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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Sorry that the Department of Grifting Elons didn't provide answers today. They're too busy being bully boys and cutting random government things they dislike or simply feel like. You know, because they're 20yr old kids.
  2. Isn't Wahlberg like 6'4"? Also I bet the list of 1st round forwards drafted in the last 5 years that are at least 6'5" is a short list, pun intended.
  3. Okay, this, this makes perfect sense for DOGE (if it was a real department) to work on. They process all federal retirees by hand and that system is insanely outdated and takes place in an old limestone mine? Like what? If the government wanted to build something more efficient and speed up the process while making it cheaper, that I would stand behind. It makes logical sense to move on from something that is fully analog. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/elon-musk-describes-limestone-mine-used-processing-federal-workers-retirement-papers-like-time-warp
  4. Hey Hank, guess what? Remember how you posted Laura Loomer, a Trump sycophant and conspiracy theorists as though it were something legitimate? Now you claimed this was "interesting", it wasn't, and that you would be curious to see how it played out on appeal. Well, the appeal happened, we have a ruling from the 1st Circuit Court. So what's next, will Loomer attack the Judiciary some more because she hates our Country and the Constitution?
  5. Evidence mounting that Elon Musk may be a liar https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/doge/elon-musk-trump-doge-executive-order-rcna191751 He will lie to your face because he thinks you are to stupid to notice. And if you notice, he doesn't actually care.
  6. When you start firing inspector generals, red flags go up everywhere. These are things Laura Loomer won't tell you. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/11/politics/usaid-inspector-general-fired-trump/index.html
  7. Zach Benson will eat you. Also Adams didn't draft him, that's 100% the analytics team. It's not about addressing team needs, it's about the friends we made along the way.
  8. Published is good though. It fixes points that can be rebutted. I do recognize that those rebuttals will fall on deaf ears if they come to pass. I do believe we'll see some real signs of waste, but those will be spun into an all encompassing thing.
  9. Lol Every time you claim to be some neutral party seeking truth or variation there of, I'm going to remind you that you post Laura Loomer tweets. A woman so far to the right, I'd have to take a bus ride to get there. She's a known fraud and conspiracy theorist. Also, attacking federal judges is low. You're right, because it has but one ending. He'll jail political opponents. He won't publish everything DOGE does, if that were the case, it wouldn't be 3 weeks of shadows and threats. Nothing says truth like, Marjorie Taylor Space Lasers. But hey, in all honestly, I'm willing to at least see what they found. Of course if it's NIH 4 billion and the 59 million that didn't come from FEMA, my interest will fall off quick.
  10. I've been using this to get more information about the sources I'm being into from and so I can seek out opposing views. https://ground.news/
  11. Speaking of lies, let's talk about this lie. Not the Biden administration but Elon Musk. It turns out that in fact, no FEMA funds of the 59million mentioned here were diverted. Looks like Hank's post was pure propaganda after all and now we have proof. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/fema-official-ignores-judge-order-freeze-grant-funding-rcna191674 Of course the important part of this is the fact a Federal Judge has said the law was violated when FEMA cut off all the grants and that they had to disperse the money. Not only has FEMA not done that, they fired the 4 employees who complied with the judges order. We are in a Constitutional Crisis. Trump's rhetoric towards judges through himself and his mouthpieces is setting him up to ignore court orders and become Dictator and Chief. An injunction from a Federal Judge is not unlawful, in fact it is very lawful.
  12. Curious to see what Jokiharju does
  13. Here's the cold hard truth that libertarians, republicans, democrats, anarchists, nazis, confederates, mickey mouse, and everyone's boy elon forget. Humans are social creatures that build things together and are better when working together. The reason the US is where it is currently is this entire idea that everyone is responsible for themselves and no one else. You are responsible for your own protection, your own resources, your own education, your own defense, your own *insert thing here* ... and that is not and has NEVER been the world that humans have built. We've always been pack animals. If the Government does nothing, and you have to do everything, where's the time in the day to do anything? Guess we should go back to small tribes or villages living in walled cities where we protect our own and kill the outsiders, sounds like that will make America great again... you know the way the people from the 13 colonies intended when they banded together and set aside differences to build something bigger than themselves. We aren't the United States of America anymore but the Loosely Assembled People Who Sorta Put Up With Each Other. LAPWSPUWEO, rolls right off the tongue. edit: this all isn't directed at you LTS, you share a sentiment that I personally know runs through most people
  14. I thumbs down your post because of this. The United States has the highest rate of gun violence in the entire developed world. It is not particularly close so not only is this a hollow NRA talking point, it is one that is disproven by every single other country that restricts access to firearms. 837 people have been killed by guns at k-12 schools since 1966, that's 14.43ppl killed each year. This number has accelerated since Columbine. There have been 392 school shooting since 1999, or 15.68 per year in the United States. There aren't 15 school shootings in the rest of the developed world combined every year. The US had 120.5 firearms per 100 people, eclipsing every single other country in the developed world with Yemen a close 2nd at... 52.8. If we look at just public mass shootings, the US has had 109 since 2000 compared to 35 in the rest of the world. We make up 76% of public mass shootings and 70% of fatalities. So between school shootings and just mass shootings in general, there is 0 proof at all having no restrictions is better. In fact the inverse is readily apparent in most cases as countries with better gun control have better outcomes. So when you sit at your house and claim your freedom to own a gun trumps all else or however you want to use the 2nd amendment, remember your freedom to own a gun has costs the total freedom of at least 837 children and teachers to date. The biggest infringement on freedom is death. If the government is such a shitshow at "taking care of it" we can fix the debt issue right now. Disband the entire military and allow there to be state militias without a federal force at all. No Navy, No Air Force, No Marines, No Army. Then we can "start paying attention" to the things that matter. (to be clear, this part is jest at the absurdity of the sentence I am highlighting from your response, I could have used no police, or no firefighters, or no VA Hospital, or anything the government does as an example) https://www.statista.com/statistics/1459728/victims-of-school-shootings-by-situation-us/ https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/05/europe/sweden-mass-shooting-orebro-explainer-intl/index.html https://rockinst.org/blog/public-mass-shootings-around-the-world-prevalence-context-and-prevention/
  15. Who's style of play do you want? Byram or Power?
  16. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/us-cyber-agency-puts-election-security-staffers-worked-118671767
  17. Leitmotif's for those who want to learn more I think the 2nd video is more fun.
  18. I could agree with that but like a good leitmotif, it is a reference to something. For example Howard Shore using light motif's to differentiate between groups in LOTR.
  19. This is not NSA related but here is a perfect example of the wanton hatred spewing from the Trump administration and the censorship they are exercising and the NSA and other places. Below is a link that is now dead because the Trump administration believes in censorship. They believe that the first amendment applies to them but not others. They removed a page that was to help prevent suicide in basically everyone except for straight white people and they did it because they are maliciously targeting "the others" and "the others" are anyone that isn't like them. When you start removing pages that helped protect children from harm you aren't a free an open democratic society anymore. Every single document in the samhsa library that had the word "underserved" is now gone. https://library.samhsa.gov/page-not-found Suicide Prevention Strategies for Underserved Youth This resource highlights the risk factors for suicide affecting young adults of underserved racial and ethnic groups and the LGBTQIA+ community and provides strategies and resources for implementing evidence-based suicide prevention and intervention programs to better support these student populations. Tags: Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families ; Racial/ethnic subgroups; LGBTQIA+ students ; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
  20. Lamar's performance wasn't about Drake.
  21. Bear fits the profile I'm looking at. Smart, high motor, physical, skill. He profiles similarly to Seth Jarvis. Bear's consolidated ranking is 16, so you're right about rating him higher.
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