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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Huh... they spelled Rousek and Weissback wrong. Strange.
  2. The Sabres are at the crossroads and have but to stray a little for all to fall to ruin. We once again find ourselves in November with the season about to slip away and become yet another prolonged development camp for a franchise that has spent more time in the cellar than a fine wine. There is no help coming from outside, no hero from somewhere else to ride in on a white horse and save this team. No, this team must either save itself or die in the pursuit. This game has to be the turning point, it has to end this losing streak, it has to show that this year is different on some level. Another November of losing will doom this season to the annals of Sabres history as just another in the long dark winter of no playoffs and no hope. But at the moment a glimmer of hope remains. The faintest hint of something good drifts down from the rafters of a building that has hosted cup finals' games and shocking comebacks, that has seen the likes of Hasek, Dury, Briere, and Miller, that has not known winning in 12 long years. That hope is carried not by a savior but by a group, a collective of individuals who will either be strengthened by adversity or broken by it. Sometimes faith deserves to be rewarded, and there is no more faithful fans than those that have continued to watch the collapses and infighting these last 12 years. Promises broken, great starts squandered, new hopes dashed to pieces, good players shipped off and replaced, and yet the fans remain. This is the game. The line must be drawn here, the season must be decided now. Not next game, not with a moral victory, not with an excuse, but with a win here and now. Either this year is different, either this team has the mental fortitude to dig deeper than they have before and find a way, or we once again turn our talk to next year because November broke us. For me, this game marks the Rubicon; the mythical point of no return that Julius Caesar crossed in 49 B.C. Either they find a way to stop losing and right this ship or once again this team sinks in flames and despair. Which will this team decide? It is up to them. They have the talent, now let's find out if they have the will. Go Sabres.
  3. Fully understand that. It has been frustrating the last 2 weeks considering I think they could have gone 4-1 fairly easily or at least 3-2 but failed.
  4. Realism is understanding that the youngest team in the league that lacks defensive depth is going to struggle at times throughout the year. Pessimism is going after other posters who talk about good things they saw in a losing effort.
  5. Idk have a problem with you bitching and moaning, I have a problem when those of us who aren't start getting called out for not falling in line and bitching and moaning with you and others. I can enjoy a game they lost without it being a losing mentality. Sorry you and others on here can't. GO team storm cloud!
  6. Not even worried. They will crush Vancouver and right the ship. I think Jokiharju gives them a bit of a spark on the backend. Hoping Jack Quinn can go as I think he is ever so close to breaking out. Watching him live, there was so many little things he did against Boston that will translate once he is a hair faster and stronger.
  7. And blocked. You stroll into the Bills thread to shitpost while ppl wanna talk about the game, no time for that.
  8. Dorsey isn't good. He's being outcoached again
  9. Fun game. Really enjoyed it and thought Buffalo looked good. They need some defense though. Dahlin and Tage are so good. Sabres need to go to the front of the net more. Biggest complaint. If we're only allowed to enjoy wins, what's the point? Why even watch? Just check the boxscore.
  10. You think Adams is or should fire the guy he just gave an extension to because... Trotz is out there? Talk about overreacting.
  11. Never created anything. We should have a club for charity bets.
  12. I don't have Krebs in front of me but I think it was better than last year. the short version is he is creating chances and suppressing chances at some of the best rates. I think the issue with his counting stats like goals and assists, is just some luck and some getting more to the middle of the ice (his shot will come soon). Quinn is going to breakout after Christmas if he keeps this up.
  13. I don't think Tage has reached his peak yet. There seems to be more and more shifts where he at least attempts to impose his will.
  14. You would be wrong. Sorry but that is the truth. Jack Quinn is one of the Sabres top 5 forwards at suppression and generating chances. Quinn has greatly improved his play in the last little bit, by mid December, I think your post will feel silly.
  15. I wouldn't worry about it. This team is going to be streaky this year because they lack depth and they lack experience. Dahlin is a leader and a good leader knows that success is supposed to be easy in the NHL. First step is to stop the slide and the way to do that is to be better in their own zone which is the biggest failure right now. They can play offensively with any team in the league but the d zone is a nightmare, Adams needs to trade for a defender, sooner rather than later and honestly Joker and Samuelsson coming back doesn't change that.
  16. I want Helge Grans out of LA and I think trading something for him is a wise decision for Buffalo.
  17. Now he can't fix it. No teams are making trades now, it is the trade deadzone unless we want to give up major pieces for Chychrun (which is starting to appeal to me more). Boosh and Comrie are fine but the rest is an issue.
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