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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. This is the same argument that was used when Murray went all dumbass in 2015... and 2016... and 2017. If anyone from those 3 drafts outside of Mittelstadt had been truly good, the Sabres might still have Eichel and Reinhart and be a playoff team. God the 2014 draft was a ***** draft for Buffalo. The lag on drafts is 5-7 years sadly. You are right though, we shouldn't expect anyone to be drafted in june and to come save us. We need to trade assets we have for real NHL players.
  2. You always need draft picks, the issue is we haven't added anything other than draft picks.
  3. yea, I would guess it was about Östlund/Savoie/Rosen, maybe Helenius who this board still thinks of as small
  4. Zach Benson at 5v5 compared to every forward on the Sabres... 1st in CF% 2nd in xGF% 6th in HD CF% (gotta work on that Zach) 5th in goals for per 60min I mean at 5v5 for a 19yr old, he's basically the best forward on the team not named Tage Thompson.
  5. Actually we don't need to wait for it. Numbers show now that Benson is top 3-4 on this team for forwards and 2nd on the team in getting pucks to dangerous areas. Can't imagine poking fun at 19yr old Zach Benson when we should be thanking all the stars above he dropped to us in the draft.
  6. I would bring him in to support Karmanos and ditch Forton but we know that won't happen. I fire Adams in this scenario as well.
  7. Dahlin is tied for 3rd on the Sabres in points even though he has played the least amount of games. The losing streak encompasses 8 games I believe where Dahlin was out injured. Rasmus Dahlin is first on the Sabres in Cf%. He is 2nd on the Sabres in xGF%. 3rd on the Sabres in HD CF%. Dahlin is first on the Sabres defense in all these metrics, by quite a bit at times. Sure, take the C off his chest. I hope Rasmus Dahlin immediately demands a trade so I can watch him win a cup and Norris trophy somewhere else.
  8. I will say this. If round top falls at 430pm on the 2nd, it is most likely retaken that evening. There would have been only 4 regiments on the hill with no support. If not and they take round top and hold that end of the line, Meade would have withdrawn his army down the Baltimore Pike in the night. The problem most Civil War commanders have is they suffer from the idea of the "decisive blow" when they lived in an era where they lacked the ability to do that. Let's switch all the way over to Chickamauga where due to stuff, the entire left flank of the Army of the Cumberland is literally put to rout. Even then, with supporting units and everything, they dont get a death blow because other units either held long enough or regrouped elsewhere. It was just too hard to logistically annihilate an entire army at that time. With battlefields being miles upon miles long, and no way to quickly send orders, you could destroy one area but by the time you moved on to a new one, they had withdrawn or redeployed. Gettysburg is another example, on day 1 the 11th corps is routed north of town and yet due to how long it takes and the need to attack, reform, and then attack again, the confederates are unable to even destroy the 11th corps. Same thing at the wilderness or Chancellorsville, where oddly the 11th was also screwed and the 12th ended up stemming the tide. I think Chickamauga is probably the best example of an army being "destroyed" to the extent that it could be. We could also say that at the end of the battle of Chattanooga, the Union came as close as possible to destroying an army and yet the survivors would reform and make up Hood's army that defended Atlanta and broke itself at Nashville. It really takes until WWII for entire army groups to be surrounded and destroyed. This was the German plan for the Bulge but the 99th and 2nd divisions decided to just not let them. Anyways,
  9. I never understand this idea. You have to draft well, period. You have to do that to get into the top 8 even if you are trading those drafted players away for established players. We will never be Florida or Vegas where the destination draws ppl outright but yes winning draws ppl too. Buffalo acquired all these assets but never decided to turn those assets into something, they just sit on them... forever.
  10. I move Byram. I think Power needs a new defensive coach and he will be fine, never super physical but will defend rushes better and he already gets puck up ice at excellent rates.
  11. CBJ are a team that I wish we had drafted like: 2020: Yegor Chinakov, 6'1" winger really starting to come into his own as a middle 6 forward 2021: Kent Johnson, 6'1" C/W who was small and grew and has gotten better and better. He really had all the tools you wanted in a forward, it was just getting them all together. Cole Sillinger, 6'2" C/W who I desperately wanted but he went 2 picks before Rosen. He's not a finished product at all and needs to work on defense but he's got all the assets to be what we thought Cozens was going to be Corson Ceulemans, 6'2" RHD that is a guy I would target if I am Buffalo because I think you can get him and I think he could potentially make your team next year. Stanislov Svozil, 6' defender who like Strbak is just solid all over the ice even though he's a bit smaller with more offense 2022: David Jiricek, 6'4" RHD is now gone but it was still the correct pick and they weren't afraid to move him for a 1st round pick and some other picks Denton Mateychuk, 5'11" LHD that quite frankly I love. Not quite in the NHL but he's well on his way Luca Del Bel Belluz, 6'1" C who has started his NHL journey with a bang. Kid was amazing in his draft year and stupidity and ignorance and the old boys club ways of scouting kept him out of Buffalo Jordan Dumais, 5'9" wing but man does he have skills on skills. Idk if he makes it but for a 3rd round pick, this is the type of thing you do 2023: Adam Fantilli, 6'2" center and if Adams had had even the smallest of brains he would have slid a first from 2022 into this draft, it was just loaded. Fantilli went 3rd overall. He's probably a first overall in a lot of other drafts. Gavin Brindley, the 5'8" high motor high skill guy that is a gamble for sure. However, CBJ could afford this pick because look at the forwards they have taken up until now, the only other short guy is Dumais. Brindley has 11pts in 18AHL games as a rookie sidenote: Picks 1, 2, and 3 are 1, 3, and 2 for scoring so far in this draft class. #4 is a guy you may have heard of, Zach Benson. #5 and closing fast is one Matvei Mitchkov. What an absolutely loaded class. 2024: Cayden Lindstrom, 6'4" C and this pick has risk because Lindstrom has been injured but if he hits, he's gonna hit big. Charlie Elick, 6'4" RHD that is physical. If Novikov and Elick had a physical-off idk who wins. This is the Sabres Kleber or McCarthy equivalent and while I think he was overdrafted (one of the few picks I will criticize) I understand it. When I look at this, I see a team that was able to add skill, size, grit in different packages and ways. Buffalo fell into a trap of loving the same types of players for a couple of years and now needs to sell a few of them. Savoie is already gone but Rosen, Östlund both fall into that mold. I think Buffalo did course correct and Benson, Helenius, and Ziemer while not big, fir the grit and skill part and are not light (Ziemer and Helenius are 190lbs+). That all said, the important part here is that CBJ understands the same thing I hope Buffalo does, in the first round forwards are king and you only take defenders that are dynamic. Curious to see how both draft in 2025 but CBJ have a plethora of forward talent that frankly will surpass Buffalo's if it hasn't already. Of course, in the NHL fortunes can change quickly. Maybe Buffalo will finally win a draft lottery or have the chance to take a Fantilli level guy.
  12. Here's the thing, this is the 3rd full year of this core and you could argue it is year 4, they don't get it. Now, I don't think they should burn it all down and start over like they did in 2014, and somewhat in 2020/21 but they need to look at their top 6 forwards and their top 6 defenders and start making the adult decisions that Adams and his "wants to be here" cuddly childish attitude seems incapable of. If I can somehow move Cozens and Byram for Petersson and something (mild sweetner) than you do it. Then you start figuring out how you are moving Joker, Samuelsson, and one other top forward off this roster. I would look at Quinn and Peterka and ask if I can move either for a defender around the same age. If you want to keep both that's fine but still need a defender for Owen Power, like Zach Whitecloud. This game of "everyone will get better" and "what if we move the wrong guy" has to end. Doing nothing is the same at this point as doing something wrong, at least if you make a move you have a chance of doing something right. 3 years of the same core and they will be further away from the playoffs this year. You need all new assistants (except for Bales) and you need to make hard decisions about who stays and who goes.
  13. Grant was technically in charge of all the union armies and Meade the army of the Potomac. However in reality, Sherman was in charge of the western theater and Grant the east. Grant pressed Lee hard and other than Cold Harbor, didn't make too many dumb frontal assaults. That said by 1864, George Thomas was probably the best army commander. Either way, had Lee defeated Grant the war would had still been lost. Personally, I think Lee was a mediocre strategist in that he often was lucky because the union was dumb... McClellan or his immediate subordinate... mostly Jackson was brilliant. Lee assaulted the union center because he thought Meade would panic and reinforce the flanks but Meade guessed that. Meade knew he was right after the artillery bombarded them for 2 hours as well. Lee attacking an elevated position, where his lines could be enfiladed with cannon fire all while thinking he could push the union second corps and break them never made sense. By summer 1863 both armies were not what they were in 1862. The correct plan would have been to sidestep Meade and not fight him on the 3rd day. However, on July 4th 1863 Vicksburg fell so the Confederacy was doomed anyway. The only winning move would have been a partial destruction of the army of the Potomac and an attack on Washington but, as I've said, Lee was only an ok strategist and he let his victory sickness dictate his actions. Also George Meade was probably the best he faced to that point. Anyways, the strategic moves of the Civil War are fascinating.
  14. Culps hill was impossible to take too but they tried anyways.
  15. Redwings wildly better after coaching change. Maybe they'll prove me wrong after all.
  16. It's kinda of amazing that Adams kept all the same coaches minus Granato, and all the same players minus the 4th line, and was like "yea, we're better now!"
  17. At Gettysburg after Picketts charge (note 2 other brigades took part), the union II chanted Fredericksburg because it was the inverse and had left such a scar on the army.
  18. It's not gonna happen. That's not who the player is and I hope everyone finally gets that size doesn't equal grit. Hopefully the scouting department can find some guys with both.
  19. Probably should have fired the coach who's ran the defense for 3 years and also actually added real defense depth. Joker, Samuelsson and another guy gotta go.
  20. Lol yes after the fans stood up and cheered wildly at the end of the 1st, the Sabres sucked the rest of the way because the fans. Lol what a crock of *****.
  21. I'd keep Power and move Byram. Power has excellent transition and exit metrics. He needs to work on entries.
  22. Cuz no one will give us anything for Bryson. Terry and Kevyn like him Did it in 5. What is, Nikita Novikov
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