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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Mac Jones, winning another game because his defense held the opposition to 14 or less. Guy isn't good.
  2. Would love to see Buffalo sign him. Think he probably ends up as a Rochester guy or maybe backup but it's a good story he's got going. Also goalies, you never know
  3. It was in very much contrast to power at the prospects camp this summer. Power did whatever he wanted basically, calmly I might add, and you can really see he wasn't going all out. Slafkovsky was in some ways like Savoie, they were both genuinely giving it a ton of effort.
  4. Only 2 or 3 are even there. Savoie is coming off a shoulder injury. Rosen improved throughout the game I thought. Kisakov doesn't speak the language and just got to NA. Really only top guys we can comment on. Kulich didn't play. Östlund is in Sweden. JJP, Quinn, and Power are all gearing up for Sabres camp.
  5. Well this post is excellent. I want to talk about this clip because alllllllll the habs kids on twitter were raving about it. He does casually go 1 v 5 but he only beats 1 guy with a 2nd sabre poke checking and then turning out of the play. The other 3 players collapse on him and I think that is where I want to focus. His entry is good, we see some crossovers and speed and he uses his long reach to beat the first player and then he engages with the 3. We have a forward collapsing and the defenders closing off the lane (which is really good considering they barely played together). Now Slafskovsky pulls the puck away from the pressure to his left and back towards the middle. In doing so the gets cut off by the closing defender on his right while the left defender takes the body. The puck is actually cleared by that right defender as slafskovsky no longer has control. Once he makes that zone entry he basically goes into a glide with a few edges pushes but he doesn't cut or crossover or even make a decisive skating move once he glides, it is all upper body stick handling. That is why I think he was easy to take off the puck because he was basically gliding with a slight turn while doing all of this upper body stick handling. A smart defender would watch his waste because without a weight shift, he can't really change directions to far. We see that happen. Left defender plans to put his body in the way and the right defender sees that the puck is just left there so he can easily poke it away. This clip I can't comment on his processing because he doesn't have a lot of options once he hits the zone. For the record, we could do some stuff like this with some things Rosen and Savoie did last night. They both skated into pressure a few times and mad bad plays, it is September after all. I agree.
  6. When Slafskovsky pulls the same head down move to the middle in the NHL and Power or Samuelsson are there to meet him, I hope he doesn't get injured but I hope he gets rocked.
  7. You think all those teams have good or even okay goal tending? Yikes.
  8. Kozak is someone I have lots of hope for. Very mature game with lots of small area skills to be successful. Komarov didn't make a play all night, that I remember, that bothered me. Very solid.
  9. I saw a new dad today, had maybe a 1 week old, and he had that glazed eyed shell shocked look of someone who hasn't slept in days and is just trying to keep his kid happy and alive. Wanted to tell him it gets better.
  10. Rosen looked better as the game went on and the block at the end was nice.
  11. agreed, I thought Komarov gave him the puck in a prime position to move up or pass and he just flubbed around.
  12. Don't forget that Filip Mesar is also a first round pick.
  13. Komarov is a 6'3" RHD and russian and Novikov is a 6'4" LHD and russian. That will be fun when both are on the blue line together.
  14. Same, I will always miss Beck a little. He's a lot of fun. okay, I thought I was the only one looking at that like "wtf"?
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