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Everything posted by LoveAndWarrener

  1. To me, it's all just classic under-promise and over-deliver. At least, that's what Darcy is hoping for. Honestly, in a league where more than half the teams in each conference make the playoffs, it shouldn't be that hard to get into the dance, where anything can happen. That said, I don't really trust Darcy to lead this effort. He has pulled out some gem moves in the past, but nothing about what this team has done in the past 3-4 years suggests to me that they are on the pulse of how NHL teams succeed today. They seem out of position, constantly overpursuing, defensively irresponsible, and soft. They can't hold a lead, and have zero killer instinct. If we're in the midst of a rebuild, the centerpieces aren't here yet. I don't know how much is coaching and how much is the kind of players that they've assembled. I hope Girgensons and some of the younger guys can set a different tone and show some desire on the ice, but it remains to be seen if they are ready. The real suffering, I think, will come if / when we see Miller and Vanek dealt. I have a hard time believing they are going to command the kind of value they are really worth, which could yield painful results. Edit: Also, some extra suffering is due when the Red Wings are welcomed into the division. Oof. Realignment blows.
  2. You mean he could go to the box for five for a dirty look.
  3. Who gives a crap what he said? In what other games has someone gotten ten minutes for mouthing off? Name them.
  4. Thank you. Unfortunately some people want to let their disdain for the way the team is run color their understanding of what actually constitutes a fairly officiated game.
  5. Oh, quiet, you. It's a man's game. Except when you are trying to protect your own guys from getting pushed around.
  6. Oh ok so they deserve to be head-hunted. That is such bullsh--. The only thing anyone deserves is for the refs to call a fair game. I am not watching another minute of NHL this season after this sham.
  7. Passion will just get them thrown in the box in this bullsh-- double standard-bearing league anyway. Why bother?
  8. This is a bush league and I am taking a break from it for awhile. That ###### with Ennis and the resulting penalties was the last straw.
  9. Ryan Miller. Mercurial, sardonic, prone to greatness and to just falling short of it, hot wife. Surrounded by morons. :D
  10. I'm going to this one tonight. I've got free club seats near center ice thanks to a Devils fan buddy. Hopefully they can pull off the win.
  11. Thanks! One of my favorite Sabres. I am RuntheDamnBall on TSW but I try to just sit and listen instead of acting like a knowitall over here. :D
  12. I had a thought last night that this was probably the worst team in the NHL if not for Miller. Pretty dire right now. Things need to be shaken up. There is no shame in going 1-1 against the Bruins so far, but they just look listless.
  13. I'm definitely partial to Old Overholt rye - and will second it as a great choice for the price, and am a fan of Basil Hayden's among the bourbons.
  14. In Nino's defense, if I had to play in Bridgeport all season I'd be ###### pissed too. That place is the armpit of the United States.
  15. Does anyone think Girgensons starts out in Buffalo? I feel like he has to have been told he has a serious shot at making the NHL roster if he has signed this quickly. That, or he really just has a feel for how much players of this caliber will help improve his game better than his competition in VT.
  16. I'm very excited to see what the kid can do over time at that position. Obviously once more film is out there on him, there will be some adjustments he needs to make. Right now, he's what the doctor ordered at a position in which the team has been sorely lacking.
  17. And if someone took on lucic and got his face bashed in and was out weeks because of it, you'd no doubt be racing to your keyboard to point out what a soft, fragile little girl he was. It's a game with rules, dude, and at some point the officials on the ice have to enforce the f--ing rules. If breaking the rules leads to lifelong brain trauma, no f---ing sh-- should those rules be enforced. Get off your high horse and realize for a minute that these players are human beings who play for team you root for and not just role players in your imaginary drama of valor and sacrifice. I would like for goose to have stuck up for Miller and I think he realizes the gravity of that mistake. But they can't have asked Kaleta to jump into it, because the league will eventually ban the guy. Gerbe tried. Myers needs to step up and that is not disputable. McCormick had fresh stitches. Not all of your players can be hired muscle, and I'd be pissed if Vanek broke his hand or his eye socket doing something stupid. In the meantime, hope for the league to do what is right, call up kassian and tropp for the next Bruins game, and start by protecting your own in the first place so that senseless retribution isn't necessary.
  18. We'll have six loud Sabres fans in 401, blue line. Look for us up there. We'll try and meet at 7pm and may well get our drink on at Fado's.
  19. Where are you all going to be sitting? I'll run by after a goal! :P :beer:
  20. Anyone looking to sell tickets for this game? I'll be home visiting the folks and am looking for 2-4 seats at HSBC Saturday 2/17. Please PM me if you have some tickets available.
  21. I know it's last minute, but if anybody has 3-4 tickets for this game and doesn't want to go (possibly season ticket holders?) I am game for meeting up and purchasing your tickets. (I am in town for the weekend visiting family and would love to catch a game). PM me, please! J.
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