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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. "random country that has not fought a war in 30 or 40 years" which was both incorrect and him putting his foot in his mouth with Britain and France taking offense.
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cly28qvp83pt US is pulling intelligence assistance from Ukraine because the United States supports and is aligned with the Russian State. Russia is delighted by what has happened, in fact they are very very happy with the outcome. The US is isolating itself from allies, it has caught off all aid to Ukraine, and it is openly talking about leaving NATO. So you tell me, how is Trump not a Russian supporter? Russia wants to take apart the West and carve it up into a new empire. That agenda has been advanced rapidly by Trump because he aligns with it. He wants to carve up the West as well. He wants Canada, Greenland, Panama. He wants access to Ukraine and thinks the Russians will give it to him. Putin plays Trump like the little bitch Trump is. You flatter him and tell him his clothes look nice and swear fealty and Trump will cuddle right up to you. The US economy is rapidly imploding. Our standing on the world stage is permanently changed and we are no longer viewed as the leaders of the Western World. Donald Trump likes Vladimir Putin better than he does the ***** Canadians. The United States is now more aligned with Russia, a brutal oligarchical dictatorship, than it is with the freedom and principles of a democracy. The chances of us having a free and fair election is doubtful, Trump will use and employ Putin's ideology to stay in power. We are descending into Christian fascism. Don't believe me, go listen to ppl like JD Vance, MTG, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and project 2025. I didn't make this up, and I am not a conspiracy theorist. They literally have said it and wrote it down.
  3. Trump supports and is aligned with Putin. If Putin tells him to, Trump will find a pretext to do it, he is already laying the groundwork. JD Vance's diplomacy towards Europe has pushed every single country there away from the United States. The US government is now run by Putin supporters and lickspittles.
  4. Kevyn rolling into work Friday:
  5. I said bluntly Kevyn was a liar when he lied about the coaching search. I was largely called out for it but low and behold, Adams lied about it. He's the guy who does what Terry wants and I think only randomly do we get to see others push through their ideas. For example, I think the McLeod trade is the analytics departments idea but I also bet they sold it by contrasting the 6'2" center to the 5'9" winger and that is what got Terry on board. "Hey terry we should trade Savoie because we already got Benson who is just better Savoie and we could get this 6'2" center instead, sound good? Here's a nice Pinot Noir while you think it over."
  6. Kevyn Adams is basically a lame duck GM.
  7. The Sabres are faster, more skilled, more experienced, and their defense is better than Rochesters
  8. Europe has 2 years roughly. They need to hit fast forward now. Anything west of Oder river is going to be open to Putin when Trump exits NATO.
  9. Terry's a mich ultra guy Edit: actually red wine 🍷
  10. Yea and you can just watch the news to see that these days.
  11. Sabres. It wouldn't be that close. This is like when ppl say the Ohio State Natty team would beat the Titans. They wouldn't. Each level you go up the talent compresses.
  12. Zach Benson on the 4th line Marty Wilford isn't good.
  13. Every time Ruff puts Quinn back with Cozens, I'm reminded that Ruff isn't the guy for the job.
  14. Canada could build refineries outside Quebec or even Hamilton and ship oil straight out the St Lawrence. Would only be blocked for maybe a month a year with ice. Hell, they could just send ice beakers in front of tankers, doesn't even get that cold anymore.
  15. If I had to bet on who's right, this board or the Sabres, I'm choosing us.
  16. Yup NY, Minnesota, and Michigan will be not hard by it. Trump wants Canada to become the 51st state, he'll apply pressure until it happens.
  17. True. If Europe and other nations want to, they could pick up the drop in trade and increase exports to Canada.
  18. The US economy is about 29ish trillion. The Canadian, about 2 trillion so I'd have to guess the US could inflict enough financial damage to Canada to economically destroy them.
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