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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. This is a long thread but sums up what is going on today. I will post the first couple tweets but look it up if you are interested.
  2. It's interesting because when I read that piece it makes me dislike Pronman's evaluation more. It is centered on the wrong things in my mind but to each their own, we will know in a few years who got this one right. I do want to say 2 things. NHL teams pay ppl a lot of money and screw up all the time so that doesn't mean anything to me personally. Tyler Boucher is the latest example that comes to mind. Second is how Wright ended up at 4. Montreal had recency bias due to the international tournaments and that is why they picked Salfskovsky. NJD have 2 young centers and have other positions of need so that is why they picked Nemec. Now I think you can argue NJD probably should have just picked the C here but I understand when you have Hischier and Hughes already as your 1/2 punch. Arizona has a fan problem so they made sure to pick an American talent they can sell to their fans and who honestly you could convince me will be better than Wright in the long run so this one is close. That brings us to the Kraken who can't pick Slafskovsky even if they have recency bias, could have picked Nemec but are not restrained by positional needs (they need everything), and Cooley who is the coin flip with Wright. That's really how he falls to 4. After the draft ends, where a player gets picked is roughly meaningless. Savoie being 9th overall doesn't preclude Östlund or Kulich from overtaking him as the better prospect. Jack Quinn is a better prospect in mind right now compared to Rossi who I am on record as loving in his draft year (we will never know what Covid impact had on Rossi). Slafs going 1 versus Wright 4, doesn't really change my view of things is the point. Now if Wright takes a step back and Slafs continues to excel, very much justifies the selection but I personally think Wright missing his entire DY-1 year will result in his DY+1 year being a bigger jump (I hope Seattle leaves him in the OHL). Time will tell. Sorry for going on this long. It is my way of saying I understand why you like Pronman, I personally like Wheeler better but to each their own.
  3. They won't draft high enough in 2023. If Kulich and Savoie make the team in 2023, I have no interest in pp specialist and 35yr old Kane except on a 1yr deal, if that.
  4. I read it. There is no skill Kemell possesses that Quinn does not. There is no skill Kemell possesses that is better than Quinn. How does this indicate Pronman is better at evaluating prospects?
  5. Lots of justification to put Savoie in the top 10. No justification to rank Kemell over Quinn. There's other names too I could add but that in particular stands out. Kemell has no skill or ability that Quinn isn't better at.
  6. If you wanna talk about how Savoie won't be as good as Kasper, I'll listen all day. Or how our prospect pool lacks X. Any of that. But I don't think it's dishonest of anyone to talk about this pool favorably or not.
  7. Lol still calling Reinhart soft in 2022. Fantastic.
  8. Ahh, the Tucker Carlson defense. Ask a bad faith question (how do we know our prospects are even good in the nhl?), follow it up with a reinforcing statement to make your premise seem logical (they haven't been good or even played in the playoffs), follow that with a statement that no one can answer your original question which then makes your ideas seem true because they can't be questioned (no one has studied the 100s of prospects) then when the flaw in the question is exposed (prospects don't play in the playoffs) plead innocence like you're just asking a question not harming the conversation by using unrealistic nonsense to twist the conversation to your true point (you think the fans and franchise have low nhl standards "how sad" you said, which has little to do with discussing prospects). Textbook. And you successfully derailed the thread. Bravo. Notice how the goalposts move to get you to the NHL team isn't good by constantly manipulation of what a prospect is. Just, chefs kiss, perfect manipulation of the topic.
  9. If you don't want to talk about players who haven't played in the league, aka prospects, why are you derailing a thread about it?
  10. Because apparently the boomers on the board need a split out thread but can't do that themselves. 😝 In 2003 allegedly 6 wjc players on Canada's team had relations with an unconscious woman and there's video. Due to the 2018 wjc allegations, this video has apparently come to light. If you would like to discuss this, you may in this thread. If you want to discuss the 2018 allegations, here you go as well.
  11. Barkov and Lundell are their top 2 centers. Could play Reinhart at center as well. Where do those 2003 players most likely play now?
  12. So bringing back pilut is good asset management?
  13. Not particularly. Tkachuk at least they signed so you could convince me Huberdeau, a 1st, and Weegar is an okay trade because 2 of them at ufas next year. But I guess when you're that close you gotta take your cup shot.
  14. This thread title doesn't say "offseason transactions"
  15. It is because we're drafting better and haven't done that. Let's not reverse course now.
  16. Was it bad asset management... to what? He's not an nhl player and we still retain his rights. If this is bad asset management, you'll have to explain how acquiring a pick for Butcher (BASICALLY the same thing you're asking for) was also bad asset management. There's no place for Ruotsalainen in Buffalo and no team is giving us anything for him. That's why he went to Switzerland.
  17. Didn't ignore, noted that 1 of your criteria seems deliberately used because it is unlikely. Outside of Dahlin, there is no current player on the Sabres that I would sign to a deal longer than 6 years. Owen Power might make the 8yr list in short order.
  18. The Buffalo Sabres allowed 32.95 shot attempts against them last year per game. The Winnipeg Jets? 33.18. Comrie isn't going from a team that was lights out at curtailing chances to a dumpster fire. I agree with matter2003 here that it is a sneaky good signing.
  19. But Liger the 2022 Sabres are the same as the previous Sabres and blah blah blah. Prove they aren't! ... If it were 2017, Ruotsalainen stays and is a bottom 6 forward for the Sabres. In 2022, the talent level above him has risen to the point where there is no spot for him. There is no, "might make the team and fill a bottom 6 role". Bjork falls into this category. In 2021, there was a spot for him because talent level. In 2022, I expect him to be waived at some point because there is just more talent. That is why I think this time is different, the talent throughout the lineup as an aggregate is better than when we needed ROR, Eichel, and Reinhart all to be McDavid/Draisaitl for the team to work.
  20. There were only 4 50goal scorers in the entire league last year. So by your logic there's only 4 super star forwards. I think Savoie, Quinn, have the potential to be 35-40g and 45-50a level players. Let's see if they get there.
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