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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Idk if I'd trust a 24yr old gt on a really good college team but some team will
  2. ... only 4 hours late Per Kevin Weekes https://www.sabrespace.com/community/topic/30921-official-sabres-sign-first-overall-pick-in-2021-owen-power-to-his-elcdebut-is-tentatively-scheduled-versus-tml-on-412/?do=findComment&comment=1484335
  3. Lol mckay backers are arguing his gaa proves he's the best. Lol college hockey fans
  4. Lol, you ain't drafting a wr. Probably take another rb or qb
  5. Anywhere you can get a name plate changed? Asking for a friend with an old blue grigorenko jersey
  6. They'd have to win the lottery to get into the top 10 Next years draft is insane at the top.
  7. Is Cozens playing? Does Jerry Sullivan still think Reinhart sucks because he has horrible takes? Can Buffalo bring intensity after last night? Does Owen Power like chicken wings? Is Dahlin a fish or a bird? Find out tonight!
  8. This board after any loss is an unreadable garbage dump of ***** takes, overreacting, and stupidity. It's like listening to wgr after a Bills loss. That's my complaint
  9. Garbage 3rd period. The Sabres should be embarrassed by how they played.
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