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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Personally I'd like this thread to continue so maybe GA and 11 can both move on from politics.
  2. No it isn't. That's a false equivalency and shows how much power MTG already has. She's convinced you that asking for someone's pronouns is the same as calling the election false and asking for secession.
  3. You're part of the problem. You dismiss this like it's some random Twitter post. That's the speaker pro tempor of the House. She's not some fringe lady, she has political power and that should terrify you. If Republicans ever gain both houses and the presidency again, I'd expect leading opposition members to be jailed or worse. In fact I'm unsure if a DeSantis or Trump president would give up power if they ever gained it. Those ppl think they are at war. That's who she is. It's not funny and it isn't something to be taken lightly.
  4. I don't think it's funny. Stop bringing it up. Atlanta already ran out of water. Will be interesting to see how much more growth it can take.
  5. Every game is huge now.
  6. I'd lean NC personally. Traffic in Atlanta is a dumpster fire. Raleigh, Greenville and Charlotte are fun. Columbia SC as well. Depends on what you want. If you like hockey, you need a city with Buffalo transplants like Charlotte where there's Bills bars. Could get Sabres games. Atlanta does have smaller communities around the city. For me personally, I find Atlanta to be to big.
  7. Yea, and from my experience there's little appetite for hockey. Ftr, his comment refers to a politician from Georgia saying the US should be split into separate countries.
  8. Savoie isn't being sent to the AHL next year, for any reason. He'll get sent to the wjc though if he makes the team.
  9. Once they burn his elc year, they won't be sending him back to juniors.
  10. 17: David Reinbacher, 6.2 21: Axel Sandin Pellikka, 5.11 35: Lukas Dragicevic, 6.2 36: Hunter Brzustewicz, 6.0 51: Tom Willander, 6.1 55: Aram Minnetian, 6.0 61: Cam Allen, 5.11 63: Maxim Strbak, 6.2 All the rhd in the top 64 with their heights added.
  11. This needs a bump. There's about 4 rhd that Buffalo will be in position to get. 2 in the first, 2 in the second.
  12. Sports market in Atlanta: Braves, Georgia, ... occasionally the Falcons. If the nhl was smart, they'd put a team in Charlotte.
  13. My guess is he signs with Minnesota for league minimum or just above for 1 year and then retires. He's a streaky pp specialist who's time in Buffalo is limited. At best he is here next season but this summer he should be moved for defensive help.
  14. What's that have to do with trading Bjork?
  15. I'm prepared to replace him with Savoie as soon as October.
  16. VO needs to sit. Idk why they keep playing him. Last 10 games: 0g, 2a, -9 Those 2 assists came 10 games ago so since the last 9 has been 0g, 0a, -8. VO needs to be offloaded in a package this summer.
  17. Would have more teams to work with while keeping said 20g winger for the playoff attempt.
  18. Crazy thing is Darnell was the 2nd best tightened on Georgia. He won't around when Buffalo drafts. He's basically a lineman who can run routes and catch.
  19. He being Chad?
  20. Simple change. Make the collar red.
  21. Okay, do you not understand the clown emoji or do you think it means something else because you use it a lot.
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