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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Button's top 50 NHL affiliated (drafted) prospects https://www.tsn.ca/owen-power-top-nhl-prospects-1.1784400
  2. Idk why you like Gibson, he's not good and hasn't been in close to half a decade. He hasn't had a positive GSAA since 2018/19. Since 2017/18 his ev sv% has decreased every single year from a high of .927/.928 down to .903 He is not good and will not be good suddenly. He has 5 more years on his contract and a M-NTC meaning you get his full cap for 5 years with almost no way to trade him. He might be one of the least attractive goalie options available in the entire NHL.
  3. Honestly overpaying Fluery is the best idea in this thread currently. The other options literally sound like Bills fans talking about how AJ McCarron was going to be good for us because he won a natty in college.
  4. Please stop. John Gibson hasn't even been a decent starter in 4 years, he isn't going to suddenly "reclaim" that form and skill. OMFG the guy is signed for 5, yes FIVE more years at 6.4million. I would rather play UPL than trade assets for John Gibson and his M-NTC at 6.4mil for the next 5 seasons. That's honestly concerning because John Gibson hasn't been good in 4 years and is only getting older. His contract sucks too and is for at least 2 years to long. UPL has a better NHL sv% in his 9 games than Gibson has had since 2018. I would rather jump into lake erie in March than trade a moldy pizza log for John Gibson.
  5. I'm sorry, are you saying we should trade Portillo and the Florida 1st for John Gibson? Feel like you undercut your own argument at the end. UPL isn't good yet you argue that UPL is Ullmark like and we should have signed Ullmark. What if, both aren't that good?
  6. @JohnC let me simplify this. You believe that Ullmark represents a solution to our goaltending problem. I don't think Ullmark represents a solution to our goaltending problem. That's basically what all this boils down to.
  7. How don't you understand that Ullmark isn't that good? 24th in sv% on the BRUINS. Yet I am supposed to believe he is such an upgrade over UPL that we should have overpaid in money and term to keep him. Counting Ullmark as an in house solution is like saying Nathan Peterman was an in house solution. Cuz of how this board usually works. Every prospect we have is the 2nd coming of Conor McDavid or Hasek. A great example is this board LOST ITS MIND for Metaj Pekar for a few years.
  8. No, Portillo has not said that and all indicators point to him taking his degree seriously. What if letting Portillo go back and being supportive is why he signs next April, wouldn't that be a twist.
  9. Nope never heard of them. Krebs can play center at the NHL level as good as Mitts? Not to this point but maybe in a few years. Quinn and JJ aren't replacing Mitts because they aren't centers would serve a different role on the team. Further we aren't sure what either will do yet at the nhl level. Further Mitts was looking better until the last game so this seems like an overreaction.
  10. I agree that UPL isn't going to be a great goalie. He's in that Ullmark level of meh
  11. It would be like saying Trump won't be that bad. I disagree because I think he went back for his degree, Buffalo can still burn an elc year, he knows he can playing time here, by next April this team will have a much different playoff contention feel.
  12. Nope, just typical "because Buffalo" paranoia
  13. Lol, I don't believe half the crap Elliott reports because you never know who's paying him to report it. Lol
  14. Lol saying Adams blundered by not signing a mediocre gt for more money and years is something.
  15. This thread reminds me of when Bills fans used to say Fitz was a good qb. He wasn't, you just hadn't seen good in so long anything that wasn't a dumpster fire was good. We need to get better than Ullmark and signing him long term isn't getting better, it's treading water. Good. It's not a miscalculation, starting next year we'll have a better gt.
  16. And if I'm the Sabres that's too much and I named the best goalie in the league so again, Dahlin, Power and Quinn for any goalie in the league is insane. It's not even remotely plausible and no gm would trade that much. This entire scenario isn't anchored in reality, it's anchored in panic and fear. It wasn't. You don't sign mediocre starter to a 5 year deal.
  17. Hard pass. Ullmark's got a career NHL sv% of .912 which is what he is doing this year for Boston. He's 24th in the NHL for sv% for a goalie who has at least 10 starts, that isn't taking you very far.
  18. Your proposal isn't extortion. Dahlin, Power, 2 firsts, and Jack Quinn for a starting goaltender would get 31 gms to hang up on you and just not deal with you. Calling it outlandish is not even extreme enough, that is honestly the most insane trade I have ever read on this forum going back to Roy for Malkin. To the bolded, what is a realistic trade in your mind for decent starter or really good backup who probably would be a starter elsewhere? I can't tell because right now the trade you have outlined is ludicrous in any scenario, Igor Shesterkin isn't worth Dahlin, Power, 2 firsts, and Quinn.
  19. Muel and Dahls... I kinda love that. yes
  20. Levi: 31.89 SA/60 McKay: 19.04 SA/60 What Levi did this year was truly special and McKay wasn't in the same ballpark. In fact no one was in the same ballpark considering the shot totals Levi saw.
  21. Ok, I'm done being snarky. I think these teams have cap of issues and a 2nd might get it done or a 2nd and a B level prospect
  22. This is just nonsensical and not how these trades work or get talked about. Adams would laugh that other gm off the phone and the other 30 gms not on the call would laugh at such an ask as well. This is unrealistic doomsday types of proposal. Like this trade proposal is so outlandishly awful it deserves ridicule. Goaltender (supposed starter) for: 15th, 30th, Power, Dahlin (2 of these things and keep in mind the 15th overall pick is worth 100 times less than Rasmus Dahlin) and Quinn.... that's never happening. If you actually mean 2 firsts AND Power AND Dahlin AND Quinn for a goalie, LMFAO. In fact if an opposing GM seriously offered that, I would never trade with them again and would only call to offer them Bjork for Crosby.
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