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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Personally I don't think either is gone. No. Devon Levi still has another full year of team control.
  2. Adams added Levi which is why he probably was very comfortable passing on Cossa and Wallstedt
  3. David Jiricek would sure look really nice taking over Fitz spot as early as 2023.
  4. Really seeing the limits of Bryson and Fitz last night. Bryson doesn't have the strength down low and when you watch him pinball off a forward while Muel wrecks the forwards, the difference is even more apparent. Fitz is just there and sure he is fiesty but he is very lackluster IMPO. I would love to sign Ryan Johnson and get him in over Byrson for the last little bit here. Power was fine, about what you would expect. Nothing really bad and his length saved him once or twice. It is nice having all that size down low on the backend and once Power realizes he can lean into NHL level players he will get a lot better. Dahlin... man I hope the birthday boy keep doing what he is doing and improving because it is a blast to watch. Thought Krebs had a really up and down night as he struggled at times. There were a few passes he made in the defensive zone that were really bad. Tuch, his shot is mediocre but he does good on puck retrievals. Tage and Skinner are really good. Okposo doing his thing as well. Really starting to get a feel for what next year can be.
  5. I agree with Curt. Dahlin has 1 season below 35 assists and that was the kruger season from hell last year. 12g and 40a seems like a solid floor if he plays around 78+ games
  6. Owen Power is going to prove my draft rankings wrong and I love it
  7. And Thompson.... now there's 2 giants out there and it's hard to tell them apart
  8. Those few weeks matter. If Buffalo signs Portillo in April, we can burn a year off his elc. If he goes to ufa in August that can't happen. Considering he's a business major, he might understand why that actually is important.
  9. Strange you never felt like this about Botteril. Ik your position, I think it's wrong and I laid out why.
  10. You don't understand my stance. This saying that you and now others are repeating I find meaningless in this context. Totally meaningless. Ullmark isn't good or better than what is sitting in Rochester. I'm always amused that you think you need to "clarify the matter" and "you don't understand". You repeat the same thing so often in so many threads it's quite easy to understand your stance but sadly you've failed to understand mine. You think Ullmark is a solution and I do not, it's that simple. I never said end all.
  11. May is different then August for this, a lot different.
  12. This coming from someone that ragged on Reinhart for 7 years is something
  13. None of these are goalies. It is really telling when you can't argue against what I have shown on Gibson but have to resort to whatbout this other non-related player as the counter. John Gibson isn't good and this is the 2nd offseason of ppl claiming he will magically get better. Any improvement to Gibson will be incremental and hinge more on the defense than his abilities at this point.
  14. Yes because in public health you are looking at using an intervention to get x improvement but in hockey you are looking at I need to win Y more games. You are focused on winning 4 more games a year and I am over here saying that doesn't matter when you need to win 20 more games a year. However you get to that 20 more games can be debated but Ullmark wasn't going to get you much more. You need the level above him.
  15. I'm sorry what? In the last 3 years for goalies with 10 games started: Gibson's sv% has been .904, .903, and .904 Gibson is 46th, 43rd, and 42nd in save% over the last 3 years Gibson is 46th, 43rd, and 42nd in goals saved above average in the last 3 years He has been absolutely terrible basically since he got paid. He has shown no signs of being what he was at 24yrs old and he is signed for another 5 years after this season ends. It isn't about an opinion it is about facts and the fact is John Gibson is no longer a good NHL goaltender. If your opinion is the 45th-ish best goalie in the league is going to take us anywhere, well that's on you.
  16. And right there is the problem. Tyrod Taylor was a middling QB who wasn't winning you anything. Ullmark is a middling GT that isn't winning you anything. Sometimes you need to pass on the meh things to get to the better things.
  17. Button's top 50 NHL affiliated (drafted) prospects https://www.tsn.ca/owen-power-top-nhl-prospects-1.1784400
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