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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Kevyn Adams is incompetent According to Greg Wyshynski of ESPN it's sounding like: Carolina: Mikko Rantanen, Taylor Hall Colorado: Martin Necas, Jack Drury, 2025 2nd and 2026 4th Chicago: 2025 3rd (their own) and 50% retained on Rantanen
  2. Carthage wasn't as well destroyed as the Sabres have been and the Romans salted the earth on which it stood.
  3. Donald Trump, in accordance with the Project 2025 playbook he is following, has said he wants to get rid of FEMA and let the States do it.
  4. US Congressman proposed Constitutional Ammendment to allow Trump a 3rd term. http://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-ogles-proposes-amending-22nd-amendment-allow-trump-serve-third-term https://www.thedailybeast.com/maga-rep-wants-to-rewrite-constitution-to-give-donald-trump-a-third-term/ Trump has said multiple times now he would run for a 3rd term.
  5. No he doesn't. You can send every single top 5 pick back next year and you should. Outside of McDavid, I don't think 18yrs olds are suited to the NHL. Schaefer won't even be 18 until training camp starts, so he's going back. Hagens is in college, not Jr's so him going back to get stronger is smart. Misa, I could hear the argument for NHL and is the only one that I could be talked into. Martone, he's good but I think Jr's helps him refine his game more McQueen, he's been injured and has already lost half the yr Further, I wouldn't want any of these guys up dealing with the fallout from this season because without massive org changes, next year will be a dumpster too.
  6. Owen Power has never played like this bolded part. Not in college and never in the NHL. It's not who he is.
  7. Will be great when they trade Dahlin to Vegas and he wins like 3 cups and all the ppl here are like "who could have seen this coming!?!?"
  8. Now if Misa is available at 3, I take Misa. My top 4 is currently: Schaefer Hagens Misa Martone
  9. If I were the Hawks, I'd lean Misa or Martone but I don't think they will. It's not a shot at Hagens, but Bedard with Misa gives you a ton of speed and skill. Martone gives you a bigger playmaker at wing. Sharks definitely need Schaefer. If you do look at it like that and we see Schaefer, Misa, ... and Buffalo is 3rd... ppl will bitch but you should take Hagens.
  10. Had a coworker today in NLM training, this training was a 4 week sequence, once a week, and they met last week for part 1. Part 2 was canceled this morning because the NLM was told they can't do trainings.
  11. Martone is different than Eiserman in that Eiserman really relies on his shooting skill while Martone has a more well rounded game. Both are physical though but Martone is 6'3" 207 compared to 6' 196 for Cole. If we pick 4th, I think we are picking between Martone or Misa (meaning whichever one is left).
  12. Martone? There are plenty of players without NTCs we could trade for.
  13. You could look up players here and then click to see who has a NMC. I wonder if one of the other capsites would be better, capfriendly I think would like you sort by NMC https://capwages.com/players/active
  14. You know it was bad when Flacco was like... yea no. Dumbest flub probably in NFL award history. Idk how you top not giving "comeback player of the year" to the guy who died on the field... and came back.
  15. I'd like to note that 3 of my biggest "Buffalo should f-ing draft this dude" players have been, Seth Jarvis, Marco Rossi, and Zach Benson and it wasn't because they were short, it was because they were aggressive pursuers of the puck in all 3 zones. Those 3 are how I want my team to play.
  16. Let's talk about Caleb Desnoyers. He is a 6'2" 172lb center, born in mid April, who plays in the QMJHL or simply the Q. Now first let's talk about that minor issue, the Q. In recent years (last 5-10) the Q has been considered a step below in the eyes of scouts and GMs when it comes to jr hockey leagues. The WHL and OHL are considered a step above and also like the SEC versus the MAC, it is felt that more pro level style takes place in the other two leagues. Now, that does not mean Desnoyers isn't good or can't be good but it is should be noted before moving on. Also I feel the Q has at least started to change. Caleb Desnoyers is in his 2nd Q year and last season put up a very respectable 20g, 56pts in 60games for the Moncton Wildcats. This year he has 25g, and 60pts in 37 games to date. For those who care about +/-, Desnoyer leads his team with a +41, overall though his entire team is + in terms of ev goal differential so while a high number, it isn't worlds ahead of his teammates (2nd is a +37). Desnoyers also leads his team in goals (25) and points (60) with the next closest players being at 20g and 43pts. He does have several previously drafted guys around such as 76th overall in 2023, Juraj Pekarcik and 48th overall Etienne Morin. There are two ways we can look at this, unlike say Michael Misa who basically is it on his team, Desnoyers does have some talent and help around. The 2nd part is he has talent around and is still the best. How's he play though? I think he has a very underrated shot. He has the ability to load and fire from lots of angles and with a lot of pace. This will translate his shot well to higher levels as he adds strength. His skating is pretty good, he could be faster but he's got good extensions and a solid base, you will see him cut in and around guys with his edges. Idk about his motor, not because it is bad but because I have seen only some highlights and couple of full shifts from him so it is hard to judge but most ppl seem to say he is good. Personally I like his IQ and his puck touches, he seems to find players in open space and sees the ice really well. I actually thought he would have way more assists than goals but his shot is such an asset. Overall, at 5-7, there is certainly a conversation that could be had for Caleb Desnoyers and with his April bday he's probably got 1 if not 2 more years left in the Q. Sucks he's another one of these guys who can't do one more year of jr and then move on to the AHL. Still, he's worth that 3yr wait imo and is worthy of a top 10 pick.
  17. I wish we had a team of 6'3" centers that played like Benson. I would be happier than a pig in *****.
  18. Multiple reports that NIH (National Institute of Health) staff have been told they can't travel to conferences or give talks until further notices. NIH also shutdown their grant reviews according to multiple scientists in the field "until further notice". NIH funding helps over 300k people across roughly 2,500 institutions including at major universities. With the grant review panel shut down, this will impact the ability of the United States to due research on very real and ongoing problems from pandemic's to biomedical engineering. Read all about it: https://www.science.org/content/article/trump-hits-nih-devastating-freezes-meetings-travel-communications-and-hiring#:~:text=Donald Trump's return to the,such as grant review panels. I notice how quiet the responses here have been. Hard to defend the Trump admin already, isn't it?
  19. Great moments, are born from great opportunities.
  20. Letter sent out to NASA and every other Federal agency by order of the president. Wait until DEI turns into "disparages the current administration"
  21. Donald Trump has now made it legal for ICE to raid schools and take children. Churches are no longer safe either. https://www.npr.org/2025/01/21/nx-s1-5269899/trump-immigration-enforcement-schools-churches
  22. That is not what this quote is telling us. We will draft in the top 8 at a minimum and top 5 is likely. This draft has a stronger top than the 2020 draft IMPO. Caleb Desnoyers at 5 is very interesting.
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