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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. You make me smile. But I still like Gibson. I'd even sacrifice two pizza logs.
  2. Not exactly. Two separate thoughts. i am saying those are assets I would explore trading in order to solve our goaltending problems. I am also saying Gibson is a goalie I have interest in. I would hope the price on Gibson is lower than that given his recent play and his contract.
  3. I think it would be best for many of you to set your expectations at Tyler Myers. That way you might be pleasantly surprised, because that’s probably his floor.
  4. Which is why I think he might be a good reclamation project because he’s talented, we have cap space and the purchase price might not be huge. Your mileage may vary. Your post though supports my earlier one: I’m not sure that there are any goalies out there who check the boxes of affordable, available, short-term and good. It’s pick your wart.
  5. I get that there’s nuance, but it’s not really special treatment. At the base, it’s you can be a UFA at 4 years if you’re willing to wait. Dylan Cozens could have played 2 years in Lethbridge and 2 in Switzerland then signed with the Bruins. At its most basic level, it’s not different than what Portillo could do: put off NHL money in order to play where he wants.
  6. The lack of options in this thread that are available, affordable, short-term and “good guys” has basically resigned me to the likelihood that we will be looking at an Anderson/UPL duo next year with either Subban or Tokarski as insurance. It’s a ***** option, but under the parameters Adams has drawn for himself, it might be the best one. My preference would be to put the Florida pick + Portillo on the table for a veteran and see if we can scare up a better option (John Gibson). Or to dramatically overpay for Fleury or Kuemper short-term. I doubt either materializes. I think we remain in goalie purgatory until Levi saves us.
  7. So basically, the college kids have more options and are more likely to explore those options, just like in real life?
  8. Correct me if I’m wrong, but (generally speaking) when you draft a kid from the CHL, you get 2 years to sign him. If you don’t, he goes back into the draft. If he’s not re-drafted, he becomes a UFA. If he is drafted, you get another fixed period to sign him. So, theoretically, unless there is some nuance Im missing, a CHL kid can do exactly what a college kid can: wait 4 years and pick any team he wants. Wonder why it never happens.
  9. Interesting to hear Dahlin say he is good friends with Portillo and say “it’s his decision and I’m not going to get into that” when asked about why Portillo didn’t sign. ”He’s a good dude and I’m excited about his future.” About as vague as anything else we’ve heard, but it’s interesting to know he and Ras are buddies.
  10. I don't think JJ is a star in the making — I more picture middle-six — but I do think his skill set is such that he could develop into a player that could end up in one of several different roles. His attitude is such that his defence is nothing that won't improve with experience.
  11. I don't think there is any question Jokiharju is a better defenceman right now than Pysyk. And I don't mean more talented, I mean he defends better, he transitions better and he attacks better. Over the season Pysyk has proven to be what he has been the past few years: a low-risk 6-7 who gets exposed against better players and with overuse.
  12. I've been waiting on Dahlin/Mule since draft day 2018. Bryson is fine on the 3rd pair. Fitzy I'm getting worried about; courage and effort can only take you so far.
  13. No. We're really not connecting on this. The 13th forward plays virtually every game because of injuries. I expect a healthy JJP to play 75ish games and hope that he'll be able to move his way up the roster as the season progresses.
  14. The idea of Quinn/Krebs/Cozens as Afinogenvo/Vanek/Roy next year intrigues me. The MItts and Cozens lines stay the same, upgrade Eakin for the checking line, Peterka plays up and down the lineup as the 13th forward, probably ends up pushing past people as the year progresses.
  15. Beniers headlines a run of college ELC signings this morning after players "take the weekend to think about it." Fingers crossed Johnson may join them.
  16. College degrees while holding down a regular job are not that difficult? Professional hockey players are basically on vacation from April to September? Erik Portillo should plan his life around your priorities?
  17. Let's say he can do one year of schooling part-time every two years while playing pro. This way he gets his degree 3 years from now instead of 5. And yes, he may return for his senior season in order to get it done in 2 years instead of 3. What about this doesn't make sense?
  18. I have no idea what his goals are. That was kinda my point. I know he is in the Michigan business program and I know it would be easier to progress in his education as a full-time student rather than as a professional hockey player.
  19. Nothing new though, post-frozen 4, or post decision?
  20. First off, you don’t know you are handicapping a player. Some are comfortable on their off-hand. Generalities are useful in big picture discussions, but what matters is this specific instance. Secondly, what’s important is what’s best for the team. Johnson might be a 78% player on LD and a 71% player on RD, but if that means he is our 4LD and our 2RD, you play him on RD.
  21. LGR already pointed out the downside. Beyond that, what if his life goals are to get his Michigan MBA, win the frozen 4 and to be a starting goalie in the NHL? What if he’s got a great relationship with the Sabres and sees no established #1 or #2 in their system? What if he’s decided he can pursue the first 2 now with the door still wide-open for the third a year from now with an organization he feels comfortable with? Im not saying you’re wrong; I’m certain people around him will give him your advice, just as people around him almost certainly advised him to sign with Buffalo right now. I am saying people are going to do what’s best for them and their values and preferences are not ours. I would hope that if he intends to explore UFA, he will have told the Sabres about his intentions. We will just have to wait and see.
  22. I see this a lot about Johnson. Disagree. He will have a spot on the team if he is one of our 5 best defenceman, regardless of what hand he plays. And he should become one of our 5 best defencemen. Different player, but his ceiling is similar to Mule.
  23. Last time I checked Krebs, Tuch, Quinn and JJ already have contracts. No you aren’t going to carry 15 forwards on the NHL roster. Yes, assuming good health someone might have to get waived. You’re nearly there. He wouldn’t be signing him “for Rochester” he’d be signing him for the 15-60 games he’s going to be needed in Buffalo. The Sabres dressed 22 forwards this year. 18 of them played at least 18 games.
  24. The difficulty was these threads is that in the absence of real information, people are free to fill in the blanks with whatever they want. It will play itself out. Until it does…🤷
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