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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. 188 is less than 200. No what I took from your post was a list of players that Okposo is the measuring stick on. You then suggested Zemgus and Hinostroza were who were there to hold a baseline. Olofsson isn't in between that and isn't a kid who has to prove he can play in the NHL. Olofsson had more points in less toi than Okposo. Okposo isn't his carrot who he has to beat out anymore than Hinostroza or Zemgus are pushing to take his job.
  2. Olofsson has almost played more nhl games than the rest of those guys listed, combined. He's not a kid, he's another veteran on this team.
  3. I'm good with what they did.
  4. At some point, you have to see which kids can sink or swim. They aren't all rookies like Quinn and Peterka. They need challenges and failures, the trick is they have a different mental makeup so instead of wallowing in self pity like Eichel and ROR, guys like Cozens look for ways to be a solution. You've all bitched about grit and toughness for a decade. It starts with mental grit and toughness. I don't think adding one more vet moves that needle and if does, that speaks to bigger problems. I think we have enough good vets and finally, enough good kids.
  5. I'll rephrase to help. Let's pretend any player you name wants to be here. Who do you feel the Sabres should have brought in at C, D, G. Only ufas apply.
  6. 1,000 times this. Students struggle with non-binary research questions even though binary research questions lead to piss poor papers. So many students freak out when on a draft worth like 1% of their grade (it is literally worth 1 point out of 100) and they get a 50 and start losing their minds. Can I do make up work? Can I resubmit. Can I do anything to get that grade higher. Yea, don't make the same mistakes on the final and learn from the mistakes you did make. All the students always ask "is this right" and I started years ago saying, do you think it is right and why? The struggle is real when they have to explain why they think they are right. Totally agree students want to find the "correct answer" and repeat it or repackage it back. Watching them use academic articles or even news is a struggle because they will find one fact and just use it without any other thoughts. "Is the sky blue" while according to Tim Bob SkyRed, the sky is in fact red so the sky is red. It's like no, you need to critically evaluate that source not just use the first one you find or the first one that agrees with your side of a topic. Is abortion good or bad, well first that question sucks but second you will just find sources that agree with you and that's not helping you understand the complex issue at hand.
  7. Kyle okposo is underrated by this board. He is an extremely stable and useful veteran player who contributes to any line you put him on. He's the heart and captain of this team.
  8. Which C, D, and G should they have signed?
  9. I'm gonna pushback slightly on the first part. You sometimes need to give students a template to follow at first so they have framework to build from. It really depends on their level of skill and underlying knowledge. I use examples that frame what I'm looking for and give students wiggle room within that context to be creative because they don't have a framework or understanding yet of how to complete the task. They could copy my example but that would earn them a 0.
  10. The fake summer WJC20 isn't the place where I am going to worry too much about what a prospect does or doesn't do.
  11. Sounds like fake news with a fake quote. Considering I can't find this quote anywhere and no one is talking about him saying something so abrasive, unless you provide the source (was it an interview, his social media?) I am calling it bogus. If it was meant as a joke, I laughed.
  12. The problem is that Reinhart also has a good shot, was responsible defensively, and was good along the boards and out front. I need all of those for Krebs to be a top 6 guy. Passing good is awesome but I really hope to see him take a step.
  13. Say what now!?! To the Athletic I go.
  14. You'll have to find me a citation for "ageism" because I couldn't find that. I found low pay, being accused of grooming children by politicians or similar political issues, and burnout via covid and other things.
  15. You think there's a massive teacher shortage because of ageism causing retirements?
  16. Want to read terrible headlines, let me show the last 48 hours of Fox Glad the Amerks addressed it.
  17. If he wanted to be out there, he would be. I'd bet the best Canadian defender under 20 was offered I spot. Priorities change.
  18. What's interesting is that if you follow Scouching, several stats overlap between Kulich to Östlund and Savoie to Kulich.
  19. I'm just glad you admit you're wrong. Also, subscribe to stuff if you want to read it.
  20. Only a fool thinks every player with a passing resemblance to an exception is also an exception.
  21. Yes but the other end of that is drafting Maverick Lamereoux in the first because he's big. Size can't make up for everything, just like lack of it can't be made up for with skill.
  22. Okay, because I want to answer this and not be flippant. Scouching looks at something called defense zone transitions which is the opposite of offensive zone transition. So instead of did you carrying the puck in with control or pass it in with control, did you stop that from happening. Jiri Kulich AND Matt Savoie are both right around 10th in the dataset with 13.61% and 13.64% DZT% or defensive zone transition percentage meaning that on 13.6% of entries, these are the guys being involved in play disruption which is pretty good for a forward. Only about 32% of the time did Kulich allow the entry which is really solid for a kid playing in a men's league (or any forward). Basically what you can do is invert zone entries. If you prevent entries v. if you create entries. Since we entries are tracked you can also track the inverse and teams are becoming more cognizant of players that stop entries from occurring. Owen Power is actually really good at stopping entries because he takes up a ton of room, is hard to turn around, and he has a very good active stick and gap. What you want is a forward who is involved in the D zone entries (aka he is the player defending) and who doesn't allow those entries as much as possible (Kulich denied about 68% of the entries he was involved with). I do believe Karmanos would include such things in his statistical profile and I do believe the scouts would double check to see how those breakups look in real time. Stats and Eyes combining. Both Kulich, Savoie, and Östlund are involved defensively so we can only hope that part of their games continue to grow.
  23. Normally I would say you are right but Bedard, Michkov, are guaranteed to be in the top 3. I could see Michkov sliding a hair because he was injured and the Russian contract issue but that's about it. Michkov is otherwordly with the puck. That said, outside of Bedard, you could 100% be right haha, that's why early draft stuff is less about ranks and more just about guys to watch. I will say that 2022 had some anomalies that are unlikely to repeat. Lambert had questions about his ability to translate scoring already at the start of the 2022 draft season. Savoie sliding still doesn't make a ton of sense to me but recency bias stuff. Wright going 4th is just bizarre (are there personality issues?) but that was really precipitated by the teams in the 1,2,3 slot. Devils have centers, Arizona going for the USA product. Miro had cancer so that really impacts that along with the war in Ukraine. Bedard is going first unless he just suddenly turns into crap. Michkov, I have a really hard time getting him past 3rd overall, he is that good. Fantilli has the size and premium position. Those 3 are really hard to move out of the top 3 but as I have worked through this, you are correct that 1 of them could slip. We shall see. This is a long way of saying, ignore the rankings for the most part and just focus on the names.
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