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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Got it. You don't know and have no options or answers. You couldn't even answer one of my questions. The second ur correcting grammar on a message board we know ur argument is trash. Bingo. But hey, facts ruin his narrative.
  2. The bolded is trash and you should be called out for it. The "other" whatever fake version it takes.
  3. Well there's different ways to go about it aren't there? I hope this moves the nhl to streaming. There's no need for these local weird TV rules anymore. Stream it all in one spot.
  4. Which center should the Sabres have added in UFA who is better than Cozens or Tage? Which one? Please tell us. Comrie was it. There wasn't anyone else that was coming here. He didn't play because for some reason everyone thinks upl is even decent. Or Anderson should get starts. You're nonsense is the worst. You talk about wanting to be a kraken fan because Adams hasn't personally written you to tell you his plan.
  5. I think it more likely Rousek or Weissbach are more likely to make the Sabres over Kulich or even Savoie. They are both 23 or older so it is kinda now or never.
  6. Yup BTW I think the NCAA kids would be more physical just because of how the game is played today.
  7. Nah, look at 1983 goaltending versus now.
  8. I want both of you to go watch the University of Minnesota play hockey. Then go turn on any hockey game from 1983. You are missing on the complete and total difference in training and tactics that exist now. Hell go watch the Sabres in 2006 and watch the Sabres tonight, the speed and way the game is played now is not the same. The players overall skillsets are more refined. The NHL is faster, the players are all better than they were, and everyone has to be able to skate, process, and make plays at fast speeds. Go watch 1983 and see all the defenders falling when they have to turn to follow a forward or the goalies standing up straight. Hell the goal tending alone would make the 1983 team lose. What would happen is the 1983 all stars would try to slow the game down and they would be unable too. The College kids would make the defense look slow and the the goalie would get smoked repeatedly by the pre shot movement, overall speed of the attackers, plus the fact they can all shoot. So unless the 1983 team just started hugging ppl they would lose. In this scenario we are using 2023 refs and rules so yea, a NCAA team would beat the 1983 all stars. Besides the physical differences, NCAA players today are in far better shape than just about everyone playing hockey in 1983, look at the movement in the offensive and defensive zones. The tactics today are so much tighter and the understanding of cross ice passing, shot lanes, shot selection, etc... are just better. Look at all the slappers in the 1983 game, an NCAA defender is going to see that and immediately attack the puck versus in 1983 the defenders generally do not do that. This is not a shot at 1983 or any past generation of hockey. The past got us to where we are today and some of the players from then are legends and rightfully so. It is more of acknowledgement of where the game has gotten too. If you are uncomfortable with the analogy how about this? What if we took an all decade team from 1980-1989 and put it up against the 2023 NHL all stars, the all stars would absolutely smoke that all decade team. So back to the original point, we shouldn't compare a goalie from 1983 to anyone today simply because of how the game has changed. Btw the 1983 Flames v. Oilers game is a fun watch if I do say so.
  9. All of this. And that isn't a knock on Howard who is actually someone I enjoyed listening too even if I didn't always agree with his takes or methods. Seems strange that he won't be on anymore.
  10. LGR4GM


    What else would we use to shoot down something the size of 3 school buses? Chinese propaganda makes less sense than American propaganda sometimes. well played
  11. That was 1983. The NHL is just vastly different now in terms of talent and player development. If I took the NHL 1983 all star team and I transported them to now and let them play the best NCAA team, the NCAA team would destroy them.
  12. How else will they pay for the RB they plan to draft in the 1st round?
  13. Well the 7th rounder thing is completely irrelevant at this stage. The industry is notoriously terrible at goalie evaluation so that doesn't phase me much either.
  14. One of the things that is being taught and tracked at basically all levels now is pre-shot movement. How do you move the puck before the shot is released? That's why there are far more drops and seem passes that in the past. To beat a big goalie you get them to the top of the crease and then slide a puck far side (or even fake that). The other thing is shooting from a touch further out because you can actually spot corners from those angles. Shooters adjusted and now this big square up to the puck and let it hit you types are having issues. Dustin Wolf in the AHL is another example of the subtle change I think we see in goalies. Sure you can be big still but you have to move laterally and out to the top of the crease like you're Jonas Enroth. In the first clip, look how fast Levi goes from covering the post to being at the top of his crease and square to the shooter
  15. Im not sure why they are using the Goonies music for the trailer but they did, from about 14seconds to 34 it is def the goonies.
  16. I mean, if you can't beat the ducks we should probably start talking about who we plan to draft at 14.
  17. LGR4GM


    Well you see America is an oligarchy of corporations so when one of them f's up the rest try to minimize the exposure.
  18. You should listen to Biron more if you think that.
  19. I didn't love the Rosen pick either. This team could have Wolf and Wallstedt right now in the pipeline with virtually no loss to their prospect pool. It's why I dislike the Leinonen pick so much.
  20. The Sabres added a center and a goalie. If you hate this team and Adams so much why keep coming back? Also Detroit is trash and they added all those overpriced ufas you wanted.
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