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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. It would. Him sliding to 8 wouldn't even be much of a slide.
  2. Entirely, no. But I think there's picks in his resume that ignore analytics. Did it? I know the goaltending improved but I've little evidence the D did.
  3. Well, at least we have fun around here
  4. Just use the first post in the thread.
  5. I've seen lots of things on camera where Dahlin is leading. And you want to talk elevating their game, Dahlin is far more consistent in that regard. Example of Dahlin leading, Benson lives with him because Dahlin invited him. Other than helping RJ, none of this is leading. It's just being different than others which isn't the same thing.
  6. In the right corner of posts there's 3 horizontal dots. Click them and you'll get a share option which gives you a direct link to any post.
  7. I only believe in the drafting as long as Ventura and Karmanos are here. It's fairly obvious to me that Forton shouldn't be the main voice in the draft room, too many old man hockey vibe picks from his lot.
  8. I just want to point out that 2-3 million bucks to Terry is like 2-3 hundred bucks for a normal person. He's full of ***** and the fact he's convinced fans that he's poor and paying a couple million extra hurts him is laughable. He bought the Sabres for what? About 200 million? You can sell an nhl team for 1 billion, that's 800 million in profit, so if Granato is 2 million that means Terry can pay off Granato for 400 years and and sell the Sabres to break even. Dude has a tax write off yacht, that's probably netting him 2 mill in tax savings at least. My point is that Terry and the org have clearly put it out that Don got an extension and the arena needs upgrades and Terry just can't afford it, which is bs. Dude is worth 6.8billion and that's obvious not all liquid cash but any bank on planet would give him the 4ish million to cover Granato and Terry could pay it back within what? A month. Millions is like hundreds to us. If he keeps Granato, it's because he's complacent, not because he can't afford to move on.
  9. No but the league will accept it for 2 seasons while the new arena is built. An arena that will also host the Jazz and has public support to be built. As opposed to Arizona where land purchase is still in the air and they play at Arizona state.
  10. I'd bet on Salt Lake b4 Buffalo at this point in time.
  11. Rumor is illness, not injury. Nothing official though.
  12. Holy hell. Start a new thread instead of polluting this one if you wanna talk about Murray and Botterill.
  13. Adams should aggressively pursue players not interested in going to Salt Lake.
  14. Lots of sources in on this. Should be someone else's thread though as others posted first.
  15. There enough smoke to make this a new thread?
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