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Everything posted by frissonic

  1. srsly. and with that, miller shuts down malkin with about a minute left in the 1st. nice. this is looking a TON better!
  2. tons. granted, it's still early in the 1st, but shaking off boston and now holding court with pittsburgh ... this isn't looking too bad, minus the first 2-3 minutes.
  3. what the hell?! sweet goal!
  4. okay, i have 17-2 at the end of reg.
  5. well that didn't take long. goal AND a power play. swell.
  6. Lice. That is all.
  7. If I may offer my thoughts: He's her dad. It's every dad's dream to see their daughter get married to a good guy. I've seen how aggressive cancer can be. 6-8 months? I sure hope so. My dad had mandibular cancer, and was told on a Thursday that he had a couple of months left. The next day, we were told a couple of weeks. Saturday morning, days; Saturday night, hours. He died that Sunday. If it were me, I would try to move it up by at least a couple of months. I know that's going to add a sh**-ton of stress on you guys, but this is his little girl. He put in the decades of love, devotion, and time. He's "earned the right" to see his daughter get married, for lack of a better phrase. If it's within your means and at all feasible, that's what I would try to do. Maybe it's not feasible. I don't know you personally, obviously, but I read your posts on here. You think things through, and you don't post inflammatory comments. You seem pretty level-headed. You and your fiancee will make the call that you feel will best fit this whole nightmare of a situation. I'm sorry, man.
  8. They're coming to SLC this summer. That can only mean one venue: Usana Amphitheater. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5iVvfLHOFo Taking my 9 year old daughter to this one. Cannot wait. This is going to be the best daddy/daughter date ever.
  9. Oh dear God in heaven, please tell us that this isn't your fiancee. That would be horrible. I mean ... it's horrible for whomever, but finding out just after getting engaged? Thoughts, prayers, and every goodness imagineable for you, man.
  10. is anyone else experiencing a 75 second audio delay on GC? this is ridiculous!
  11. is anyone else experiencing a 75 second audio delay on GC? this is ridiculous!
  12. dammit. I left with 5 minutes left in the 2nd to get some remodel stuff taken care of. next thing I know, it's 7-4 with 13 seconds left. my mind automatically flipped the logos cuz I just assumed that bad-@$$ Boston would end up winning. it took several seconds for me to understand what I was looking at on the score sheet. of all the games to walk away from ...
  13. hate it when i'm right... also, worst rendition of "subdivisions" i've ever heard. *i* can play it better than that. *shudder* noticeably.
  14. it was a love slash. :bag: maybe it's just because i can't catch every second of the game (listening/"watching" on my phone at work, trying to multi-task), but it doesn't look like buffalo has spent much time in boston's zone at all. fair assessment?
  15. at least you're getting it. I keep getting network timeouts.
  16. Easily one of the best posts ever. Thanks for the visual of a screaming, nagging woman rapeling down two waterfalls, only to hassle her husband about not taking out the trash or some such. Pure gold, right there. As for my "cave," it's in the middle of an overhaul. Wife said that if we're going to have a Super Bowl party, the family room ("cave") is going to be completely gutted. And it was. Ripped out the drop ceiling, hung sheet rock, taped, mudded, sanded, mudded again, feathered, texturized, and now we're going to paint it all tonight. Walls had that 70s paneling, which was no longer a viable option (not that it ever was ...). Of course, we found all the termite damage that the previous owners, a) didn't disclose and home inspection didn't catch, b) flat out hid. I hate them. Seriously. Anyway, ripped out the offending panels and framework, re-framed, re-sheetrocked, and fixed all the glue spots. That's ready to paint as well. It's not specifically *my* cave, so the wife had a lot of say (read: all) in what color carpet we're getting, wall colors, etc. She even wanted to do away with the bar. Frankly, I'm okay with that. It wasn't really a bar; it had become more of a storage space for everything else under the sun. In the end, we (read: she) decided it was clutter and was expendable. However, she also signed off on a new gas oven and fridge for downstairs. That's right--fully functional kitchen in the "cave." I'm not at all displeased with what we'll have going on down there. Before we mudded, we cut holes and wired Ethernet jacks all around the room. 58" Samsung plasma directly jacked into an Ethernet port I just installed. Less cable-y mess. Also threw in coax ports around the room, and wired the walls and ceiling for eventual 7.1 sound. The side speakers will be built into the ceiling, but angled such that they're still usable and discernable channels. X-Box 360 Kinect, Wii (upgrading to Wii-U in a few months), Apple TV box.
  17. LET'S GO BUFFALO! *clap clap clapclapclap*
  18. NICE! congratulations man!! that's some seriously F'N Fantastic news!!
  19. no near blizzard out here, but sweet merciful crap ... freezing rain. and it's bad. took me 2 hours to make my normal half-hour commute. lots of 5mph, lots of sitting... and a ridiculous amount of ice.
  20. as is the iphone and apple tv apps. great interface on the apple tv, too.
  21. Is there a particular reason why this thread isn't pinned? This is the single greatest read of all time. Screw Hawthorne, Melville, King and Koonz. Congratulations, fellow SSers. You have topped yourselves yet again.
  22. one of the best parts of this game is the fact that philly is now 0-2 on the season. ha ha ha, suckas. ha ha ha.
  23. 5 point game for vanek. is that some kind of record?!
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