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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. If I have reason to believe Hellebuyck is happy to join us, the pick isn’t costing us Wright, Slavkovsky, Nemec, or Cooley, then absolutely. He’s among the best goalies in hockey and should continue to be for another 6-8 years. He helps us now and down the road, we will have the cap space to re-sign him and the type of up and coming team that he should be happy to play for.
  2. In the NHL, you score, you get paid. I would surprised if you could find an arbitration-eligible player who has produced as much as Victor has the past 3 years who signed for less than $4 million per, especially with term. You can find many who got more. Victor has averaged close to 24 goals and 54 points per 82 games over his career. He had 14 points in his first 14 games this year, and 11 in his past 15. And he had 10 in 30 in between. Does the middle 30 represent a red flag, or an opportunity to sign him for less than what he’s worth?
  3. He does need to get physically stronger. He’s also putting up 3 points every 2 games in a league where the competition is as big and tough as the competition in the NHL. If he’s 1/3 as effective in the NHL, he’s still a 40-point scorer. Im not sure people realize how productive he’s been.
  4. Cozens with transition game and abrasiveness, Krebs with the passing, Quinn the finisher. All three pushing the pace, possessing multiple tools, and in possession of top 6 talent. Elements of pretty special line there in the future.
  5. I’m not sure you can ignore the fact that the Lightning have been just as much about offensive depth and elite goaltending as they have about star power. And I’m perfectly comfortable with the possibility of Cozens and Dahlin matching Toews and Keith. Kane is the element we don’t have. Main point of your post is spot on.
  6. It feels like a lifetime since the Sabres felt like this: management that gets it; players that earn it; And four of the most memorable games of the past decade within weeks of each other. The Eichel return. The outdoor game. The Chicago comeback. And then last night. I literally choked up in the ceremony. The game was everything hockey is meant to be. The epilogue a rare collision of joy and peace. It’s been a long time since everything just felt right about being a Sabresfan. Its been flickering all season; this sense that the seeds are there and something worthwhile is growing, something worth cultivating, something worth investing hope and awakening dulled passions. Thank you Kevyn Adams for giving me my team back.
  7. I thought it back in October as well: Eakin looks like an NHL player with KO and Z. Not “good” but not “why is he dressed?”, like he does with Bjork and Hayden.
  8. I think there’s a bit of chicken-or-egg to this. Players like Kopitar, O’Reilly and Bergeron attained superstar status by winning the cup; it’s why people regard them as highly as they do. The best example of this would be Johnathan Toews.
  9. Josie don't come around here no more so I doubt she sees this, but more outstanding work. Hope someone adopts this as their avatar
  10. I know, the post was supposed to be saying that views are coloured by what Dahlin seemed to be 2 years ago, when what is more relevant is what he will be 2 years from now. As far as Tuch goes, might be a great captain. Might also just be a great guy. The two aren’t the same. I think the culture shift started with Granato/Adams and I am starting to think they understand and value culture enough that I should trust their choice.
  11. I wonder how much of this comes from your perception of the polite deferential 19-year-old Dahlin rather than the competitive, confident 23-year-old Dahlin. Undoubtedly there is a transition happening. You can see he is definitely taking charge on the ice and to listen to those around the team that is also happening on the bench and in the room. From his own mouth, this is the first year he has started to assert the real him.
  12. Wednesday’s episode with Marty Wilford is a must-listen, particularly towards the end. Listening to the genuine excitement Marty has for his players -both their skill and their character - is infectious. I think the culture shift we’re feeling is real.
  13. Not sure where the official cutoff for U20 is, but Quinn was 20 a few weeks prior to the start of the AHL season. JJ (and Holtz)is 4 months younger, not turning 20 until January. Quinn may not qualify.
  14. Anderson has been a good guy and good enough to win. Each of which has obscured the fact that he hasn’t been actually good. We need better and the idea that Adams wants him back is troubling if the intention is to make UPL his running mate. We need more.
  15. I agree fully with both points. Don’t sell JJ short as being that guy right now. His game style fits. And prospects who put up point-a-game point totals in the AHL are typically deemed ready for the jump.
  16. I’m pretty sure the reason there is no captain now is because Adams wants a player(s) to emerge from the young core. One will be named when they are convinced one has.
  17. Just to clarify: Under contract: Tage Mitts Cozens Skinner Tuch VO Asplund Okposo Girgs Krebs Bjork UFA: Eakin Hinostroza Hayden Caggiula So there are technically NHL 4 spots open next year, 5 if you are like me and think Bjork is vulnerable. Peterka would rank behind Quinn and ahead of R2 and Murray in the race for those spots. Of course his position will change based on what other moves they make, but right now he is on the team.
  18. I’d say this is fair. It is interesting how much more often Ras moves the puck to Casey then he did to Krebs. Seems like there is a greater trust factor there. But the threat of a healthy Vic complementing Tage, and Dahlin getting to choose when and how seems like the best option.
  19. Hard judge. Pretty sure Mitts first game replacing Krebs on the top PP was Friday against Washington. PP has gone 3/7 since.
  20. Yeah, I’m not sure where the Casey bashing is coming from. Definitely among our most effective forwards last night. His tracking in the O-zone and the backcheck was excellent, as was his puckhandling in the O-zone. He was hard on the puck on offence and defence. 🤷
  21. What I’d do: Acquire the best goalie I can on a 3-year term or less, for Florida’s 1st or less Acquire a legit defensively strong 2nd pair RHD for Victor Olofsson Re-sign Hinostroza, Pysyk, Caggiula Sign Nick Deslauriers and Andrew Copp or reasonable facsimiles thereof Promote UPL, Power and Quinn, leave the door open for Peterka to join them. Move on from Tokarski, Anderson, Bjork, Miller, Butcher, Eakin, Hayden
  22. I think most would have to agree the current .700+ level of play is highly unlikely. What is more pertinent is what is closer to the truth: the 13/21/7 team from the first half, or the 11/12/3 since? Have they improved because the young players have gotten better, the damaged players have gotten healthy and the coaching has sunk in, which is sustainable? Or is it because of being loose and taken for granted? By watching them, I'd say the former, and I do expect it to continue trending in a positive direction. Which is not the same as being a "good" team next year.
  23. Roenick is still steamed for losing his job, and, like many in similar situations, has doubled down on blaming others.
  24. These things are all true. What is also true is that the past three years they were also true and we lost anyway.
  25. The play of Mitts/VO/Aspy hasn’t been getting enough attention over the recent run. With the front line showing some inconsistency, it has more than compensated. One of the best things about this current forward lineup is that I actually don’t have to check out or just hang on when certain lines come over the boards. They all have players who can make plays. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve felt that way.
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