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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Not exactly true. If Buffalo signs him in April they can burn an elc year.
  2. Since this came up elsewhere, Owen Power got 92k dollars yesterday for his elc signing bonus according to capfriendly. That's a nice way to start the week.
  3. That's not how the elc's these guys sign work. In fact I'd bet money the yearly signing bonus on the elc they sign is more than you're saying here. Jack Quinn gets 92k at the start of every year regardless of what league he's in for his signing bonus. His minor league salary is 80k a year and any callup means he gets paid at his full salary rate for that game or games. Other than maybe going to ufa, literally nothing. Another year of college development could even be great for Portillo.
  4. Before everyone freaks out, Buffalo can still sign and burn an elc year next year.
  5. He's stabilized the Mitts line and gives off major Larsson vibes. His finishing is questionable but defensive game is good. Asplund is quietly one of the better defensive forwards yet gets 0 love.
  6. I'm always amused when ppl think I take someone else's bad take personally. I just skimmed your posts for the last 2 games, didn't find anything positive so I stand by my original point. Enjoy your thread.
  7. I like how at the end you literally deleted the part where I have upl at a .917% in the NHL but Ullmark at .910% while playing for Boston. Ullmark isn't an answer and Adams correctly walked away when he wanted more money and years. He doesn't and you don't invest in a goalie like Ullmark long term.
  8. Hard pass. There's no reason to give Ullmark anything and Adams correctly walked away. UPL has a .917sv% for Buffalo this past season.
  9. Linus Ullmark has a .910sv% in Boston this year. You don't invest long term in that.
  10. You know what the sub 1.8gaa tells me? He plays on a team that is very good defensively because that's not a goalie stat.
  11. ***** I need to remember to avoid this absolute pity party trash thread.
  12. Yea, and the very second the Sabres aren't playing well it's "we ain't making the playoffs for years" You weren't discussing the good and bad, just acting like a loss in April after a teams been eliminated from the playoffs means they are "years" away. Lol it's a free country, yes and I'm free to call you out. 1st amendment doesn't mean freedom from criticism. They definitely just had a bad game.
  13. Do you ever get bored of only saying this stuff when we have bad games?
  14. Or, we're playing the 3rd time in 4 nights against 2 of the best teams in the east.
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