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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Yes, Hedman actually spent several years after he reached the NHL improving his agility and short area quickness. I see no reason why Novikov needs to worry. Samuelsson for example still needs to work on his footspeed but its NHL average so he is fine most nights.
  2. But you claim that Östlund has catching up to do, I don't understand how we could make that determination when he hasn't played on NA ice yet. I had Kulich above Östlund last year in my rankings but the Sabres didn't, and I don't think they do now. They are probably even in their eyes but Östlund was quite good in the Allsvenskan this season.
  3. This is from 2 years ago but Novikov is 74 in white. He needs to increase his foot speed and agility. I have seen very little of him since his draft but I think he is more physical than Samuelsson. s to
  4. I would disagree. They need to add some defensive prospects sure but it does not have to be early. It can be but you make it sound as though they must and I don't think you should draft like that. Let's say that Ethan Gauthier slides and is there for you at 39 but you took Quintin Musty at 13th, the best defender on the board is ... idk Cam Allen, if I were Buffalo, I take Gauthier and worry about the rest later on. Defenders tend to slide and they tend to be found later in drafts compared to scoring forwards. Draft your board and unless two players are roughly equal, take the one that is most likely to be the best NHL player.
  5. The ranked Östlund above Kulich last year, I don't think they move away from him so quickly.
  6. As I have started my draft board, Mitchkov remains top 4.
  7. Novikov will take a little while to get here. Because of the War on Ukraine, Russians have a more complex path to getting to north America and getting a US work visa. I'd hope we see Novikov at prospects camp but doubt he makes it before then. Good news is that Kisakov showed the Sabres the path so this should go smoother.
  8. Let's say non 1st or 2nd rounder. JJP has been this boards darling for quite some time.
  9. Maybe provide context next time instead of cable news level statements, just a thought. "You are going to the Nashville draft ceremony. And take part in the combine - physical tests before the draft?" Michkov — "I haven't heard anything about the combine. Most likely I won't be there. And I will go to the draft itself at the end of June. I'm just going to watch the ceremony. It happens once in a lifetime. Just wondering. But I can't share my experience yet. I can’t even imagine what will happen there, and what emotions it will be. When I get back, I can tell you what happened there." "Would it be fun for you to get into Washington, where there is Ovechkin, Kuznetsov, Alekseev, and now Miroshnichenko? You and Vanya Miroshnichenko played for the national team together." Michkov — "Yes, that would be great. But not everything depends on me. As fate wills, so be it. You just have to be ready for everything. It's probably too early for me to think about America. I am in Russia now. I will do everything possible to gain a foothold in the SKA. This is my main and main task. And my future plans - America or not America - are in my secondary roles. I need to prove myself in Russia. I have to succeed as a player. Score more, give more, benefit the team more." https://matchtv-ru.translate.goog/hockey/matchtvnews_NI1889377_Matvej_Michkov_Mne_jeshhe_rano_dumat_ob_Amerike_Moja_glavnaja_zadacha__zakrepitsa_v_sostave_SKA?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  10. @Turbo44 Not exactly. The way it works is that you have to be 20 on or before December 31st of the season to be sent to the AHL from your NHL club IF and ONLY IF you are a OHL, WHL, QMJHL player (this really impacts Savoie who has a Jan 1 bday). However, if you have played 4 qualifying seasons in one of the Canadian Jr leagues you can also be sent if you don't meet the age requirement. Savoie does not meet the 4 season requirement. There is also 1 more caveat to all of this, if your jr. team has finished play for the season you can be assigned to an AHL roster for the remainder of that season since the purpose is to make sure jr players still play for their jr teams. Once your jr team is done for the year, Buffalo for example, could assign any of those jr players to the AHL. If Savoie's team is eliminated, aka their season is over, then Buffalo is allowed to assign Savoie to the AHL. Will you be 20 before Jan 1, if no you go to jrs. Are you not 20 before Jan 1 and your jr team is still playing, if yes you go to jrs. Are you not 20 before Jan 1 and your jr team has finished its season, if yes you are eligible to be assigned to an AHL roster. Are you going to be 20 before Jan 1, if yes your NHL team can assign you to either jrs or an AHL roster. Final note, your NHL club can assign a player under 20 by the date to their own NHL roster. There is no age requirement after you qualify for the NHL draft of course (18 on or before Sept 15th). If I messed anything else, someone please correct.
  11. I can't think of 10 Miles Woods posts but I can think of 10 Patrick Kane threads.
  12. @Eleven you're using the term draft strategy wrong. It's like when anyone says tank anymore, no meaning, just a buzzword.
  13. Signing or not signing Ryan Johnson has no impact on the 2023 Sabres Draft strategy. Your point makes no logical sense, Ryan Johnson being signed isn't changing the Sabres draft list. I don't understand your response at all. Ryan Johnson does not impact the 2023 draft in any way.
  14. No it doesn't. This team should use that pick in a trade anyways to get a younger top 4 defender. If they don't make that trade it has no impact on draft strategy. You're conflating draft strategy with other non related things.
  15. Johnson signing or not should have 0 impact on the Sabres draft strategy. If it does, we should be deeply concerned.
  16. I'll answer. Greenway gets 12 in olofsson's 3rd line spot. Quinn gets 7 more, jjp gets 7 more. Done. I don't think any of this is even difficult. 19 and 21 total goals for jjp and Quinn seems easily in reach. Olofsson is replaceable, that's where Buffalo is at in the build.
  17. My apology then, I don't often use Hockey DB because of elite prospects. I'm clearly in need of a break. Yes
  18. No he isn't. Pellikka is taller and heavier than Bryson. Why say this without taking the 2 seconds needed to verify? Bryson 5'9" 179lbs Pellikka 5'11" 181lbs
  19. I think Adams knows the defense isn't good enough and will fix it. Goaltending is a harder issue. I predict next year the Sabres finish above a wild card spot.
  20. I call *****. The youngest team in the league missed the playoffs by 1 win but you are saying that they won't improve next year. Seems highly unlikely and if they add the correct D, that could easily get you another win. Levi doesn't have to stand on his head, he has to be league average. I don't get your takes anymore, it just feels that like since Adams got here in a way you don't like, you'll continue to claim this team can't succeed.
  21. This is almost the exact lineup I posted 2 last week. What step is that? Making the playoffs?
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