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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. The season is over but that didn't mean it doesn't still have meaning is what I mean. Of course now I'm arguing semantics so I'm guilty of that.
  2. Ok, we don't agree. You're now changing the conversation into something it's not. What you've written here is not what I'm talking about or alluding to. We've gone from Rochester making the playoffs to a philosophy debate on team culture. I'm not interested in it to be honest because good culture survives minor changes.
  3. Why do you care if there's a thread where ppl don't like Eichel? I'll understand going into a thread you don't like to tell ppl stuff like this.
  4. The stadium has structural damage
  5. You're really just proving my point. Only the wins you think matter, matter. But all the losses matter for us and losses for playoffs teams don't. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. We beat the Predators, Penguins, Flames, Knights, Wild. All either playoff teams or on the cusp. But those don't matter because you say so.
  6. Here's my thing, I didn't hate Eichel when he left. I understood it and he was well within his rights to want out after the dumpster fire this team is. I didn't even feel much animosity when he came back but those comments and that trash attitude of his in the post game presser, that changed it. So yes, I will gleefully cheer against Vegas.
  7. Not this again. It's such bs. East teams clinched so they aren't playing for anything but also the teams are good and making sure they are playoff ready? So they are so magically awesome they made the playoffs while simultaneously being awesome enough to be able to turn off and on that playoff level gear? And they don't care about a better playoff seed? When we beat them they "clinched" and weren't trying and when we lose "we aren't a playoff team and suck". What defeatist loser talk. I've never bought this and considering we watch playoff teams beat the crap out of the Arizona and Phillies of the league I truly believe it's pessimistic bs and a loser attitude.
  8. What if Vegas misses the playoffs, wins the lottery, picks 5, and their draft pick becomes an unprotected 2023 1st... now that's something.
  9. We're not the same team. Go look at the draft picks we own, the average age of our roster, and our prospect pool.
  10. So we need to teach Asplund to win 55% of his draws. Actually sounds doable.
  11. Next season honestly. I'd give him a full offseason of rehab and training.
  12. And as I stated, checkers versus chess. If you think that's what I want or am saying you don't understand my point. The Sabres season is over. Of course this doesn't really matter because Buffalo isn't sending them down.
  13. They are going to be a pass through team for some other trade and they will also get an ltir contract. Getting to the floor won't be a problem.
  14. Not even sorta kinda a good analogy. This is like comparing bourbon to Porta potty water and thinking it's close Bingo
  15. But there isn't evidence for your point either I'm sure Samuelsson would be so upset going back to hang out with his buddy Quinn.
  16. The Sabres season is over. You're hung up on semantics and rules that don't apply impo. What I'm saying is that at this point any extra hockey Samuelsson, Fitz, and Krebs get is good for development.
  17. Oh, so the Eichel approach where 1 or 2 players are responsible. What's Jack Quinn supposed to do? Lead the ahl in ppg by more ppg? UPL just allowed 2ppg and 1 short handed goal and his team split those 2 games. Guess he needs to make it happen. Tons of evidence that success in the AHL at young age correlates. Just look around Which is fine, I have no problem with it but we might miss some development time.
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