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Everything posted by Bangarang

  1. We seem to fan on a lot of shots and passes.
  2. Tuch gets held and the refs donโ€™t see it or care
  3. We do but UPL doesnโ€™t give me much confidence either.
  4. Thatโ€™s annoying Bryson and Fitz are a liability together
  5. Why is Eakin back in the lineup?
  6. Our PP is like watching a monkeys trying to ***** a football.
  7. lol that trade proposal. Any GM would laugh and fart into the phone before hanging up.
  8. Bjork shoots like a girl. Get off the ice you bum
  9. Bjork still sucks
  10. Oof. We need help in net asap
  11. We get stood up at the blue line way too much on the PP
  12. Really lopsided 2nd period again. We really like letting teams hold onto momentum for a really long time.
  13. Not news, just feel like saying it every game to emphasize how bad he is for this team on the ice.
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