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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. You know the funny part about this, Johnson and Portillo can't make the decision yet but here you are losing your mind over nothing.
  2. Imagine thinking a paraphrased interview with a gm contained everything he said and everything he said to these prospects. Just imagine it.
  3. Faceoffs. An overrated skill that Eakin isn't that good at.
  4. "If he (levi) came and he was mentally ready, and what he thought was right for him, that would've been great too" I mean at this point we've reached hysterics over this. Oh that's it, I'm too stupid to understand. Thanks, that clarified everything.
  5. It should be easy to add 2 decent rhd in ufa to a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 11 years? I doubt that very much.
  6. Neither Nadeau nor Kozak will be AHL eligibility next season. Kozak could be but I don't remember if the cutoff is Dec31 or Dec1 for turning 20. Edit: Kozak would be ahl eligible due to turning 20 b4 Dec31 which is the cutoff. Fitzgerald might not clear waivers, hard to say
  7. He'll lie about the 20k dead. Europe will get its energy and then everyone will move on. Over the next 20 years, China will supplant the US as the world's top super power and the US, like the UK will be a player still.
  8. Answer the question I bet right now Levi doesn't care at all where the Sabres are trending. The Sabres aren't the center of his universe, nor should they be. Sure
  9. Lines against Florida, doubt we see changes other than goaltending
  10. Did we ever get confirmation on this? Specifically this report seems to be in question
  11. I think this board overrated Fitzgerald because he hit stuff and jumps into srums.
  12. Carolina is good but they are beatable. Buffalo needs to get back to winning after losing to Florida, I expect Anderson in net and a Cozens goal tonight.
  13. I think Dahlin is a playmaking defender so I don't expect a ton of goals.
  14. You've said this twice. Which part has never been done?
  15. Levi is 6' I'm not attached, I just recognize that wasting a potential starting goalie for a rhd is just that, wasteful. He fits by winning the job or being a good backup. I'd rather gamble on 1 of the 3 being good than 1 of the 2 being good especially in a draft that has 6 or so 1st round rhd. I can get a rhd but starting goalies are rare. Levi going back means almost nothing but here we are talking about listening to trade offers which you wouldn't have done 24 hours ago. It's strange you assume Portillo will succeed but Levi won't and yet your only real reason listed is Levi isn't taller.
  16. I don't usually care but the way you wrote this is so confusing. In sentence 1 you say Portillo and you reference no one else in this paragraph. The natural reading is therfore you are in favor of trading Portillo for a rhd. Now, I've assumed the "he" in sentence 2 is Levi but I'm honestly not sure. Do you think we should sign Portillo and trade him? Or sign Portillo and trade Levi?
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