is no incentive. Yeah, I will still put the customer first and get the job done, because it needs to get done. But I don't expect to be going above and beyond any more. that really sucks :thumbdown: hopefully it won't be as bad today then!
  18. That's a tough situation. Best of luck to you. Glad to here your son is doing better! I hope and pray this all works out for you in the long run.
  19. My best friend was supposed to be getting married in a few weeks (until his fiance decided that she was "bored with the relationship" and up and left). His sister (my girlfriend) and I decided that we're going to take him to my uncle's cabin on Rushford Lake that weekend to get him away from everything along with a group of my family and friends. It will definitely help you to get away I think. Good luck LGR, and hang tough my friend. My complaint: My company changed their PTO/Vacation policy. If I miss a little bit of time in a week, or if I want to leave early on a Friday, I can no longer flex the time (make up the hours over the course of the week). I now HAVE to take PTO or vacation to make it up. This really sucks for someone like me who puts in a minimum of 45 hours a week on average, and also has the work emails flow to my phone, and customers who call me after I have left the office (I don't bill those hours, as there really is no point for a salaried employee to bill those extra hours). So now, If I put in 40+ hours by Friday at 2pm, I have to take 3 hrs of PTO in order to leave early, yet hourly people can leave if they've done the same. And similarly, if I have a doctors appointment in the middle of the week, and take an extra hour on my lunch, I have to take an hour of PTO instead of staying an extra hour that day to make it up. Now my boss said that he and I can work something out in some instances, because he feels that some people like me who do the extra work on a weekly basis without the extra incentive deserve a little break, so it's not completely bad news, but it still sucks. Especially when I don't have that many hours of PTO or vacation to begin with. So now, I had to request 2 hours off tomorrow afternoon, even though I've already worked an extra 3 this week so far. All I wanted to do was leave Elmira at a decent hour so that I can get to Buffalo in time for a family dinner with my father whom I rarely get to see. problem is that I have to drive to Buffalo via going back north to Dryden to pick up my little sister, adding an hour to my drive. :wallbash:
  20. I tend to miss wide right at times.
  21. She had the single compilation (the hard cover complete collection). The only issue I have is that the font is very small. I don't always wear my reading glasses like I should, but I am going to have to in order to read this lol.
  22. I've gotta agree with this.
  23. Reading the complete set of Sherlock Holmes stories/novels. My girlfriend's mom lent it to me.
  24. Slow Pitch softball (a win in 12 innings), followed by beer, wings and a night out with the team! Not so awesome: work the next morning ;)
  25. After my softball game, the local bar has wing night: all you can eat wings + 3 draft beers for $13. yupp, that's happening...maybe I should've saved that for tomorrow's thread :unsure: For Dryden NY, the wings are actually decent (I won't say good, but I will say decent).
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