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Everything posted by frissonic

  1. i kind of get what you mean, but for me, listening to him was way different. i mean ... he just had this incredible vision that he spouted off during the 2004 DNC and a lot of his run to the democratic nomination for 2008. it was incredible. i know of no one in utah who initially didn't stand behind him, or who didn't want to vote for him ... until his partisanship started boiling over. he started off incredibly well, but then fizzled into, as you put it, "every single politician before him." and it's sad because he had an incredible vision.
  2. oh not in the least. however, my specific gripe with obama is that he DID promise to bridge that chasm, and ... nothing. i can't think of another politician that started a campaign so vociferously on the promise of partisanship bridging, only to completely abandon that promise mid-way through the campaign. EDIT: but yes--it would be fantastic if both sides could *just* quit towing a particular party line and actually accomplish something for the good of the country.
  3. not to the level that obama did. he had so many people convinced that he was all about non-partisan politics, and that he wanted to play with both sides fairly and equally. shortly into his campaign, it was evident that he had absolutely no intention of bridging any partisan chasm; he had his agenda, and it was set in stone.
  4. I remember watching him speak at the 2004 DNC. I told my wife that if he ran in 2008 and he could clearly demonstrate how he could achieve this utopian society had in his mind, AND he could find a way to bridge the partisan gap, he'd have my vote. His speech was one of the single most moving experiences of my life. What a vision! What a dream! What a crock ... Democratic controlled congress up until 2010, and still he couldn't get anything done. Nothing's changed. We're still in the same sh!##y economy that we were, gas is no better than it was in 2008 (except from July/August 2008, where it somehow managed to drop to about $1.70/gal for a while), the housing market still sucks, the health care bill is a joke ... I just don't see how anything is better than what it was 4 years ago. And for all you left-leaning leaners, please spare me the "you can't fix a mess in 4 years when it was made over 8." Blah blah blah. If you can't fix a mess in 4 years, then do not promise to fix it in 4 years.
  5. they actually showed up today. i'm impressed. scrip is perfect, arms are a tad short, but nothing out of control, and the frame is pretty decent. for ~$30, cannot and will not complain. they look good, and i can see. :)
  6. as long as the puck drops in the beginning of october, they can stall as long as they want. there better be a season though ...
  7. Dan Rosen said on Twitter that Bettman is "disappointed" with the NHLPA's proposal. Queue the crickets for the 12-13 season ...
  8. ahh, the denial parent. our neighbors' parents were like that. constantly picking on me and my brother cuz they knew my dad was nowhere to be found (mom was doing the single parenting thing), so they figured they could get away with whatever. finally went to my mom one day and told her what was going on. she went to the neighbor and told the mom that her son would knock me down for no reason, steal my bike and ride on it all afternoon, or whatever it was he had done. "WHAT!? No ... you're mistaken. my boy would *never* do anything like that!! he's an ANGEL!" damn near lost my dinner on that one. "he's an angel." yah. straight from the bowels of hell. using that as a baseline for dealing with our neighbors and their kids, i started using the video function on my phone. after a couple of vids of their kids acting up, questioning me wasn't even an issue. gotta love technology. :)
  9. I'm not shilling. I swear. www.zennioptical.com. I ordred a pair last Thursday, was told they'd take 7-14 business days, got the shipping confirmation email yesterday, and they're on track to be here tomorrow. Tons of frames in every style imaginable, and you can see what they look like on your face before you buy them (have to upload a pic of you, but whatever!) With shipping, oleophoic anti-glare coating, anti-scratch coating, UV coating, frames and lenses, under $33. The oleophobic coating was the most expensive at $14.95, but whatever.
  10. That's why HE has to play at OUR house. it's a long, long story, but they are flat-out forbidden from going in his house. at all. ever. and when he's over, they play in the backyard or in a room adjacent to where we are. to be fair, he's a nice kid, and when we hear him say something or see him doing something, we step in and say something. i mean, the kid isn't all bad news; he just has no direction. at *eight*!! that's sad to us. but given his parents' backgrounds and issues, it's not surprising. but yah ... close eye kept at all times. :)
  11. peanut butter M&Ms.
  12. our neighbor is *exactly* like that ... minus the whole exercise addiction. her addiction lies ..... elsewhere. her 8 year old is constantly over at our house, which we don't mind cuz really, there's more going on over at his house than we want/need to know but we know it's not at all good, so sure--he comes over to escape. the problem is that his mom *never* checks on him, his 15 year old sister (who is more in charge than her mom is), rarely checks on him, so he's left to his own devices 90% of the time. he watches whatever he wants on tv and youtube, he's learned a lot of foul things that he's dearly passed on to my 8 and 6 year old daughters, and half the time when he comes over, he's not at all nice to them, which confuses the hell out of them. it turns all kinds of ugly, so we end up sending him home ... blah.
  13. Tell that to the Kings. Or the Canucks.
  14. We agreed to watch our friends' kids so they could go to Portland on their own. We're watching them until Sunday, and we started Tuesday night. So far, they've poured water in our lawn mower gas tank, and one of them peed on our couch. No, it's not leather or vinyl. It's not microfiber, either. It now smells like waffles. On a similar note, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat waffles again ...
  15. well, like i said, i can understand the dissent. really. no argument that religion can seem really "out there" ... i just see it differently. and that's fine. you on your way, and i on mine, and nary the twain shall piss off each other. ideally speaking.
  16. Well, as long as you're an equal opportunity distributor ... :) Yah, ya know, truthfully, I honestly get why an outsider would scratch their heads. I've had decades to digest and study, and I guess I just "get" it, for lack of a better term, so to me, it makes sense, but ... yah. To someone who all they hear is "KOLOB!" or "UNDERWEAR!!" ... yah. If there's no context other than a few scant sentences, it's going to cause some consternation.
  17. It's been "illegal" since the late 1800s, gentlemen. :) Not to mention, I know of no Mormon man who *wants* more than one wife. I can tell you 100% that I, as a Mormon, want *nothing* to do with it. My one wife is plenty, and then some. Drunkard, you're welcome to doubt and poke fun all you want, but not understanding what you mock is kind of childish, don't you think?
  18. 1. Okay, fair statement. 2. Sadly, I actually know some who live and die by Glenn Beck's every word. Toure' strikes me as the left's answer to Beck.
  19. Do you have *any* clue about what you just said? Any?
  20. Truthfully, I *just* discovered her, but I've already "liked' her in FB and am following on Twitter. Good, smart writing. Like.
  21. Never used the words "surprising" or "upsetting." Please. However, since you probably didn't watch the actual video of Toure's little commentary throw-up, he used the word, "*iggerization" to describe his stupid slant on how Romney was disagreeing with Obama. Now ... using your infinite powers of wisdom, tell me how that is NOT surprising and/or upsetting. Because that word should be indisputably off the table. It's a sh** tactic on MSNBC's part, and yes--since YOU brought it up, it *is* surprising and upsetting that MSNBC chooses to allow that kind of dialog on their airwaves. Romney, at no point, has even hinted at being racist, but MSNBC chooses to allow that segment to air? Here's what's surprising: the lengths that that channel will go to to slant Romney. Or any other candidate, for that matter. How despicable. No argument there. It happens to candidates (and others) all the time. Wasn't it Steve Bernier whose page was hiliariously altered after the "mea culpa" penalty in the SCF?
  22. Interestingly enough, neither MSNBC nor CNN have anything regarding this story. At all. Though to be fair, neither does Fox News. Sure they could have. And the same stuff has been said about Obama. However, if someone says something negative about Obama, MSNBC is all over it. If someone says something against, say, Mia Love, it's nowhere to be found. Not only that, but Toure' on MSNBC accused ROMNEY of something so foul that it brought about an open letter from Kira Davis.
  23. wonder how this will play out for individual tickets as well. having just bought 4 tix to the phoenix game (in PHX), i'm banking that the NHL and NHLPA will come to some kind of agreement. if they don't, i'm going to want my money back, obviously. even with ticket insurance through ticketmaster, i'm kind of worried.
  24. google "fiery furnace" +moab. that will be our two days. :) yah, i'm pretty stoked. arches national park has always eluded us as far as hiking goes. we generally go to yellowstone, but that's cuz the only time off we generally have is in the summer, and yellowstone rarely gets above 80 degrees. even in august, it's not uncommon to wake up to 40 degree weather. moab, by contrast, in the summer will hit 90-95, into the hundreds, without batting an eye. november is a perfect time to go.
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