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Everything posted by frissonic

  1. Congrats LPF! babies are F'N Fantastic! (I know, I know ... wrong thread. So what?) NIIIIIIICE! Are you staying just in Thailand? or using it as a hub? Either way, GREAT honeymoon!
  2. have they sunk this low yet?
  3. Sadly, I found out the day after that a whole bunch of Sabres tweeters were coming down for the show. Would have liked to have met up with them! As it was, met some amazing Canadian Hip fans. I swear, there is no friendlier bunch in the world.
  4. I'm going home and hugging my kids. Right now.
  5. http://news.blogs.cn...hool/?hpt=hp_t1 20+ dead, including 10 children. I can't even think straight, I'm so sad. I literally cannot work.
  6. did ... she just proposition the entire group?
  7. *weep* moving, man. very moving. in other awesomeness, four-guy road trip from SLC to Las Vegas for a Tragically Hip show at the House of Blues on Saturday. Leaving early in the morning, rolling in to town around noon-ish, checking out the mafia museum, taking in the Hip, and staying at Mandalay Bay (luckily where the HoB is situated). Getting up Sunday, poking around Vegas (metaphorically speaking ...), then heading home. Sweet.
  8. there is no number to express how many times i've heard this in the past week. ;)
  9. Won free tix to a private screening of The Hobbit last night. IMAX, 3D, 48 FPS, and holy shizac, it was amazing. And FREE. F'N Fantastic!
  10. headache. as in, neck, shoulder, and back muscles are all pulling and so tense that i would rather slice off the back of my skull than deal with this at work. and now i can't drive cuz i just took 4 advil and a lortab. it's *that* bad.
  11. 11 little hockey players trying to walk a line. 1 fell down and bumped his spine. Fehr called for bettman, and the bettman said, "no more hockey for you; this season is dead."
  12. dammit. caught by a troll. i *hate* that feeling!
  13. really? that's your only response? "sell outs"? rush? yah ... they totally sold out letting VW use FBN as a song for a driver who's steering-wheel-drumming. totally. "sold out." wow.
  14. notice how alex says that it's important "for our fans." love it. "For our fans, it's very, very important, and we feel great for them," he said. "We're at the next stage and we'll see if we're actually inducted. If so, we'll support it in every way we can for our fans."
  15. If I'm walking back to my desk, and I have a food box from the cafeteria, that's probably not the best time to try to get me to talk in-depth about why someone hates our boss. Bringing up samples our boss asked this person to look at (for very glaring reasons), then saying, "These suck. I don't get why he wants me to look at these!" is not at all my concern at the moment; my concern is eating my calzone while it's still hot. Honestly ... an ounce of observational common sense would go so far, but very few around here seem to possess the necessary skills to implement it.
  16. with over 1400 1500 followers. EDIT: well, it did for a few minutes ...
  17. @nhlpodium. less than 10 minutes old, and already has almost 800 followers. the power of the internet ...
  18. Dreger: "Quebec Labour Board hearing in Monteral scheduled for tomorrow and Friday has been postponed. Focus will remain on CBA negotiations. #TSA" I guess that's kind of a positive ...?
  19. NSFW, but holy shiz balls nick cave paints some morbid pictures. if you're not familiar with 'murder ballads,' highly recommend the whole cd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lneSAju-Xtc
  20. yah, my hosting provider is having all kinds of issues. i need to figure out what the hell is going on.
  21. isn't ehrhoff playing over there as well? good for him. might as well, since this season is more than likely a bust.
  22. that's awesome, weave. hopefully you'll have good news for the holidays! as far as F'N Fantastic stuff on this end: wife gets a much-needed weekend retreat with her girl friends. everyone's heading to park city for the weekend. so that's awesome for her. the awesome part on my end: i'm in charge of the menu from here until sunday. one word: pizza. i'm in charge of the indoor entertainment for the weekend. one word: movies. i'm in charge of the outdoor entertainment for the weekend. one word: geocaching. once the girls go to bed, i have unfettered access to netflix. time to catch up on breaking bad. yah. this weekend is gonna be fun. EDIT: just read the "hobbies" thread. might have to revise the indoor entertainment and bust out mario kart for the girls.
  23. Thanksgiving. Family, feast, and football. Seriously ... show me a day that tops this.
  24. I've been looking for a good brine recipe. My wife and I aren't responsible for the bird this year, but we have 3 turkeys sitting in our freezer (all a gift from my employer), so I thought I'd experiment with some brines. Do you have a recipe you use? or just throw it together? We're bringing "thankful rolls," something my wife's family generally does, but we're having Thanksgiving with my fam this year. Basically, we have the kids (and willing adults) write what they're thankful for on a small piece of paper, then we wrap that into the roll. While we're eating, when someone finds a "hidden message" in his/her roll, they share it with everyone. Fun concept; more fun reading the kids' responses. Other than that, we're bringing pies. 2 pumpkin, 1 each of pecan, peach, and razzleberry. Might get an eggnog cheesecake from our local grocer. Exceptionally good dessert.
  25. just for you, shrader. :)
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