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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Kevyn Adams is on now. He gives the coaching staff a vote of confidence.
  2. I'd offer just a lot of money for Husso in free agency.
  3. "Dylan wants to enforce his will on the guy (his opponent)"
  4. oooo there is a good comment. Granato asked about when he took over after the losing streak (when Kreuger got fired) immediately mentions that guys now feel like they can be themselves. Gives credit to Okposo and Zemgus specifically for setting the tone. "You don't have to be serious all the time, you need to be serious when you need to be serious." "It is through very very good leadership." Paraphrasing. Major shift from when Don took over from players believing they can and should win. Didn't have that when he first took over.
  5. idk who is asking this question but it basically is trying to toss Risto and Reinhart under the bus. Granato doesn't take the bait and mentions both Risto and Reinhart were great for him as coach and also wanted more out of practices and higher standards.
  6. Was it? Man, I hope that is right because it just shows a little more about Adams.
  7. "Unleash Dals (Dahlin) competitiveness" "He more wanted to please the coach and I more wanted him... get in the moment and do what you do and we can tweak from there" Granato ***** Ralph Krueger.
  8. "We want guys here who want more, who aren't satisfied with where they are." - Granato "There is a process to winning and if you don't respect that process you won't win"
  9. Granato more interested in end of season meetings to hear about how players felt about where they were. Granato says entire coaching staff was present to discuss things with players.
  10. RK broke Rasmus Dahlin to the point that fans wanted Dahlin traded and were willing to accept mediocre offers for him. RK is the worst coach in Sabres history and should be treated like the pariah he is.
  11. I think you are missing my point. Talk it about it all you want but don't invent BS about it (not saying you specifically). The entire idea that the cleanout won't happen and that now that it is it will be scripted and there is some dark reasoning for having limited players available because of a company line they have to repeat is just bs conspiracy theory nonsense. All teams have locker cleanouts, all teams have limited players they send to the press.
  12. He won't be available at 10. Brock Bowers.
  13. Don Granato's pressers tell us that he understands the x and o of it all because he has openly talked about things players have been taught in order to succeed.
  14. I am all for enjoying the locker clean out of the Knights but let's stop inventing conspiracy theories around it.
  15. In 2 more drafts, I want the Bills to take a certain TE out of Georgia.
  16. Ok, this is starting to become obsessive. First it's there won't be a locker clean out day and now it's select players with supposed scripts. All teams have locker clean out. All teams have select players available. We got Vegas' 16th oa pick. Move on already.
  17. I think thy forwards are okay overall but the defense is an Achilles heel of that team.
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