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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. This seems short sighted. The point of them going to Rochester is to make sure Rochester makes the playoffs and their season gets extended. We want that so they get more experience to serve Buffalo next season when it matters. You're over here complaining about checkers while Adams should be playing chess.
  2. And this is the other side of the coin. Eichel will improve after a summer of training but is Tage already at his ceiling?
  3. I don't agree. I think some of these are toss ups. Skating is different but on par. Play driving is very debatable to me because Eichel only drives play when he feels like it. I think Tage is more consistent. Passing, I guess I'd give it to jack. Defensive play, toss up but again I find Tage more consistent. I think Eichel has a level above what Tage has shown but I'm concerned with Eichel being consistently at that show level. Is Jack better, yes but I think the gap is closer. Are you putting Eichel on the level of Austin Matthews?
  4. Do you think Eichel is generational? Or will become that in his career?
  5. I'm making deductions based on LA having a lot of going rhd and Brock Faber being Johnson's defensive partner already
  6. We're coming at this from different angles then. I don't think any of this in bold in true or how they would feel.
  7. I think Samuelsson, Krebs, and 24yr old Fitz are probably mature to understand missing the last 3 Sabres games We spent too long in the Kane, Eichel, ROR temper tantrum era
  8. Not really no. The most logical thing is to trade Johnson to LA.
  9. Lol Julien will defer to old vets again regardless of their abilities.
  10. The most logical place for Johnson remains the Kings
  11. Some want this conversation. Here you go
  12. Start a thread. What does Eichel bring that is dynamic in comparison to Tage
  13. Too many ppl spent too many years hating on Reinhart to ever equate him to being good enough to help Eichel
  14. Tage has better g/60 and a/60 numbers this season.
  15. Could dam off that part of the river and make it a dry dock.
  16. June bday who missed his dy because no ohl. Won't be 19 until this June which is great because lots of runway.
  17. He's an rfa I'd give VO 4.5 x4 years front loading it a bit so in year 4 if needed he's ready to trade.
  18. You would cost them maybe 50k bucks if you sent them down for the Americans final 3 games. You don't send Power down because he has the least nhl experience out of the players we're talking about and he can't be on their playoff team anyways. I don't think Samuelsson or Krebs or Fitz is going to take it personally especially when you simply explain, "hey Rochester needs help to make the playoffs and we want you in those ahl playoffs so here's the deal..."
  19. Power, like Muel and other tall players, needs to focus on that turning agility going from forward to backwards skating.
  20. They should send Fitz down and Muel and Krebs.
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