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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Thompson can only play if team USA drops below 12 forwards.
  2. Donald Trump backs House Republicans budget plan to cut 880 billion from Medicaid and 230 billions from SNAP in order to pay for a massive tax cut to the top 10%. It also has a big raise to the defense budget and curiously for missile defense which I will bet money, is in part earmarked for Elon Musk's Space X company. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/trump-endorses-house-gop-budget-bill-swipe-senate-plan-rcna192791
  3. I would also agree that Trump was not singlehandedly responsible, but he certainly contributed.
  4. You can stop trying to turn this around on me now. What Trump said was not some type of poor wording which is what you are implying. He straight up lied about how the Russian war on Ukraine started and used a regurgitated Russian propaganda point to do it. It wasn't a poor choice, it was a deliberate lie.
  5. It's not a ***** choice of words. He routinely regurgitates Russian propaganda. This is going to be like his Afghanistan deal, a total ***** show. I fully believe that Trump will either back out or refuse to honor NATO and that putin may even get that concession as part of this.
  6. He's going to sell Ukraine out and is already blaming Ukraine for the war Russia started. It's literally a Russian talking point. If Russia goes the ***** home, the war ends. Trumps going to give away tons to appeasement. Won't be surprised if we see an invasion of Poland within 2 years.
  7. My understanding is the Polish hate the Russians.
  8. I personally think trump will bow down to putin because he doesn't care, he just wants the mineral rights and more money. I also reject your insurgency claim. If there are pro Russian Ukrainians, they are already fighting for Russia and should be considered Russians. We'd already be seeing evidence of a insurgency all over Ukraine. It's different than Afghanistan.
  9. DOGE again fires people they shouldn't. It's because they have no ***** clue what they are doing and are just running an algorithm to identify and fire ppl. If this happened under Biden, there would have been wall to wall coverage.
  10. Very much so. He's going to be 20 this year, so I'm curious to see how he does in the AHL.
  11. I wouldn't call Risto fixed. I think Samuelsson has value because he's tall, nhl gms love tall defenders.
  12. Every, single alarm in my brain is firing when I listen to someone like Miller. He get's emotionally angry when questioned about the simplest of things here. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/18/politics/video/doge-leader-elon-musk-stephen-miller-trump-white-house-digvid There's more to this interview but I can't find it its entirety. Miller gets physically angry when questioned about DOGE and goes on a tirade. I apologize for not having the interview in its entirety.
  13. We are in agreement. I think waste is a good thing to locate, I am fairly certain that isn't what DOGE is doing. We won't know fully for several months and maybe not until next year. The consequences of this will have effects that are still not felt.
  14. Tbh, I don't think Trump will defend Poland or all NATO countries. I think that could be part of the negotiations. "Hey, you can take Poland and the Balkans and we'll stay out of it as long as we get our rare earth minerals."
  15. Here are other sources if you prefer: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/5150953-house-democrats-medicaid-cuts/ https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2025/02/18/republicans-eye-cuts-work-requirements-for-medicaid-jeopardizing-care-for-millions/ https://apnews.com/article/medicaid-cuts-work-requirements-congress-republicans-90ec1119f1d95de067c76f79eec7fa87 https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2025/feb/18/democratic-super-pac-sets-sights-gop-medicaid-cut-/ https://www.salon.com/2025/02/16/economists-say-the-budget-would-destroy-medicaid-and-disproportionately-benefit-the-1/ Tried to pull a variety.
  16. They along with the rest of the world basically, put massive sanctions on Russia which has had large impacts on their economy. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60125659 I believe you are saying Russia should be rewarded or at least your attitude seems to be "oh well, sucks for them but wrap it up" Trump is the first world leader of note to speak with Putin since his invasion began. Again, what do you want Trump to do? Accept where-ever the front is now and say "okay Putin, you can keep all that territory and cut us in for half the rare earth minerals and we are good"? because that is where we are headed. That gives Putin the time and space he wants to invade further west, such as Poland. I would bet he gets a concession from Trump that he won't backup NATO considering the rumor that withdrawing troops from the Balkans has already been heavily rumored.
  17. Working with an aggressor to divide up the country they invaded and steal it from the ppl who live there is neither Democratic or what America should stand for. What should they have done?
  18. https://www.thecanadianpressnews.ca/health/republicans-consider-cuts-and-work-requirements-for-medicaid-jeopardizing-care-for-millions/article_0dc1747b-e316-53e2-8bc3-d48f17c6c06d.html Hope you don't have medicaid and I hope you don't use the ACA portals to get healthcare because Republicans plan to destroy both to help fund their tax cuts for billionaires program.
  19. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/doge/top-social-security-official-steps-disagreement-doge-sensitive-data-rcna192530 Explain to me why Elon Musk, a man I did not elect and has no Senate confirmation, is allowed to access my personal information. It isn't about government efficiency, it is about data mining and silencing critics. We are not on the cusp of a crisis, we are in free fall in the middle of a crisis.
  20. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-riyadh-talks-trump-putin-rubio-0c3beebfef5839e9d509ff58239a6bc5 “Should this conflict come to an acceptable end, the incredible opportunities that exist to partner with the Russians geopolitically on issues of common interest and frankly, economically on issues that hopefully will be good for the world and also improve our relations in the long term,” Rubio said." See, it's about money and resources. That's why the European and Ukrainian delegates weren't invited.
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