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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Id trade for Schenn but not Quinn and JJP and 2 firsts etc... We are talking like a 3rd or a mid tier prospect.
  2. I'll trade them a 4th round pick and our 8th best prospect. If that won't do I will wait until summer when he is a UFA an only costs me money. Why does this matter? Someone tell me. Because it gets ***** out on this forum and in the news ad nauseum and it doesn't mean anything.
  3. Can't wait to watch the Sabres pp where Dahlin gets the puck and TT and Olofsson stand like statues waiting for the 1 timer while the pk unit just sits calmly in their lanes. You can just ignore the other 2 players on the PP, they ain't doing ***** but playing catch. DROP PASSES FOR EVERYONE!
  4. Now when ppl complain about Adams not using cap to help the team, this is it. This is where we should all be yelling at the arena because a free defender was there, just cost some money and yet Adams did nothing. This is the type of stuff that annoys, not that he didn't try to spend closer to the cap in the summer.
  5. What's worthless is saying that without knowing those conversations Adams should have spent all this money on some mystical players that you can't even think of. I mean hell, you could say "we should have signed Copp" okay great, that's where you think we could have used help, awesome. Now we could talk about that. Instead it is "Adams didn't spend money and we are losing therefore it is because he didn't spend money and if you point out teams that did spend and are losing I will shove my fingers in my ears and scream "I CAN"T HERE YOU!" Like wtf are we even doing here?
  6. I feel like a broken record playing the greatest "please pay attention" hits of the last year. Look at what we are already starting to spend next year. Adams is literally doing exactly what he said he was going to do and you are acting like it is some big mystery. Cap space is a tool, but you don't use the same tool for the entirety of every job. Yea, when I am putting in this flooring I will need a hammer but don't use that as a spacer for the trim. I just, I don't get this you won't tell me anyone you think we should have added, you just complain about spending money. Next year when we only have 8mil in cap space what will the angle be? We didn't spend it correctly, we did spend it correctly? Adams is an idiot because he spent money? This team needed another defender, Adams didn't do it but this entire circle jerk of a thread defies logic. "If we spent more we would be better and No LIGER! you can't name teams that did that and still failed like Columbus or Ottawa." So the only thing that apparently matters is we have an 8 game losing streak because Adams didn't blow his wad of cash on high priced UFAs on long term deals who probably didn't want to come here because we have been ***** for a decade. Fantastic.
  7. List moves you wish or think Adams should have made. I've said repeatedly we needed to add another top 4 defender.
  8. No, there literally isn't. Look, I think Adams should use at least some of the money we are not using but I also don't think the options available to him would have helped as much as we wanted.
  9. Is he free? If he's free I'll take him. Plays for a much better team, hence why his gaa is best in the league.
  10. Hahaha hahaha hahaha oh Tennessee, congrats on your mid season championship of beating Bama. Rocky top indeed.
  11. Huh? What are you talking about? I'm borderline convinced you're a troll because I don't think I've seen you post anything but sarcastic disdain for basically anything the Sabres do. If they make you so miserable why even be a fan?
  12. We could have signed Ullmark this offseason? News to me. Spending money to spend money doesn't guarantee a thing. When we're not in the cap basement next year I'm curious to see what angle you pivot to. So the rebuilds that spent money and worked I would use but the ones that spent money and didn't work I can't use. Again, you keep equating spending to the cap with success. That's not how any of this works.
  13. The Bills offense does not look right. Ken Dorsey playcalling is maddeningly awful at times. The team needs 2 yards, 4 receivers, every route is 20 yards or more down field. Team needs 12 yards, bubble screen or draw up the gut. It is just laughably bad at times. No wonder Diggs was getting pissed yesterday. Dorsey tossed out all the lessons learned from playing LA and now thinks he is playing the Chiefs every game so everything has to be 50 yrd passes. Beane is also culpable. The offensive line is not good. What do we do though? We keep dumping assets into running back. At least yesterday Cook finally was allowed to do his thing and low and behold! He's good, which every Georgia fan already knew. This team doesn't look right and idk how else to say that. They seem unfocused and they make simple mistakes (see Cam Lewis' and his stupid attempt at an interception instead of batting the ball away against Minnesota). Idk, my feelings after the win aren't much improved. Allen still looked wrong, the offense was inept for large chunks of the game, the defense has major issues executing on 3rd and long. Sorry but unless something changes, this team isn't winning playoff games.
  14. What goalie? Name names. Also as you left this out, spending or not spending doesn't guarantee you to be successful. Ottawa spent a bunch this offseason... how they doin?
  15. We spent to the cap from 2015-2020 and it got us nothing.
  16. How'd that work for Murray? No one of proving Murray wasn't a ***** idiot
  17. Comrie is broke. Muel is back? UPL could start. Half of the Buffalo is buried in ❄️. The team hasn't looked right in weeks. The effort has been inconsistent and outside of Tage and Dahlin, every player needs to be better. Idk, it's the Leafs so maybe we win. Hopefully the pp stops its static get the puck to Tage and do drop passes. Will we have an 8 game streak? Idk, depends on if this team actually has heart.
  18. If we had done a full rebuild in 2015, by 2019 we would have been playoff bound.
  19. I like Horvat SCHENN and Boeser, less so. I don't think trading Quinn and JJP for them is wise. Tim Murray felt that way. It's why Brock Boeser isn't a Sabre already.
  20. I'd like to give a guy who destroyed the ahl and is like 3rd on the Sabres in fancy stats some more runway than 12 games before trading him away.
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