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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. but wait, there's more
  2. Michael Misa has 27pts in the last 10 games and 16pts including 6goals in the last 5. Last 5 games 6g 10a 16pts +5 Last 10 games 9g 18a 27pts +7
  3. Now this is interesting... https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/6101718/2025/02/13/nhl-draft-2025-ranking-wheeler-midseason/ Matthew Schaefer Michael Misa James Hagens Porter Martone Caleb Desnoyers Anton Frondell Roger McQueen Radim Mrtka Victor Eklund Justin Carbonneau Jake O'Brien Carter Bear
  4. Do you mean if the players goal scorer was accompanied by a leitmotif?
  5. It gets better... or worse? idk something
  6. They believe 2 things. First is that they can't get reelected without supporting Trump. This makes sense because X would be rife with bots if you don't agree with Donald or Elon. Look what happened to Liz Cheney, she's as Republican as they come but she was summarily removed from the party for opposing Trump. Second, I do believe that most Republicans think or already get kick backs. That could be to them personally or to their states. Trump isn't kidding when he talks about taking funds from Blue states. It is a policy position to ensure loyalty. At least, that's my opinion.
  7. I hope for the best but I'll prepare for the reality.
  8. I am unsure if it was for Fogel, but I saw something that a Russian money launderer was released in response. Quick google search shows it was for Fogel and perhaps a 2nd person? Either way, I usually am fine with these deals. Russia can always get someone else to launder money for them, and probably already did. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/12/europe/russia-citizen-exchange-marc-fogel-intl/index.html
  9. "WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE CIVIL LIGER! I DON'T RESPECT YOU AND YOU ARE A BITCH AND OBNOXIOUS AND HAVE TRUMP DERRANGEMENT SYNDROME! NOW STOP CALLING ME OUT FOR BLATANT MISINFORMATION AND BE MORE CIVIL, YOU OBNOXIOUS BITCH WHO I DON'T RESPECT." I may be paraphrasing... slightly. 😜 I will tell you what hank, because contrary to popular belief I am a person of my word, I will refrain from directly impugning your character again. I will even apologize, I am sorry that calling you a liar upset you and I retract that. I will post nothing but straight facts with minimal editorializing in response specifically to your posts if I comment on them. So even if I think something is wrong, I will just say "This information I found seems to contradict that" or something similar. Fair? I will let it end here, you can even toss one more comeback at me, I don't think I deserve the last word. However, if going forward you see fit to break this, I swear to whatever God you believe in, I will be unrelenting in my responses thereafter.
  10. " I'm not aware of any recent disaster in NYC that would require fema's assistance." See this Hank, this right here, is in fact, a lie. This is the 3rd time I think that you have directly or heavily implied FEMA funds were diverted to illegal immigrants. I took the time to show people why that wasn't the case yesterday, and I have done so again today. You don't like my verbiage, good. Hopefully, I've made my point. One more time though, Shelter and Services Program, lives within FEMA because they have the compacity to distribute funds. However, the notion that FEMA funds (AKA disaster relief funds) were diverted from Americans to illegal immigrants, as far as we know (see I will admit it might be happening somehow somewhere) did not happen because this program is separate funding. https://www.fema.gov/grants/shelter-services-program
  11. Says the guy who has called me " condescending bitch" "obnoxious" and I think said "i have no respect for you" at some point as well. But me pointing out a blatant lie, that is the person who can't conduct himself with "civil discourse"
  12. Then do better. And stop calling me names, you are undermining your argument. You don't like the fact that your right wing misinformation posts are lies, than research themselves and stop posting ppl like Laura Loomer and whatever that Daily Caller hack was.
  13. "While DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) claims it was for Cyber Defense," Hank wants you to think it was for some social deception program on Americans, even though the start of the program happened under Donald Trump in 2018. Of course if it was to counter misinformation it clearly failed, because I have spent the last 30mins having to repeat myself about the Shelter Program.
  14. @Hank doesn't care.
  15. Again, I explained why he said it. I gave you sources that explained where that money comes from and how it is not disaster relief money which you have repeatedly lied about. You post Laura Loomer and DOGE tweets like they are fact when we have been able to repeatedly demonstrate that many if not all of them have partial or completely false information. It is not my fault that you refuse to look at truthful information and stroll in here and parrot whatever far right talking points you saw on twitter today. You dislike me because time and time again I prove that what you say or retweet is nonsense. Don't wish me a good day, I want nothing from you. I will however continue with vigor to fact check your nonsense and in some cases, straight up misinformation and disinformation. SO again, FEMA did not do what you say they did. FEMA manages the money but it is not "FEMA money" which you have said and implied is FEMA disaster relief funds.
  16. See above and do better Hank. The money is appropriated by Congress, it is issued by FEMA through a joint program with Customs and Border Protection. This occurs because Customs and Border Protection do not have the grant funding infrastructure. FEMA simply manages the money and moves it on according the appropriations of Congress, specifically the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. The President does not have authorization to deny the disbursal of the funds according to multiple judges. The Executive Branch does not have the right to remove the funds once paid either. Do better. I have no time for your Laura Loomer nonsense and I will constantly attack your disinformation campaign with vigor. To be clear, FEMA did not use money from their disaster relief budget for the shelter program, it was separate funds appropriated by congress. "The Shelter and Services Program (SSP), as directed by Congress in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, is administered by FEMA in partnership with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In Fiscal Year 2024, Congress appropriated $650,000,000 for SSP. SSP provides financial support to non-federal entities to provide sheltering and related activities to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)." https://www.fema.gov/grants/shelter-services-program
  17. It wasn't FEMA money. I disproved this lie yesterday. Do better. "The Shelter and Services Program is a joint venture between FEMA and Customs and Border Protection, which does not have its own infrastructure for administering grant programs. The $59 million sum is part of a larger pot of funds awarded to New York last year for the program." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/fema-official-ignores-judge-order-freeze-grant-funding-rcna191674 https://www.fema.gov/grants/shelter-services-program Again, stop lying and do better.
  18. https://canada.constructconnect.com/dcn/news/government/2025/02/white-house-advisers-agree-to-share-canadian-premiers-message-with-trump "Any invasion of Canada by the United States Federal Government would sever any and all ties the individual States have to the Federal Government"
  19. Elon Musk and Trump stole 80million from NY State. The money was not in a US treasury account.
  20. This is what happens when you blanket close an agency like USAID with no planning and with malicious intent. "I began to feel an intense sense of panic that my government might fully abandon Americans working for USAID in Kinshasa. Washington staff, concerned that any spending not directly approved by then-acting Administrator Jason Gray would be met with accusations of SUBVERTING the executive order and swift retribution, determined that they needed to process a "waiver request" with approval from Acting Director Gray. Thankfully, the career staff took up this effort despite perceived risks that they may suffer retaliation for attempting to spend money to save lives. The Acting Administrator did not approve the waiver request until January 29, well after evacuation had already begun. Despite the lack of approved waiver, USAID staff and their families participated in the evacuation from Kinshasa..." "We were being aggressively maligned by Musk and Trump as a "criminal organization" composed of "marxists" who "hate America" that "need to die." Musk bragged about missing parties to "feed USAID into the woodchipper." The President called USAID staff "radical lunatics;" both repeatedly and publicly asserted their intent to close the agency."
  21. Remember, Rasmus Dahlin is good, the rest of Sabres suck.
  22. My lord Canada, the Swedish PK unit has children
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