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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Now that would interest me. Depends on price of course but he's signed for 3 more years after this one which means you get him and Comrie as your tandem. You can probably get Vancouver to retain a mil. Cost my not be prohibitive and last year Demko was great. Interesting option maybe.
  2. Let's look at Adams goalie adds. Trade Reinhart for Levi Added Subban Added Comrie Added Anderson Drafted the 2nd rounder last year who's name I refuse to learn for now Tried to add Gibson and Murray and was denied because of NTC That's since what? Summer 2020 if we include Levi and most of that really came in 2021 to now. Not saying it worked but again, stop saying he hasn't done anything or tried or is sitting on his hands. He has tried and he hasn't succeeded.
  3. To be honest I think it was his highest priority this past offseason. He had 2 trades fall through via NTC in Murray and Gibson. Trying for 3 different guys in one offseason and getting 1 shows me it was a major priority. Adams didn't just give up when one failed he moved on to the next and then the next.
  4. I cannot tell you how much I don't care about his ability to win 5.5 draws out of 10 compared to some other dudes 4.8 draws out of 10. It is just not relevant to how I evaluate him at all.
  5. Has he not tried though? And has he been able to add a goalie of substance in October, Nov, or Dec? Nope because teams don't trade then. If ppl want to say Adams move to fix goalie havent worked, fine that is true. But for the love of hockey stop with the slowness to act hasn't done anything, has had years to fix it and hasn't done it stuff. He's tried and failed but stop acting like he has ignored the position like some moron who doesn't get it.
  6. FTR I would move Olofsson before I move Mitts if there were options. I think Mitts could be an okayish winger on the 3rd or 4th line.
  7. I don't because I don't think he will ever have the game processing ability to do that. He reminds me of risto where there are flashes of the raw underlying skill but the processing ability to put that all together does not exist. He is the opposite of Quinn who manipulates space and finds open space to be a good option for his teammates. That said your central premise seems to be something along the lines of Tage did it so maybe Mitts can too and my answer is no. Tage like Josh Allen is an exception. A strange Unicorn who bucked trends and found ways to improve and become very good. Mitts is going to be the rule, he is going to be the former 1st round pick who couldn't adapt his skills to the NHL and will be a bottom 6 guy that bounces around a bit before either finding a home or washing out. I wanted Mitts to work but I don't see him mentally understanding the game at a level needed to make his skillset truly shine and I am not prepared to insulate him with better players so he can be useful here. Trade him for defense help and then let Γ–stlund, Savoie, Kulich or someone else slide into that role over the next couple years. We can find a 3c in UFA to plug that gap until then.
  8. If only Adams had tried to get the Leafs goalie we... whats that? .... he tried to trade for the leafs goalie?... what happened?... the guy nixed the trade... welll crap.
  9. I think on the broadcast they said that Cozens is the only player of any age to have 3 consecutive 3pt games this season or in Sabres history or something like that. Sorry I don't remember it exactly.
  10. I know you have pushed this but trades like the one you want early in the season are exceedingly rare. Teams simply don't trade much in October-December. End of January you might start to see some movement. Come on now, Adams may have flaws but he isn't sitting on his butt not doing anything. It just doesn't fit who he is.
  11. Being an NCAA product, once he signs he loses NCAA eligibility so we won't see him until his college season ends sometime in late March or early April. I would say we are sure to get him. This is his 2nd year in college and it seems unlikely he would return for a 3rd considering he is very development focused and the NCAA just isn't going to help him grow much more. Also Buffalo could potentially burn an ELC year if they want and put him in Buffalo this year.
  12. It's good all the way through. A couple of slower episodes but they aren't wasted, they do build up to stuff.
  13. You know the thing about that pass? He waits for the lane to open and then wrists it down there before Tuch clears the net knowing that Tuch is moving into that space. That's a level above.
  14. Okay, SDS we have 1 topic on Star Wars and it is an off topic thing so I am coming back to it because Andor just came out and I don't think Andor deserves a new star wars thread because this is the catch all for that off topic discussion. That said... Andor is the BEST thing Star Wars has done since Rogue One and the best live action Star Wars show, period. It is deep, the characters are complex, it is well written, actions have consequences, and the detail and acting is superb. The Empire doesn't seem like a bunch of morons who can't hit the broad side of a bantha at 5feet but a nefarious and overtly authoritarian hellscape that they should be. They are space Nazis and act like it. The main character isn't the most exciting person in Star Wars, he doesn't have the force and he isnt some noble hero. He is a guy trying to get through life and crap goes sideways. The side characters add depth, the environments are amazing (it was filmed on locations and not in a green room!). The storyline is great as you are never quite sure who is up to what at times. Watch Andor. Stellan Skarsgard is fantastic in it and the best addition to Star Wars since Chewbacca. Mom Mothma getting explored as a character is brilliant. The bureaucracy of the empire is even interesting! Is this show perfect? No but it is better than Mandolorian and makes Bobba Fett looked like filler bs. Andor moves slow at times as it is basically 9 episodes with 3 arcs. That said it builds tension, has real stakes, and above all else takes the world it exists in seriously but still has some fun. It isn't filled with gratuitous cameos that don't make sense or forced dialog to explain other star wars stuff going on. I haven't loved the Star Wars Universe in years because it became a shoddily written money grab with low stakes, overpowered hero's, lacked setup and payoff, had little tension, and was overall a mess with conflicting storylines and terrible writing. Andor... good lord they start making more things like Andor and I am in. Spoilers
  15. Yea, it is time to up the level of aggression we have in making a trade for a defender.
  16. I will say that Marty and Duffer are fantastic. Duffer isn't a slouch and knows not only Buffalo but most of the league. Marty is great because of his personality and knowledge, they play off eachother wonderfully.
  17. I dont want to defend him and I am skeptical of how this is recorded but he has 14giveaways and 14 takeaways. I agree with you, seems like it should be way more. I wonder if that is a product of losing puck battles where they don't mark a gv because he never really had control. https://www.hockey-reference.com/players/m/mitteca01.html
  18. I'll send out invites for the event. Free good but gotta buy your own drinks.
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