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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. I understood. I don't think he'll have the stretches of valleys in his play that Dahlin had.
  2. I don't think it will be anything like Dahlin.
  3. Idk, I think he might be pretty good defensively
  4. Really, a girl in shorts and a pink top with minimal cleavage is "does she have any self respect?" You disgust me and your comment is sexist trash. Do better.
  5. Have you ever asked the same question about a guy? Just because you view her as a sex object doesn't mean she's not allowed to dress how she wants. Considering you're posting in a Bills thread where the punter was accused of gang rape this is pretty tone deaf.
  6. Fairly certain the Civil lawsuit was filed Monday the 22nd
  7. Apparently now this is also happening
  8. Araiza isn't taking snaps as the holder with Ferguson. Micah Hyde is the holder.
  9. Slafskovsky and why the habs drafted him
  10. This is dumb from her attorney. Why on earth would Araizas attorney admit to anything, that's not is job.
  11. Who knows how long it took for that kit to be processed. It is widely reported that there is a major backlog in the testing of the kits.
  12. Dahlin's entire problem was that Krueger took away the greatest asset that Dahlin possesses, his creativity. Dahlin was being forced into a rigid system of identify the exit and make the pass and Dahlin isn't that guy. He is someone who will slow the game down or speed it up based on his first read. Once he stopped trusting his instincts to conform to the trash system Smith and Krueger wanted, he was broken. Granato got him back to trusting his instincts and when he made mistakes, teaching him what went wrong and why. I never doubted Dahlin's compete and never will, he sometimes cares too much and had to get back to the fun of hockey. Can't wait for the 22yr old season of Dahlin with Samuelsson as his partner. They are going to wreck some guys.
  13. Good skating absolutely breaks a prospect. The key here is that good skating isn't defined by top end speed as in the case of Samson Reinhart. Sam had excellent edges and strength with a quick first 2 steps. This allowed him to close short gaps quickly, stay in plays, and also skate out of trouble. The problem with Pronman is he equates breakaway speed with excellent skating when in most situations the key is can you close the 5-10foot gap or get the 5-10 foot gap to make a play. My concern with Mattias is not his speed but his quickness and agility. Hedman worked really hard on getting just a hair quicker and it made all the difference.
  14. Lindgren is extremely intelligent with the puck. I actually worry more about his edges and agility than I do his decision making.
  15. I will keep saying it. Size does not equal toughness. No, I am not worried about the 3 first round picks. I worry a little about Östlund but Savoie and Kulich are feisty players, similar to a JJ Peterka. There's lots of players in the system and on the team that play in the dirty areas. One thing that often gets forgotten around here is that if you are just standing in front of the net waiting to tip a point shot, you are actually a major hinderance at 5v5. The key is to arrive into the slot as the shot is taken or just before if you are a screen. Savoie, Kulich, Cozens, Quinn, Peterka are all guys who have that sense of timing. You don't always want to draw a defender into a screen, that's one more body between you and the back of the net, sometimes you want to draw them out of the slot and give a good shooter a clean shot. Physicality is good and JJP, Kulich, Savoie, and even Quinn all have it in various ways but the important part is grit/resilience. What are you willing to do to get to the spot on the ice you want to be in and what are you willing to do to get the puck back. That is what I want in my forwards and that is what I have seen get drafted. edit: I will toss in Poltapov and Neuchev as another two guys that have some grit. Neuchev btw is 6'2" so once he fills out he should be pretty sturdy.
  16. The questions at play are did Araiza have sex (intercourse or oral) with this girl? (seems like he probably did) Was he aware she was 17? (that seems disputed as there is a question of if she said college or high school) Was she unable to give consent? (also disputed as to what she drank both alcohol or drugs) Was Araiza involved in the bedroom "incident", using this word because idk what the board policy is on something like this? (also disputed although it seems as though there are enough witnesses, including a friend who may have tried to enter the room, that this can be answered) His lawyer is obviously going to paint a different picture so that is something to wonder about, but it sounds like the Bills have been in the loop for a minimum of several weeks. It also sounds as if the attorney does not believe Araisa will be charged criminally but again, take it with a grain of salt.
  17. I'd probably cut him after reading the report. Yikes.
  18. Bills were in contact with Araiza's attorney before today. "Armstrong added that he has been in communication with the Bills regarding Araiza prior to this week."
  19. Uhhh... I would caution anyone reading the description of what happened.
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