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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. If his injury supposedly made him so ineffective he would have had 30 extra points without it, yes.
  2. If he was that hurt he shouldn't have been playing. He's streaky and probably will remain that way. I think declaring he would have another 30pts if not over that is unlikely regardless of injury. Olofsson has never been close to 60 points let alone 80 and while I think 60 is a reasonable ceiling, 80 seems above his abilities unless it is some type of 1 year fluke type of thing.
  3. He played 69 games this season to this point. Should end with 72.
  4. Jokiharju hesitated on that play and didn't attack his man in time allowing him to get behind him. Dahlin tried to block the pass but failed and Cozens instead of coming to the front of the net peeled off to the far post. Total breakdown. I think Tuch was the late trailer who didn't tie up the stick of the goal scorer.
  5. Dallas plays the Kraken tomorrow who will be on their 3rd game in 4 nights and on a back to back. They literally have to win that game at home. They would then play Vegas at home. I think if they were to win both of those games, that would really put a major dent in the Vegas' attempts to make the playoffs. Further more, Dallas has a game against Arizona as well (must win obviously). Vegas plays the Sharks who have beaten several notable teams and can't be overlooked. They have a game against Chicago which I would hope they would win because Chicago sucks. They finish against the Blues who are playing pretty good and that's a tough ask. If Vegas can beat the Sharks and Chicago but lose to St Louis, that Dallas matchup game is really important as Dallas should be able to beat Arizona and Seattle. If ROW is still the tiebreaker, Dallas has one extra ROW over Vegas currently. Basically I think the team that wins the Dallas v Vegas matchup is in. ps. Vancouver has the Flames and Oilers in their future and are already 4 points back. I think they are done.
  6. Appears Samuelsson will play with Anderson in net so I think if we want to be serious about things being different, you have to win.
  7. Bad passes are reflected in his primary and secondary assist numbers plummeting. Wonder if it's related to scanning the ice and looking around... aka his neck.
  8. 71% of the time there's a faceoff, Eichel starts in the offensive zone. He's given lots of opportunities to be put up points. His numbers look similar to the last few years in terms of advanced stats. The only thing drastically lower is his a1/60
  9. You have an extra 1.4 billion and an extra 4 years laying around? Cuz that's the cost and time delay for dt and dome
  10. No. I like VO and he's 100% improved his game but Reinhart has as well. Reinhart just brings more overall.
  11. I'm sorry, you're calling vo a 44 pt player a star but 76pt Reinhart a "very good hockey player"? Man, I will stand by it until I get permanently banned some day but some of you made up your minds about Reinhart 7 years ago and no amount of evidence will change it. VO is 27 in July SR is 27 in November
  12. Don't know who has the worst per game without looking. At only 33 games, Bryson, Fitzgerald or Mitts although I don't it's mittelstadt.
  13. Dahlin has the worst. It's not about games played, it's about toi. Jankowski, who should be playing over eakin.
  14. I'm not giving them anything nor are the Sabres. Yes I'd prefer a 2023 1st and think Vegas could miss the playoffs again next year. Yup. We're probably getting 15.
  15. I would take this bet, right now that number is at least 76points. VO's best season is currently at 44pts.
  16. Lets take a look at your sources. The first one you can't pull a quote from? I can't read it so no idea what it says or even when it is from and maybe it was Harrington and not Hamilton who hated Reinhart. I just remember one beat reporter constantly went after him and yet no other person did. Also a reporter saying it and a teammate doing it isn't the same. Hell the part we can read is so riddled with conjecture it hurts. "We've heard a lot of talk during training camp from players about getting a "better culture" in the dressing room. A lot of it sure comes off as not-so-veiled comments about Reinhart and Eichel and how they operated like things were never their fault." This is a reporter editorializing what they believe to be true without proof. Now because I am actually excellent at reviewing news sources, it strikes me as particularly deceiving in this instance both by Harrington and yourself. It is deceiving because it lumps Eichel and Reinhart together even though we have mounting evidence of Jack's immaturity and issues while Reinhart just keeps quietly going about his business on a cup contender without a peep from anyone. Funny how Reinhart is such a bad person that he called and spoke to Adams after the trade in what was clearly a very mature and thankful phonecall but hey, Harrington lumps Eichel and Sam together in a baseless accusation that I have to take at face value because you said so. The second source is perfect because it doesn't say what you claim it does. You even quote ERod saying Sam Reinhart can keep up with Eichel. "I am not the fastest" is not the same thing as being slow. That gives us 2 things that you believe that are either directly disproven by your source material or unsupported by your source material. I disagree with you because you don't use facts but you use conjecture and semantics along with alternative facts to defend yourself from criticism. At least I will admit when I am wrong. This is why I don't interact with you.
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