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Jerry Jabber

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Everything posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. Normally, NHL teams that tank take 4-5 years (or even more) to start reaping the rewards. It seems that Tim Murray is hoping that it will only take two years. Murray already has Evander Kane lined up with whoever he drafts (McDavid or Eichel), plus the Sabres have the most cap room available out of all the teams in the NHL, so I expect to see Murray busy signing players to make the team better in the offseason. I like Murray's philosophy of trying to get something in return for upcoming UFA's instead of letting them walk at the end of the season for nothing. I also like that Murray will use the draft picks he obtains and is willing to use them to acquire players/prospects instead of just waiting until the draft. Right now, the Sabres have nine 1st and 2nd round picks over the next three years, so between the cap space and all the draft picks, Murray is setting the Sabres up nicely to be a long term contender.
  2. I don’t get people’s obsession with Terry Pegula not speaking to media frequently. Is he mandated to talk to the media like NFL players are? No. Is Pegula supposed to speak to the media every week, every month? Did Ralph Wilson talk to the media frequently? No. One thing is for sure, Terry & Kim Pegula are not Dan Snyder, meaning they do not make snap decisions by firing people in a short amount of time. They’re both smart business professionals and will make changes when they see that what’s in front of them is not working. They like to give people a fair chance to make things work. IMO, a lot of Sabres fans are a bunch of cry-babies as they feel Terry Pegula owes them something… “Uncle Terry didn’t fire Ruff and Regier as soon as he bought the team;” “Uncle Terry doesn’t talk to the media;” “Uncle Terry promised me the Stanley Cup in three years.”
  3. I'm not expecting the Sabres to be the worst team in the league again next season, then again, I don't think they'll be a playoff team either. I hope the Sabres will be able to land either McDavid or Eichel, but what are the chances the Sabres could land both? If they win draft the lottery (either with their pick or the one from the Islanders), would the Sabres make some moves (trade draft picks and or players) to draft both McDavid and Eichel?
  4. Sweeping the Bruins in the first round of the 1992-93 playoffs.
  5. It appears that the Islanders will defer giving up their 1st round pick (for Vanek) until 2015 since they will be picking in the Top 10 this year. So, with the Miller/Ott trades, that will give the Sabres three 1st round picks, and three 2nd round picks in 2015.
  6. Just read half of Bucky Gleason's article about Pat LaFontaine, I wish I could get the time back that wasted reading that confusing, piece of crap of an article.
  7. It sucks seeing other teams in the Conference finals. It seems ages ago when we were watching the Sabres playing against the Hurricanes & the Senators in the Eastern Conference finals.
  8. My only guess at why Pegula/Black decided to keep Regier was that they felt Regier was shackled before by the previous owners as those owners wouldn't open up the pocketbook to pay for good, quality players. I don't agree with it, but that's the decision Sabres management went with. The Bills are a joke of a franchise. I've wasted enough time, money & energy on them over the years. I hope you're right!
  9. You sound exactly like this idiot SSgt I used to be stationed with in the Marines that always claimed off having these awesome classic rods, but drove a crappy ford pickup truck.
  10. It's called reading comprehension, something you're clearly lacking. I stated that if you lost money on your investments, did your wife/husband (or significant other) get mad at you because you made a bad decision with your family's money? I don't like Regier either and wanted him gone as well, so I'm with you on that part. But all the other crap that people are mad about is ridiculous! Sometimes, it's just realizing that you screwed up and you have to start all over.
  11. I don't think so. You're implying that Terry Pegula is a scum bag that plans to steal millions of dollars from the Sabres fan base, leaving them penniless.
  12. So, you mean to tell me you achieved all your goals in the timeframe that you had set for yourself in your entire life? Yes, it does suck that the Sabres missed the playoffs (two years in a row). But I would rather the Sabres used the approach the Pittsburgh Penguins used to go on their current run. The Penguins were terrible for a few years. With having such a terrible record, they were able to draft players like Crosby, Malkin, Fleury, etc... And look at how they have done since...Back to back Stanley Cup appearances, with a Stanley Cup win. Plus, they're looking really good this year. I'd rather take a few crappy seasons, draft good players and assemble a great team that is capable of being a long-term contender (like the Penguins), vice putting together a team that is good enough to get to the first or second round of the playoffs. If you don't want to stick through some growing pains, then it's real simple, don't go to any games, buy NHL Center Ice, or buy any Sabres merchandise during that time period.
  13. I just don't get all the Pegula bashing that has been going on all season long. The guy has only owned the team for 2 years and 2 months, but yet he's getting blamed for the team missing the playoffs 7 out of the last 11 years, and not talking to the media. Who gives a damn if the guy doesn't want to talk to the media, what's the big F'n deal?! The only thing I can knock Pegula on is that he trusted Regier to build a championship team, otherwise the guy has lived up to his word, opened up his pocketbook (unlike the other Sabres owners before) to bring in FA's that the team thought could be difference makers. Yes, he's made mistakes and we know the team is not a championship team (let alone a playoff team), but c'mon, you mean to tell me you haven't made mistakes? Have all the investments you made in your lifetime worked out? I bet not! But I'm sure your husband/wife (or significant other) didn't constantly bash you because you lost money on your 401k, IRA, or stocks. For those that had the expectation that Pegula was going to be like Washington Redskins owner [Dan Synder] and fire people left and right, you were sadly mistaken. I'm willing to cut him some slack since he's only owned the team for a short period. It's not like we're talking about the Buffalo Bills where they have sucked for the past 13 years, went through numerous coaches, QB's and players. 2 years is nothing compared to the past 13 years of misery with the Bills.
  14. Where were you years ago with Ralph Wilson. You could have started this back in the 1960's with him and every decade since.
  15. I stated what RJ said. You're right that RJ didn't mention the Sabres by name in part of the trade speculation.
  16. I know what I heard from RJ. I'm sure it's speculation on RJ's part, but why are some people on here all up in arms about it?
  17. Unless my hearing is bad, what exactly did he say then?!
  18. Rick Jennerett mentioned about Tallinder not playing tonight as a possible sign of a trade (said Its possible that NJ didn't want him playing against a team that he will be possibly traded to).
  19. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/teams/players/bio/?id=6585 Don't know anything about him (just besides what the stats say).
  20. How many times can one team blow a big lead in a season?
  21. Go get a straw and SUCK IT UP!!!!
  22. It's amazing the Bills still has it's fan base.
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