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Everything posted by frissonic

  1. Quote from Emma Watson: "I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do a photo-shoot people desperately want to change me – dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. ‘Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, “I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt… have a look at everything I’ve got”? My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.’ Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1127838/I-sexy-embarrassing-reveals-Emma-Watson.html#ixzz1lu52CCNg I have to agree. Not just with Emma, but with pretty much any woman who chooses to covers up her "assets."
  2. We all hoped and thought the same thing. Unfortunately, the hatchet that was found next to the bodies fits the wounds. The tragedy in that aspect? That didn't kill them; asphyxiation did.
  3. Hatred. Jealousy. Selfishness. Narcissism. For anyone who's been following this Josh Powell story, you'll know what I mean. I would say that "those of us in Utah are reeling," but this isn't just a Utah story. This is so horrific and enraging that it transcends state borders, or even nationalities. You *JUST DO NOT KILL YOUR OWN CHILDREN SO YOUR IN-LAWS CAN'T HAVE THEM EITHER.* Some background for those not familiar with the story: Josh Powell's wife, Susan, has been missing since December 2009. He--Josh--is a prime suspect, and has been under intense scrutiny for over 2 years. No charges filed, no real evidence found ... lots of circumstantial evidence, but nothing concrete. Meanwhile, his in-laws have been given custody of his two boys, Charlie and Braden (7 and 5 respectively). He got supervised visits, but that's about it. That's the *extremely* condensed versions. Breaking news Sunday just before the SB was that he blew up his house, taking himself out. Then the story got worse: his kids had just shown up, and he (Josh) pushed the case worker out of his house and locked the door. We all sat stunned and ... confused? Hurt? Shocked? Flat-out pissed? THEN, as if it could get any worse, in the autopsy, it was revealed that the kids had "chop marks" on their skull and necks. He tried killing his kids *before* blowing them up. The case worker actually could hear the kids screaming inside just before the house blew up. I don't know about you, but I just don't want to live in a world where a parent cares more about hurting the in-laws by killing his own children than letting them live and experience life. I also don't want to accept that people like that even exist. When my wife and I put our girls to bed Sunday night, it was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. I didn't want to let go of them. I wanted them on my lap, with their little arms wrapped around my neck and chest. I wanted to stroke their hair and look at their little cherubic faces. My wife and I went downstairs and just bawled and bawled .. out of confusion, out of pure rage ... out of a sense of complete and utter loss. I've felt like this one other time: September 12, 2001. It was a horrible, ugly feeling then. Sunday, it was just so much worse. So here's my complaint for today: shi**y f***ing parents who put their narcissism and hatred for in-laws over the well being of their own children to the point where they actually try chopping off their heads before blowing them up.
  4. remember those 1940s cartoons, where some kind of dog-like drawing goes all psycho and starts howling and smashing his head with plates and running in circles? yah ... i just did that. at work. not my most proud moment. ahhhh ... the power of the boobies.
  5. are you offering ...? :wub:
  6. Menu for the Super Bowl: Slow-cooked beef ribs, rubbed with various spices and wrapped in saran wrap and tin foil, left to sit in the oven on 150 for 12 hours with a pan of water and liquid smoke (applewood) 3 or 4 pizzas from Papa Murphys. Those of you familiar with them ... you know what this means. :) Sweet pork chili. Sun-dried tomato and basil cheese dip mixed with a bit of ground beef Chicken wings baked--not fried. Cuz, you know ... we want to be healthy. And that's just what I'M providing. I have no idea who's bringing what. I'm sure there'll be some kind of salad, a veggie tray and various drinks, but what those will be, I have no idea. EDIT: F'N FANTASTIC!
  7. tell me about it. she definitely knows how to say "the sabres suck A**!!!!" she's been saying it for months, despite our attempts to get her to quit swearing. :) monkey see, monkey do, i guess. yah, those are some awesome ideas man. i'm gonna go peruse the thrift store in the morning. they always have at least partial sets of encyclopedias and dictionaries. shouldn't be too hard to find her something! and thanks to everyone else for all the help and support!
  8. for some reason, i've been into the whole husband/wife bands lately. the weepies are an excellent example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeZMTOSeHVw&ob=av2e
  9. Actually, my wife and I are very much into these natural oils through this company called Doterra. Reputed as being the best in the world as far as natural oils go, we've noticed mild success with some of them with her ADHD, though not on a regular basis. I think most of that had to do with diet. We're working on regulating that a lot more stringently, eliminating all white flour products and sugars (even switched to all natural peanut butter. that sh** COSTS!!!). She LOVES drawing. We got her an entire "artist" set. Tons of colored pencils, crayons, paints ... she loves it. Just doesn't keep her focus very long. Hmm ... "Encouraging her to create that entertainment material might be an idea." So, what I need to do is get her a video camera and teach her how to use the Adobe CS suite. That's NOT a bad idea!!! With some of the rambling stories she's come up with, I think she'd make some extremely Tim Burton-esque movies that would shoot straight to the top. </biased_parent_squawk>
  10. She'll sit and watch a show, if it's something she hasn't seen a couple of times already. After that, it's useless to her unless it's Barbie whatever. Other than that, yah ... 2-3 times watching it, and she won't sit through it again.' I hate seeing medication as an answer as well. I love that my wife wants to try these "natural oils" as an alternative, and I swear they work sometimes ... but it's like the TV shows: they work once or twice, then *poof*. All the magic's gone. I like the puzzle idea. I'm going to the local thrift store (which constantly has an influx of unopened puzzles, which we normally get the 50-pieces for her, but they also have 100-500 piece puzzles as well) to get her some new ones.
  11. Well, thanks. it's just so infuriating. I mean, she's such a good kid, and she's wicked smart. I just hate seeing her fall behind in school because she can't sit still long enough to learn what's being taught. As far as exercise goes, that's the last thing she needs. :) seriously, she runs around all day. she runs in class. she runs at recess. she runs at home. hell, the kid *runs in her sleep*. I kid you not. I've watched her dream about running. She's kicked herself out of bed from running in her sleep. Granted it's only happened a few times, but still ... running in your SLEEP?! We've considered putting her back on the Concerta, but in half the dose, then mixing that with vitamin supplements, which we've had her on with some mild success. Honestly, I just think 27mg for a 6 year old is an irresponsible amount to dose as a doctor. I don't care what his credentials are. We know plenty of parents with ADHD children (support groups, friends, etc). NONE of them have that high a dose, even for their high schoolers. AND this doctor wanted to give her ANOTHER med to help with her concentration. "Umm ... isn't that the point of the Concerta? To help her calm down so she can concentrate?" Sill me. Of COURSE not!!! So ... yah. I've almost developed a bald spot trying to figure this sh** out for her. We're damned if we keep her on the meds, and we're damned if we don't. It's the worst catch-22 ... Thanks man. We've done beyond due dilligence for just that reason--it IS the diagnosis du jour. Unfortunately, she was du joured by 4 different doctors, none of whom were given any prior info. Two doctors, I could chalk up as coincidental. All 4 saying the same thing? Gotta accept it as it is what it is. As far as the class room goes, it's not just at school, though I suspect boredom VERY well could be a part of it. She's so intelligent. I'm not just saying that as a biased parent; I'm parroting what her preschool teachers and kindergarten teacher have said. You know ... that's a damn good point though about the boredom. She will sit for HOURS trying to figure out puzzles. It gives her something to focus on, and she enjoys doing them. Hmm. Thanks man! You just gave me a sh**-load of good ideas. :)
  12. We've done that. We've eliminated all white flours and refined sugars other than the occasional jelly bean or M&M as a treat. The sugars are the main culprit; there's no doubt about that. I've seen that with my own eyes. But yes--diet does indeed play a major roll ... except we've done away with the typical triggers. *sigh* I actually have a headache from worrying over this.
  13. ****ing ADHD and ****ing Concerta. Son of a ... My daughter is 6. She weighs about 35 pounds. Concerta literally destroys her appetite. She's constantly grumpy, never eats, and dammit, she's just pissy.. The problem is that the natural supplements we're trying instead of the Concerta aren't doing a ***ing thing. She acts up in Kindergarten, constantly has a "red" or "yellow" day (scale: green, yellow, red, double red, principal's office), and doesn't listen to my wife or me worth a damn. But she eats like a horse and has actually put on mass in the few weeks we've tried the supplements. I wanted to believe. I wanted to think that these were the cure-all for her ADHD and appetite. I wanted the cake and to eat it. Turns out the cake has too much salt in it and isn't edible. Also turns out that my kid is basically screwed for life. For the love of GOD, if you're considering doing meth, please do yourself and society a favor--do not reproduce. You'll only hate yourself in the long run. If I could go back in time and stop her birth mother from doing it, I would. Unfortunately, it is what it is, and now my daughter either gets to eat and be healthy BUT suffer in school with no attention span, OR she can get a good education but slowly starve to death in the process. F*** I hate drugs. I will fight until my dying breath anyone who thinks drugs of ANY kind are "fun" or "cool" or whatever.
  14. he's just saying what everyone is already thinking. :wub:
  15. there's a guy in my neighborhood that works 10 miles south of where i do. he rides every day. and by "rides," i mean he pedals his ass to and from work every day. he rides 85 miles round trip. it's relatively flat, and he's in psycho shape, but it takes him a *long* time to get home. he sees his kids on the weekends, and that's about it. i'd much rather drive the 30+ miles and see my kids around 4:30 than spend 2.5 hours riding a bike home. to speak nothing of inclement weather. he even rides when it rains. not so much in snow, but he's done it.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oALOmaynsjo these guys know how to put on a *hell* of a show.
  17. if i didn't work 30+ miles from home, i'd do that too. as it is though, i bring my bike down here and use it to get around our campus. i also take longer lunches in the spring/fall to take a nice ride around the area. great way to lose weight too!
  18. part of me wants to b****-slap you for that one. the other part of me is in awe. :)
  19. no. not even close.
  20. *flutter* no you're not ... :)
  21. :clapping: :wub: anyway ... big fan of the iPhone. this is not meant to incite a an-droid vs. apple fanboi flame war. it's what i own, it's what i use, and it's what i like. internet, text, sports scores, *REALLY* love the red laser app for all kinds of reasons--price hunting, bar code generation for any URL, etc. i love the fact that apple finally has a cloud-based music storage system, though i'm not in love with the current implementation (no actual streaming--just the ability to download. in a lot of ways, audiogalaxy has this beat by a landslide, but whatever. for that matter, so does amazon's cloud music storage and google music). anyway, that is all. also, breasts. thanks to status quo for pointing out that. :)
  22. never thought 40 could look this good. ;) F'N FANTASTIC! in celebration of my b-day yesterday and my mom's today, my brother is taking us out to eat to ze tejas--not sure who all is familiar with that joint, but for the sake of understanding, it's a sweet mexican food joint. free food courtesy of the bro. my daughter is officially OFF her ADHD meds and we have her on completely natural supplements and oils (lavender, frankincense, etc). those are working so much better than the concerta was. on that, she'd never eat anything, then she'd wake up grumpy as hell and go to bed grumpy as hell. meanwhile, she lost 4 pounds in 5 months instead of maintaining or gaining because the medicine drastically suppressed her appetite. she was literally starving, and it didn't matter how much food we offered her--she wouldn't eat it. didn't matter if it was mac and cheese, grilled hot dogs with a swimming pool of ketchup, or scrambled eggs ... she wouldn't eat anything. it broke our hearts! so we tried this natural stuff, and mother of pearl, she's so much better. eating 2 servings at every meal (probably to make up for the last 5 months!), angelic morning through night ... it's miraculous. THAT is F'N Fantastic!
  23. SIR YES SIR! happy birthday to you! i'm leaving work at 3 (a request of the wife ... "DON'T COME HOME BEFORE 3:30!!!!" ummm ... okay?!). what are your big plans for your day?
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