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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Buffalo could or at least be close to that. Rosen, 2024 1st, Bloom or Nadeau, Weissbach or Rousek. That's probably not enough for them but at this late stage it is a decent offer with all ELC ppl. The older prospect gives you something you can plug in immediately, the younger 2 prospects give you a likely top 6 player and then a potential middle 6 guy. The 2024 1st will probably be in the low 20s. Buffalo doesn't need to eat anything or have anything eaten. Again, that is probably not enough for Arizona but I don't think it is inherently unfair either.
  2. I know and I wasn't disagreeing with you. Was more of add on to what you were saying.
  3. Agree, the goalies are the biggest current problem area.
  4. Do you want time make the playoffs this year? Or win playoff rounds next year? It's better letting Quinn learn now.
  5. Levi would definitely be the best goalie of 1984
  6. there is an X in the upper right hand corner, you're welcome
  7. I am thankful every day that the Czech league is underscouted because I had Kulich about 5 spots above Östlund.
  8. But again we are changing the parameters. If I time traveled 1983 all stars to 2023 and gave them 2 days of practice in modern equipment and put them out against a college team, they would lose. This isn't the same as saying the worst NHL team would get crushed by the best NCAA team today. That wouldn't happen. The level of competition today is above what was faced then not because back then wasn't good or fun or skilled but because the game has grown.
  9. Grant Fuhr career sv% is .887% but yea... sure if I time traveled him to 2023 he would be better than Devon Levi... right ahuh. You are living in the nostalgic past instead of looking at the truth without your nostalgic glasses on. The best players on any era would not be great today and saying something like this shows the lack of understanding of not only modern training but also the skill level of modern NHL players. The All Star team from 2023 would skate circles around the 1983 all stars, I am not even sure the 1983 all stars would score.
  10. I did your job for you and you ignored it. I expressed with details why your stance was flawed and you ignored it. I took time to show you the moves Adams did make and you ignored it. The bolded is laughably naïve for how an NHL roster gets constructed or how the Sabres roster is constructed. Adams has repeatedly stated in boring old English what he is doing and you have ignored it. You can't just trade or sign for every hole you have. Your argument is so bad that you are now talking about Ullmark again, the guy was a UFA which again you ignore. He wanted to leave and he did. Could Adams have offered him an extra 1, 2, 3 mil to get him to stay, yes but again you keep ignoring what Adams has told you. But this is a distraction, you got proven wrong on the centers by 100% it was shown that your argument was incorrect and Adams was right. But now you have to deflect to a new topic, goaltending. No one who watches this team thinks the goalies are good enough and Adams is responsible for that. You are you are like a chicken playing chess. You strut around, s#!t all over the board, and then yell checkmate.
  11. You are playing by modern rules and the trap doesn't work. Again though think about what Devin Levi is as a goalie and compare him to that 1983 goalie, Levi would run circles around them.
  12. They would. Again, ppl like you and allllll the others in here don't want to look at the objective differences in how the game of hockey has changed from 1983 to 2023. The training, the skills, the tactics. Goalie alone would put the college kids over the top, go watch goalies in 1983, a college team with their pre-shot movement would score regularly and often. There is also this false belief that everyone back then was somehow tougher, IE stronger and they weren't. Denis Savard was 5'10" and 175lbs. Matt Savoie is 5'9" and already 179lbs. Goalies and defenders have become much better and that is why certain era's like the 80's will probably continue to have leading all time scorers. I can think of numerous Gretzky highlights where he just goes around a defender like it is nothing and take a little wrister that the standing goalie doesn't react to. Again, I am not saying he isn't the greatest, I am saying the game has changed. This all gooooooes back to comment comparing a 1983 goalie to today and if I took whatever the best goalie of 1983 was, gave him all the modern equipment and put him in net, dude is getting lit up like a chirstmas tree and clarke griswolds house.
  13. Tell me you don't understand how fast and good modern skaters are compared to the 1980s. The NCAA guys would get concussed and unless the 83 guys are just hooking and grabbing everyone, they would be toast.
  14. You wouldn't make the trade until Thrun and Johnson can sign and then it would be part of the trade. Is he worth a 2nd in 2024, yes. Thrun is probably going to play NHL games so he is worth a late 2nd round pick for sure. Also if you draft a defender in 2024 you then have until what? 2027 before they make the team and 2028 or 2029 before they are useful. All depends on if Adams wants Thrun though, I haven't watched him since the draft but his NCAA numbers look decent.
  15. Give them 2023 equipment and they still lose. Again, the 1983 goalie is going to be destroyed but modern shooting while the 2023 goalie, let's call him Levi is going to be significantly better.
  16. This would be a good guy to flip Johnson for. Johnson is from Cali and Thrun is from Mass. so if you can have both sign with the trading team you are good to go.
  17. Jack Quinn, I am very excited for next year Jack Quinn.
  18. Ok, I am not. Mainly because that is currently a very incomplete metric. Detroit stinks, they are living on borrowed time because they filled a bunch of holes with overpriced UFAs that aren't that good. Chariot is a good example and hate to say it but Copp is another. Their best center and captain is currently set to become a UFA. Buffalo is ahead of Detroit, the standings will show that by the end.
  19. I decided to do your research for you. You couldn't be bothered but I thought, let's take a look. The top UFA centers signed this summer according to spotrac were: Nazem Kadri - 31yrs old signed 7x7 Vincent Trochek - 29yrs old signed 7x5.625 Andrew Copp - 28yrs old signed 5x6.625 Ryan Strome - 29yrs old signed 5x5 Claude Giroux - 34yrs old signed 3x6.5 Patrice Bergeron also signed as a UFA but he was always staying in Boston so let's exclude. Those were the top guys and we should take a quick look at them. Giroux wanted to go home to Ottawa so he was not signable. Ryan Strome has 26pts in 55 games so he that's basically slightly better Jost and again, we aren't tied to Jost (who is younger) for another 5yrs at 5mil. Trochek, a player I do like, he is doing well in NY with 39pts in 54 games but he isn't doing better than Dylan Cozens at 47pts in 52 games and Cozens is signed for slightly more but 7 years younger. Nazem Kadri, who I also like has 40pts in 54 games which isn't bad but he is 31 already and will be 38 when that deal ends so no thank you, not with Cozens only being 29/30 when he next deal ends. Okay so that leaves Andrew Copp, 28pts in 53 games so he is below Cozens while being 6 years older. Signing him then wouldn't make sense. That means that realistically in the UFA market Trochek would have been okay-ish for Buffalo to sign even though I think 7 years is too long. He would be Buffalo's 3rd center which seems like a poor way to structure a roster having 3 centers all tied up to 7 year deals costing you 20mil against the cap but at least there is some logic there. Okay... let's look at the trades because as you said we could trade stuff for things. Bo Horvat... no. That deal is too much money for a guy that is too old and is having the best year he will probably ever have goal scoring wise. Sean Monahan, 28 and in the last year of his deal. He currently makes 6.375 against the cap and is LTIR right now. Before that he had 17pts in 25games which isn't bad at all. Still he would be a ufa so if you traded for him, what's the point? Are you going to sign him to a long term deal? Is he better than Cozens? Probably not at this point. The conclusion here is there wasn't a great fit at center to upgrade this roster. Adding Jost as a waiver pickup was actually very smart and has paid off. This roster currently isn't lacking at center and there are 4 center prospects I can name and 3 of them are first rounders so there is a pipeline too. Adams didn't need to add a center but he did. Claiming whatever it is you are that he is incompetent or doesn't want to win or whatever it is, isn't true and it doesn't deal with the reality of the sport or where this team is at. There is almost no player listed here I would want to invest the money and years in more than I want Cozens or Thompson slotted in as 1st and 2nd center. I have no desire to pay a 3rd line center all that matter either when this team as you have rightly noted lacks defense. Goaltending, we aren't going to agree on. Adams tried and got what he could. The position isn't set and needs upgrades but they aren't happening in season, that's the reality of the NHL.
  20. Go look at their underlying metrics, goal differential, and who is contributing to that teams success. That's why.
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