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Everything posted by frissonic

  1. way to play the intrepid card, man. initiative when no one else has called shows balls. that can go either way, but generally favored. nice job!
  2. woke up at 1:15 am. couldn't go back to sleep. tossed and turned, finally gave in. sat on the edge of the bed for a good 2 hours playing some phone game (tentacles or something). still couldn't sleep. took a long, hot shower. thought that'd knock the wake right out. nope. instead, i was awake, wet, and had no towel. stood in the bathroom to air dry rather than stumble through the house, looking for a towel since the closet was empty, and potentially wake up my kids (awkward ...). by the time i got dressed, it was 5:45, so i thought, "what the hell. i'll just go to work." got in here, promptly fell asleep. boss nudged me awake. "you okay?" told him the whole saga. he walked away, came back with a coke zero for me. awesome that my boss is so nice, yet so unbearably sh**ty, falling asleep at work.
  3. i had that exact same thought. for a band that's been snubbed for decades, they have no need of the rock and roll hall of fame. they are, unto themselves, their own hall of fame. period. and with this post, i now join the legions of 1000+ posts posters. :)
  4. Hopped on the (read: "a") bike for the first time this millenium. Thought I'd try biking to work. 30 miles. Made it 10.5 before I gave in to handle bar blisters and "other discomforts." But still ... over 10 miles for the first ride in a long-a time? I'm not disappointed. Sore as hell, but not disappointed. Edit: Oh! 1 away from the 1000-post milestone!
  5. okay, no well wishes ... but enjoy the fishing. :)
  6. Muse's new CD is ridiculous. Stand-out tracks: Supremecy, Madness, Panic Station, Survival, Animals, Save Me, Liquid State. The last two are sung by Chris Wolstenhume, so if you're familiar with the band and are wondering, "Hey, that singer ... that's not Matt! Who the **** is that?!", there's your answer.
  7. have you recently had a staph infection? those will mess with your head. my friend gets them a lot. says he feels like he's been cold-cocked. he just bawls and bawls. And bawls some more.
  8. 11 vacation days?! good crap. that's awesome. i have ... 6? maybe 7? BUT i'm seriously considering moving to a 4-10 sked for next year. every friday off is too good to pass up. and with the sick leave and floating holiday hours our company offers in addtion to incremental vacation time, it's a pretty sweet gig. the only downside is having to work 10 hours. that's a frickin' drag. BUT FRIDAYS OFF! hard to ignore.
  9. nice man! congratulations on the run. my knees forbid me from running, but i'm pretty sure i can bike for a nice long while. replacing my tires this week, then taking a nice, leisurely bike ride on friday from my town to as far as i can go. we have a series of bike paths that link together and go on for at least 60-80 miles ...
  10. that means that, for NINE YEARS, i've been missing out on all the fun?! that stops today.
  11. so, has anyone else never heard of this?! where the hell has THIS been hiding?! http://www.419eater.com/ easily the greatest gift to the internet since the internet itself.
  12. It's not just that. Apparently, it will integrate totally with your phone and set up blinking alerts when you get a phone call, or when you get a text, or when someone comments on your FB status ... whatever. $50 is frickin' pricey, but FFS ... if you can sync your whole friggin' house to turn into a night club (bulbs will sync with your music and put on a light show ...). Not to mention the energy efficiency of A) being LED-based, B) having the capability of setting up timers for particular bulbs or zones so that they come on in the morning or off at night ... it's great as a security deterrant if you're on vacation. Just set the lights up to come on at "random" times. Anyway, the concept is just amazingly cool. Cost ... sure--pretty prohibative, but even still, I'm considering a 10-bulb pledge. Yes. This. That would be an excellent reason for purchasing.
  13. not my project, but holy shizac this is sick.
  14. is that for season tickets ONLY? or do individual game purchases count too? any idea?
  15. tragically, this is true. :bag:
  16. peach cobbler. for breakfast. *blink* where were you 14 years ago ...? aw, heck ... you were probably still in middle school. :)
  17. My brother worked in the medical insurance industry for years. By his single assessment, and using that as a microcosm for the industry, yes--hospitals and doctors will bilk your insurance for everything they have if you have good insurance. He saw it all the time. People would call up with questions on an invoice, knowing that their insurance wiped at a vast majority of their bill, but still wonder why a few aspirin were well into the 100s, and an overnight hospital stay was $1500. Again, insurance wiped out most of their bill, but insurance providers do pass that cost back to us with raised rates. It's not a myth; it actually happens. If it were just him saying this, I'd have my doubts. In his 10+ years in the field, he made contacts all over the country--having to call and discuss billing issues with reps across the country. Same story every time. Insurance providers being bilked by the hospitals, and not even blinking at the costs, then watching rates rise across the board for practically every insurance provider the following year. What someone needs to do is track that. Who pays out the most on insurance? Whose costs rise the most the following year? I'm betting there's a website that has that all tracked somewhere ...
  18. both of you are inspirational. i've lost 35, but i have a significant amount more to go than either of you. :) i'm content with my 280 right now, but yah ... lots more to go. and like weave, my knees *hate* running, but i can bike 30-40 miles without batting an eye, so that's where my exercise comes in. and dammit, i just grabbed a coke zero ... now i have guilt.
  19. Dear Bills: THANK YOU for completely botching the Sunday Ticket preview this weekend.
  20. just wait until they get to play at the ralph. they'll totally turn it around!! :bag:
  21. This is why I take advantage of the free movie channel previews on DTV.
  22. 2 picks for fitzy at the end of the 1st. at this rate, he'll have a record-shattering 128 INTs by the end of the season. that is, if buffalo fans don't lynch him first. and no, that wasn't a marshawn slam. :)
  23. because generally the supply runs out in a few days, and you're left beating your head against the wall wishing you had stood in line. :) however, that was indeed a one-time experience. this time, i'm ordering online. and i'm debating whether or not i'm going to switch over to verizon or sprint. i just can't stand at&t throttling my "unlimited" account at 3GB. "dude. HOW do you use 3GB of data a month?!" very easily. try streaming any video, or even audio, for that matter. if you use itunes match, and you're out and about and want to download something but don't have access to wi-fi, it's not at all hard to jump over that 3GB threshold. no, we'll probably go with sprint. truly unlimited, good coverage out here, and most importantly, NOT at&t. i .... this .... words fail. this is too beautiful to express in mere mortal terms.
  24. so is the fibonacci sequence. especially when used in music. "lateralus." spiral out.
  25. most excellent! i love that about apple. they take care of their own. doesn't matter if you're in line for a new product or sad/mad about a faulty device; they will hook you up. ever try waiting in line for a new phone on release day? out here, when the 4 came out, it was 95 degrees. the line was 3 blocks long. apple brought around fruit, bagels, and cold bottles of water for EVERYone at least every 2 hours. it was awesome. ? are you going to the game or staying home for the man cave? if you're home, how are you watching it outside? what's your setup? cuz that sounds wicked fun!
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