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Everything posted by neverenough

  1. grabbin da balls?geezzzzzzzzzzzzz :wallbash:
  2. I really think we can go 20 years without seeing the playoffs. My team just flat out sucks! :sick:
  3. If that hit was on a sabres player i have a problem with it, but its not so it doesnt look all that bad to me :unsure:
  4. Nice way to jump ship. Do i blame you?Yes , Your the reason stevie j dropped the ball against the steelers! I knew it :devil:
  5. I didnt think you were serious :unsure:
  6. This here is great. Thank you for making my sunday! :thumbsup:
  7. Man it just kills me being a Buffalo Bills fan! All the time and money i put into this team and by the end of the game im sick. Who knows maybe god wants me to be sick on sundays, or maybe direct tv needs my money...Glad to help out
  8. Crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash:
  9. Lets go byrd!get 1 here
  10. Where the hell is all my fellow Bill fans? Big game here!
  11. Lets GOOOOOOOOOO Buffaloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
  12. I hate when my mother-in-law comes up with a 101 ideas. Stop thinking already geez!
  13. Prolly not but it would be worth a shot.
  14. Anyone pickup T.O yet? Were gonna need him.
  15. I want lucic to play the next game in Buffalo. I cant wait :death:
  16. The same ol Bills, letting there fans down once again
  17. 1 last thing, Myers get your game back and hurry. Softie
  18. Lets just say Goose was as cold as a Rocket pop
  19. I like to see Mcgee get a pick 6 for his brother in the pin that is only able to watch games against the cowboys.Go Bills GO
  20. I didnt watch the game and im glad because i would have thrown my head through the tv, anyway where was are big bad Kaleta in all of this?
  21. Hahaha i knew it didnt look like zack :wallbash:
  22. Goose and Myers did nothing, and horton is pushing Kaleta on the bench after the hit? What the hell is going on here? It makes me sick! Buffalo better come out with every gun in the basement when Boston comes to town! :censored:
  23. Didnt catch the game. man, what a shame
  24. This is sick, very sick! I hate people that dont stand up for whats right. Poor kids
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