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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. It's 2023 and the F-ing NHL Central Scouting idiots still split their lists by NA and International Skaters. Dinosaurs.
  2. No I didn't. I said something has no correlation to winning. But hey, you enjoy your night. Maybe PA and you can talk about how the Sabres are too short and don't hit things together? That would be fun. Do it over a beer.
  3. They saw what they wanted to see. There is almost no ability to process what the Sabres are around here anymore. It's just cliches.
  4. Correlation doesn't equal causation. They got better goaltending which you acknowledged.
  5. This will be fun. After every loss we'll use the same bs 2013 narrative of the Sabres aren't big or mean enough and after every win we'll just pretend we don't think that until the next loss. 2nd verse same as the first.
  6. Is this where after we beat a bunch of bigger teams that hit more because we lost you use recency bias to try and prove a point that has been shown to have no correlation to winning? Get used to not winning 82 games a year. Night sunshine
  7. It didn't make sense in any thread. What does Beniers have to with Quinn?
  8. Idk what ppl are even watching. All teams win by having good forechecks and getting pucks to the net.
  9. Lol. Just like Boston... wait a second
  10. If Granato turns Mitts into a consistently useful player, give him a lifetime extension.
  11. Okay so you agree, Sam Reinhart didn't make the President Trophy winning Florida Panthers worse last year.
  12. And yet you asked if the rookie forward was a bust and then called him Drew Stafford
  13. It's starting to amaze me the number of posters who vanish when we beat Boston but reappear to say how soft we are if we lose a game. Love it! It's like listening to a kids bop cd for 2 hours straight.
  14. That's not how it works if I remember right. It's still an elc so everyone can offer the same.
  15. Yes, the president trophy winning Panthers were worse last year because of adding Reinhart... you don't even exist in reality.
  16. What? You are in here talking about a 20yr old rookie like he is some 27yr old veteran. I bet if Quinn hit stuff no one would be saying anything about him.
  17. Here's a question for you, why would say this about Quinn and not Peterka when Quinn has outplayed Peterka basically the entire year?
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