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Everything posted by frissonic

  1. you know ... even if we swept against just Carolina and Florida, that would only give us 7 extra points. sweep Winnie, and we have 13 extra points. good enough for at least 4th, if not division champs ... EXCEPT we'd still end up with a situation like we had when we were div champs and met Boston in the first round. not at all a great team, but better than what we have now, and we'd get bounced from the first round in 4 or 5 games.
  2. okay, seriously? 2 goals in 6 seconds? and i hate the fact that the game isn't being broadcast on GCL. basic cable package. no NHL channel.
  3. layoffs. :thumbdown: :wallbash:
  4. that does suck man. does your company have sick leave and vacation? or is all just "personal time"? either way, it sucks having to burn anything.
  5. yah, the whole company was in an uproar. but sadly, it was a few cheaters who brought about the switch in providers and policy. some were faking doctor's notes, putting their friends' phone numbers as points of contact, and then they'd go galavant around the country for a few weeks. They were all let go, but at that point, the insurance company said, "yah ... we can't provide STD anymore." so we had to switch providers, and their policy is that there's a 7-day waiting period for all claims. awesome.
  6. sadly, this isn't even the first time. it'll go well ... just sucks that our company's short-term disability policy has changed this year. instead of being immediately available, STD only kicks in after 7 calendar days of absence. in essence, i have to use sick, floating holiday or personal leave for the first week, THEN STD kicks in. this procedure shouldn't keep me out of work a full week. somehow, talking about short-term disability and a cystoscopy sound oddly apropos. thanks for all the well-wishes. i'll be fine ... just sucks that i get a second go-round.
  7. cystoscope procedure. if you are faint of heart (and male), don't google. you'll be sad. very, very sad.
  8. I disagree. I don't doubt that it would have been ideal to rebuild all at once, but that generally doesn't happen. Look at the last 13 months: Trade deadline '12: Gaustad for a 1st Summer 12: Roy. Pardy and Ott. Trade deadline '13: Leopold for draft picks. Trade deadline '13: Pominville and 4th in '14 for Larsson, Hackett, 1st in 13, 2nd in 14. What happens this summer? Miller? Stafford? Hecht? Who's left from "the core"? pretty much no one. They're blowing it up, but in slow motion.
  9. GR ( ...?) is saying reporting some rumblings that Washington is in the mix for Stafford.
  10. Leopold. Always the class act. "in the locker room i was in previously, it's like the grim reaper was around." Huh. And wasn't it Leopold holding the scythe? Good riddance.
  11. you mean /0 passion and /0 intensity and /0 leadership? because seriously ... this team has no value.
  12. 13-16-4 vs. the eastern conference. 12th place. that's embarrassing.
  13. I won't deign to know you personally, but I can tell this much about you just from your posts on this board: you are kind, open-minded, and fair. You tried your hardest, and it wasn't received. That's not your fault. Acceptance is a two-way street. You were perfectly able to give him the help he needs; he didn't accept it, for whatever reason. It has to suck for that poor kid--being thrust from the only life and people he's ever known, and tossed half-way around the world with no one he's ever known. Some embrace that. Like you said--I would be staring out the window in awe and wonder after my exchange family picked me up from the airport, but that's me. If you find out more about his situation, please ... keep us informed. It's definitely heart-wrenching. I hope there's a happy ending for Jason.
  14. i'm in the same boat. i'm in "project mode," and i need to go to radio shack at some point to pick up some components. i get off work at 5:30, when the game is already in progress. then i have a 30-45 minute commute, dinner, run to RS before they close, and see where things stand at that point. either way, i'll probably at least listen to the game. RJ is too entertaining to pass up.
  15. i wouldn't say "0%," but i get where you're coming from. the reality is that the sabres are 8 points out of 6th, and toronto holds that 6th place spot. a regulation win, obvs, puts them within 6 points of 6th, and 4 points of 7th through 9th (9th being more realistic with the game in hand that the 'canes and rangers hold over us). no, 18 games is not a lot of time to make up 6 points, but it *is* doable. likely? maybe not. possible? we've seen them do it before, so ...
  16. if it weren't for the kids and dogs, i might have been happy with it. also, the 2 am factor was kind of a drag, though i almost busted out my camera gear to try for lightning pics , but i opted to just go back to sleep.
  17. oh i meant the sabres game as well. :) though to be fair, i didn't take into consideration all the leafs fans that will invade. that should make the place a little more loud, though it's not going to help our guys any.
  18. so, instead of just being able to hear a mouse squeak, we should be able to hear a mouse peeing on a cotton ball?
  19. utah weather, checking in. 40 degrees ... and snowing. not raining. snowing. and hailing. and thundering. and lightning ... ing. at 2 in the morning.
  20. that is indeed F'N Fantastic!! congrats to you and your wife. babies are flat-out amazing. just a piece of advice: there's no such thing as "too many pictures or vids." dedicated hard drive with multiple back-ups.
  21. sleeping on a lumpy couch. my back is *not* happy ...
  22. No Santa Cruz.
  23. Touche'. :) Okay, well happy hunting then!
  24. if you can find some kind of themed hotel or B&B that's relatively local, those are pretty fun for a couple of nights until you can get away for your real honeymoon. my wife and i did that, then when time/circumstances allowed, we went to san fran and monterey for a week. it was 10 years later, but still ... :) i sincerely hope that he can see the wedding, for you and your fiancee's sake, for his sake ... it's a horrible situation. you guys are doing right by staying nearby.
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